261 Insightful Quotes By Zooey Deschanel, The Author Of A Tale Of Two Besties
Zooey Deschanel is an American actress, model and singer. She loves picnics, clothes and singing. While in school, she dreamed of becoming a Broadway singer or a child actor and pestered her parents for allowing her to take auditions. In her interviews, she has spoken extensively about her childhood, mentioning funny incidents that make you smile automatically. Now an established actor and singer-songwriter, her aim is to make “people feel like they are not alone.” For her, “that’s just the greatest feeling”. In interviews, she has talked freely about what actually led her to become an actor or what she thinks about feminism. Let us now go through some of her quotes, which reveal to us her views on many important aspects including heartbreaks, weight loss and coffee.

I've been watching a lot of Joni Mitchell YouTube clips and I can't believe her transformation from this folk singer in Canada.

I actually did a lot of improvised movies or movies that were partially improvised.

I would say I know nothing about the music business, in a nice sort of way. I totally forgot I was in that music video. That's so funny.

Blossoming and unfolding are basically the same thing, but blossoming is more romantic.

I finally figured out how to read origami directions.

After staring at origami directions long enough, you sort of become one with them and start understanding them from the inside.

I have a music career as well, so I was going to either be an actress or a musician. Then, I did both. But, I was always going to do something creative.

I've always had a really great time being in movies and writing music when I get home. The more creative I am, the more it feeds into other creative aspects of my life.

I'm not playing a comedy. I want to be playing the truth of the moment, and then have the comedy come out.

I'm not cynical about love at all. I'm very practical. I think love takes up a lot of time.

It's really fun to say no sometimes. I just don't want to discount how fun it is to say no and exercise your right to say no, and - as a girl - it's important to know how to say no... and that no means no!

I think good actors tend to be really funny.

There are a million examples of not feeling the jazz, but using the jazz.

I'm always interested in hearing how other people read and react to my songs. I hadn't thought of it in just that way.

One of the things I love about doing things that are creative is that I feel like it's my right as an artist not to be affected by the reactions of those people that are going to hear my songs.

I don't thrive in a word-perfect environment.

It can make you a little crazy when you are too connected to a product.

I also feel like it's the right of the people hearing them to have their own interpretations of what these songs mean. Sometimes people will see things that I don't see.

I already have the weird experience of having a name for myself personally that's connected to someone that's in the public eye. So you have me, Zooey Deschanel, and then there's Zooey Deschanel's public persona.

I'm not really that interested in pandering to an audience of people that are going to judge me before they hear me. If they hear it and don't like it, that's totally fine.

I feel like making music because - and this has much to do with the way I was able to make this record - there's more of myself in it.

I'll write and make chords with my voice sometimes if I don't have an instrument even though it takes a million times longer.

I don't like to plan harmonies too much, because there's something fun that happens when you just sing a pass, then sing another pass, and layer them on top of each other.

Writing music is really personal, and it's a really exciting thing to participate in because represents the full creative process: It feels like something is coming from nothing.

In making a movie, you're part of a big machine. Even in a small movie there are still so many people involved in the process, and it costs so much money to make.

I've always been really picky about roles and make a point of reminding myself that it's not about the money - because, obviously, there's a lot of money to be made in this business if you're willing to do anything.

I don't have control over what's on screen, and that's terrifying.

I can't even remember the first time I started singing.

I'm always trying to do stuff I haven't done before or challenge myself so I'm not resting on my laurels all of the time because if I just found my little niche and never left it, I'd be pretty boring, I think.

I'm a person who gets better with practice. Getting older is awesome - because you get more practice.