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217 Awesome Quotes By Winona Ryder That Will Make You Fall In Love With Her

Famous As: Actress Best Known for Her Films: 'Beetlejuice', 'The Age of Innocence' and 'Little Women'
Born On: 1971
Born In: Winona, Minnesota, United States
Age: 52 Years

Winona Ryder wanted to be just a normal girl, flirting with a normal guy. Instead, she became an iconic star, whom “weird people follow” on the street and who “can’t sit alone in a restaurant or a café and read a book in peace”.  In her long acting career, Ryder has accumulated a huge cache of experiences and in interviews she has talked about them freely, acknowledging that she has been blessed with good and supportive friends. Let us now take a look at some of her notable quotes, in which she has not only talked about her life; but also on various subjects like finding good roles, her love for books, marriage and divorce, motherhood, aging and dressing.

People don't realise how much tension they hold in their forearms.

People don't realise how much tension they hold in their forearms.

Winona Ryder
I would never give advice, because I would feel very presumptuous.

I would never give advice, because I would feel very presumptuous.

Winona Ryder
The 1980s was the era of the blonde cheerleader.

The 1980s was the era of the blonde cheerleader.

Winona Ryder
I want to be a good friend, a good sister, a good person and a good actress.

I want to be a good friend, a good sister, a good person and a good actress.

Winona Ryder
Honestly, if it wasn't for 'Beetlejuice,' where would I be? That movie was a big thing for me.

Honestly, if it wasn't for 'Beetlejuice,' where would I be? That movie was a big thing for me.

Winona Ryder
I was unusual looking - I didn't have the look of that time. If you look at 'Lucas' - and, basically, my first five or six movies - the characters are not described in the scripts as attractive people.

I was unusual looking - I didn't have the look of that time. If you look at 'Lucas' - and, basically, my first five or six movies - the characters are not described in the scripts as attractive people.

Winona Ryder
I feel a little stronger than people perceive me.

I feel a little stronger than people perceive me.

Winona Ryder
My problems seemed so glamorous to other people, and everyone just thought I was so lucky. But then, I was lucky because my family was really there for me - San Francisco was a real refuge.

My problems seemed so glamorous to other people, and everyone just thought I was so lucky. But then, I was lucky because my family was really there for me - San Francisco was a real refuge.

Winona Ryder
I approached work very seriously. I never went out. I couldn't fathom people who could go out to clubs... I mean, if I had a 6 A.M. call, I had to be prepared. I had to be in bed at a certain hour.

I approached work very seriously. I never went out. I couldn't fathom people who could go out to clubs... I mean, if I had a 6 A.M. call, I had to be prepared. I had to be in bed at a certain hour.

Winona Ryder
Even though I never really had to pound the pavement as an actor, I always worked really hard. But, at the same time, I always felt like people thought that I didn't have to struggle even though I was struggling.

Even though I never really had to pound the pavement as an actor, I always worked really hard. But, at the same time, I always felt like people thought that I didn't have to struggle even though I was struggling.

Winona Ryder
I don't have a director's mind.

I don't have a director's mind.

Winona Ryder
In real life, and for women everywhere, no matter what their job is, your 30s and your 40s and beyond should be celebrated.

In real life, and for women everywhere, no matter what their job is, your 30s and your 40s and beyond should be celebrated.

Winona Ryder
I'm part of the crew obsessed with 'The Wire.' Like, I'm not over that yet.

I'm part of the crew obsessed with 'The Wire.' Like, I'm not over that yet.

Winona Ryder
As a teenager, I worked on Indian reservations, and it was such an incredible culture: the elders are so respected.

As a teenager, I worked on Indian reservations, and it was such an incredible culture: the elders are so respected.

Winona Ryder
My favourite performances are by actresses like Bette Davis in 'All About Eve' or Gena Rowlands in pretty much anything - performances that have nothing to do with age.

My favourite performances are by actresses like Bette Davis in 'All About Eve' or Gena Rowlands in pretty much anything - performances that have nothing to do with age.

Winona Ryder
It was hard to find that transition to adult roles.

It was hard to find that transition to adult roles.

Winona Ryder
There are certain directors who will start talking to you about something, and suddenly you'll be ready to roll, and you'll realize it was very specific.

There are certain directors who will start talking to you about something, and suddenly you'll be ready to roll, and you'll realize it was very specific.

Winona Ryder
The Duffers can be super articulate or very straight to the point. I was really impressed with how they were with each other.

The Duffers can be super articulate or very straight to the point. I was really impressed with how they were with each other.

Winona Ryder
Usually, the roles that you get offered that are the mom roles are very much the mom role.

Usually, the roles that you get offered that are the mom roles are very much the mom role.

Winona Ryder
Some people go to L.A. just to see recognizable people. There are tour buses. But in New York, everyone seems a little less into that.

Some people go to L.A. just to see recognizable people. There are tour buses. But in New York, everyone seems a little less into that.

Winona Ryder
I'm just coming from a more personal - and, I guess, more nostalgic - point of view.

I'm just coming from a more personal - and, I guess, more nostalgic - point of view.

Winona Ryder
My home is San Francisco - that is definitely what I consider my home.

My home is San Francisco - that is definitely what I consider my home.

Winona Ryder
I've always been super-private and protective of certain experiences and certain friends.

I've always been super-private and protective of certain experiences and certain friends.

Winona Ryder
One of my worst fears is being a self-indulgent person.

One of my worst fears is being a self-indulgent person.

Winona Ryder
I did 'Beetlejuice,' and it was a big movie, but it didn't help my high-school experience. In fact, it made it worse. I was a freak and a witch.

I did 'Beetlejuice,' and it was a big movie, but it didn't help my high-school experience. In fact, it made it worse. I was a freak and a witch.

Winona Ryder
I would not want to go back to playing the ingenue.

I would not want to go back to playing the ingenue.

Winona Ryder
I'm not someone like Norma Desmond who's harking back to her younger days.

I'm not someone like Norma Desmond who's harking back to her younger days.

Winona Ryder
I did this little movie I really love called 'Experimenter,' but that took six years to get made and no money.

I did this little movie I really love called 'Experimenter,' but that took six years to get made and no money.

Winona Ryder
I binge-watched this show 'Damages.' Glenn Close and Rose Byrne are so good. Lily Tomlin is in it. You see all these great actors, and the writing is terrific. There are a lot of shows like that.

I binge-watched this show 'Damages.' Glenn Close and Rose Byrne are so good. Lily Tomlin is in it. You see all these great actors, and the writing is terrific. There are a lot of shows like that.

Winona Ryder
I just did what I found interesting. I was so lucky that I was able to do that, especially in the '90s. I was really able to have a life to go back to.

I just did what I found interesting. I was so lucky that I was able to do that, especially in the '90s. I was really able to have a life to go back to.

Winona Ryder