105 Motivational Quotes By Yolanda Foster For The Fighter In You
Yolanda Foster is an illustrious Dutch-American former model and television personality. She is best-known for her performance in ‘The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.’ She modelled for fifteen years before settling down with Mohamed Hadid with whom she had three children. They parted ways after six years of marriage. In 2017, she published her memoir titled ‘Believe Me: My Battle with the Invisible Disability of Lyme Disease.’ Have a look at some quotes by Yolanda Foster on love, life, friendship, family, children, blessing, forgiveness, God, faith, challenges, awareness, health, heritage, power, soul, perfection, work, patience, will, etc.

If you have something to say about somebody, look the person in the eye and say it.

If I was dead broke and had to feed my three children. I'd do anything.

I like to have fun, but I don't play games.

Don't tell me you're my friend. Act like one.

'F - k you' is not really the best way to articulate how you feel.

You don't really know what your children are made of until the mommy engine of the family shuts down, and they are forced to step up and become the care-takers.

While the majority of my career has relied on my aesthetics and how I look, I worked hard at keeping a spiritual connection with what was most important, what is inside me.

When the chips are down, life forces you to take inventory and reevaluate the people in your life.

When struggling to get out of bed in the morning due to pain and exhaustion, the last thing on the priority list is going to get a blow dry.

When done with heart, commitment, and integrity, every job is equally important.

We who suffer from chronic Lyme can only ask for our loved ones to try to understand and be compassionate about this invisible disease.

We are all blessed to be on the Bravo train because it's a fantastic platform for meeting new people, getting our messages out there, and connecting with fans around the world.

Unfortunately but absolutely fair to all, the one thing money can't buy is health - and happiness.

Trash talk is poisonous and a bad habit!

Trash talk is dangerous, especially when it comes from hearsay.

There is very little magic in the world of the chronically ill.

There is nothing harder for me than to sit at the sideline, not being able to be productive.

There are many different shapes of friendships to be had.

The tabloids so easily throw people under the bus for a one-day sensation on the newsstand but sadly don't care about the long-term damage it does to those involved.

The Lyme disease had so severely affected my brain functioning that it was extremely hard for me to think, form sentences, and stay focused.

The life of any chronically ill person becomes extremely isolating.

The Lakers and the Clippers teams play against each other; friends shouldn't.

The core of people don't change... what you see is what you get.

The ALS ice bucket challenge was really the most brilliant publicity stunt of 2014, and it has brought worldwide awareness for a barely-known disease.

Some people come into our life as a blessing, while others come into our life as a lesson, so love them for who they are instead of judging them for who they are not.

Since losing my health, I also feel strongly about making each new day worthwhile.

Religion is a very sensitive subject and reason for wars all over the world.

People probably perceive me as a bit boring because I am a little slow in the humor department, but it's just hard for me to get jokes when they're told in English. I am always the last one to get it.

Nothing better than a good laugh and giggling over a whole bunch of nothing.

Nobody likes to be judged, including me, but I am the first to say that I am far from perfect.