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23 Thought-Provoking Quotes By Yasser Arafat

Famous As: 1st President of the Palestinian National Authority
Born On: 1929
Died On: 2004
Born In: Cairo
Died At Age: 75
Yasser Arafat was a Palestinian political leader. From 1969 to 2004, he served as the chairman of the ‘Palestine Liberation Organization’ (PLO). From 1994 to 2004, he was also the President of the ‘Palestinian National Authority.’ He received the ‘Nobel Peace Prize’ in 1994 along with Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin for the negotiations in Oslo. Following is a compendium of famous sayings by Yasser Arafat which has been excerpted from his interviews, speeches and public utterances. Let’s have a look at some popular quotes by Yasser Arafat on peace, friendship, religion, military, war, destiny, people, generation, sacrifice, death, victory, struggle, world, goal, administration, Israel, Palestine, government, Jerusalem, etc
Listed In:
In order to obtain the goal of returning to Palestine, all of us sometimes have to grit our teeth.

In order to obtain the goal of returning to Palestine, all of us sometimes have to grit our teeth.

Yasser Arafat
I'm a man of history. My vision is guiding me, my clear vision. It is not by chance that the currents of peace are increasing daily inside Israel.

I'm a man of history. My vision is guiding me, my clear vision. It is not by chance that the currents of peace are increasing daily inside Israel.

Yasser Arafat
I swear to God, I will see [the Palestinian state], whether as a martyr or alive. Please, God, give me the honor of becoming a martyr in the fight for Jerusalem.

I swear to God, I will see [the Palestinian state], whether as a martyr or alive. Please, God, give me the honor of becoming a martyr in the fight for Jerusalem.

Yasser Arafat
I know the American administration is trying to refurbish its image after Irangate, especially in the Middle East and among their friends in this area. No doubt about it. We are following it.

I know the American administration is trying to refurbish its image after Irangate, especially in the Middle East and among their friends in this area. No doubt about it. We are following it.

Yasser Arafat
I have a solution. I agree for the United Nations forces to be on the borders between me and them for any period of time. Okay? Ezer Weizman challenged me a few days ago to accept an Israeli - Palestinian confederation.

I have a solution. I agree for the United Nations forces to be on the borders between me and them for any period of time. Okay? Ezer Weizman challenged me a few days ago to accept an Israeli - Palestinian confederation.

Yasser Arafat
I had support - I had started it, not to forget.

I had support - I had started it, not to forget.

Yasser Arafat
I come bearing an olive branch in one hand, and the freedom fighter's gun in the other. Do not let the olive branch fall from my hand.

I come bearing an olive branch in one hand, and the freedom fighter's gun in the other. Do not let the olive branch fall from my hand.

Yasser Arafat
I am not receiving orders from Ariel Sharon.

I am not receiving orders from Ariel Sharon.

Yasser Arafat
I am not Mr. Chairman. I am His Excellency, the President of Palestine.

I am not Mr. Chairman. I am His Excellency, the President of Palestine.

Yasser Arafat
I am convinced that our people are now on the way to establishing a Palestinian state. The agreement signed in Cairo is the first step in establishing the state, and therefore it should be implemented.

I am convinced that our people are now on the way to establishing a Palestinian state. The agreement signed in Cairo is the first step in establishing the state, and therefore it should be implemented.

Yasser Arafat
Find what strength you have to terrorize your enemy and the enemy of God.

Find what strength you have to terrorize your enemy and the enemy of God.

Yasser Arafat
Do not let the olive branch fall from my hand.

Do not let the olive branch fall from my hand.

Yasser Arafat
Choose your friends carefully. Your enemies will choose you.

Choose your friends carefully. Your enemies will choose you.

Yasser Arafat
Anyone who relinquishes a single inch of Jerusalem is neither an Arab nor a Muslim.

Anyone who relinquishes a single inch of Jerusalem is neither an Arab nor a Muslim.

Yasser Arafat
All religious wars are about people arguing over who has the biggest invisible friend.

All religious wars are about people arguing over who has the biggest invisible friend.

Yasser Arafat

Did you follow what [General Yehoshafat] Harkabi wrote? Formerly of the Israeli military intelligence service. Remember him? Did you follow what he wrote? He said that it was for the sake of the existence of Israel that we have to accept the rights of the Palestinians to have their independent state.

Yasser Arafat

Even if only one guerilla cub survives the prolonged struggle, I am confident that he will raise the flag of Palestine overJerusalem... Jerusalem is destined to be the eternal capital of our sovereign, independent Palestinian state under the P.L.O. leadership.

Yasser Arafat

I am challenging Ezer Weizman to accept the democratic state where both of us can live in this democratic state. What confederation? No. One democratic state. He declared one offer, I am declaring the other offer. With two communities.

Yasser Arafat

I am looking to have a place under the sun for our new generations to live in peace far away from repression, from terrorism, to live as human beings freely in this free world. That is what I am looking for. I am not asking for the moon. I am asking for the United Nations legality to be implemented.

Yasser Arafat

I send my condolences, and the condolences of the Palestinian people to American President Bush and his government and to the American people for this terrible act....We completely condemn this serious operation.... We were completely shocked.... It's unbelievable, unbelievable, unbelievable.

Yasser Arafat

I want to tell Carter and Begin that when the Arabs set off their volcano there will be only Arabs in this part of the world... Our people will continue to fuel the torch of the revolution with rivers of blood until the whole of the occupied homeland is liberated, the whole of the homeland is liberated, not just a part of it.

Yasser Arafat

If there is any Arab problem we can solve it inside the Arab League. But we are going to deal with the other side, with the Israelis.... It is not me who will decide who will invite, to speak frankly. It is not me, it is not the Arab side, it is not the Israelis who will decide who will invite.

Yasser Arafat

In 1982, when Alexander Haig and [Ariel] Sharon put this plan to invade the south of Lebanon and Beirut, they imagined that in two or three or five days, they can demolish the PLO and destroy its infrastructure. What happened? The longest Arab - Israeli confrontation.

Yasser Arafat