108 Vin Diesel Quotes For You Daily Doze Of Inspiration
Vin Diesel is a celebrated American actor, screenwriter, director, and producer. His has been part of some renowned films, including ‘The Chronicles of Riddick series,’ ‘xXx series,’ ‘The Fast and The Furious series,’ ‘Find Me Guilty,’ ‘The Pacifier,’ and various others. He is also the founder of ‘Tigon Studios,’ ‘One Race Films,’ and ‘Racetrack Records.’ He has also lent his voice to the video game spin-offs, ‘The Iron Giant’ and also to ‘Guardians of the Galaxy and its sequel.’ Following is a compilation of best known quotes and thoughts by Vin Diesel.

Being male is a matter of birth. Being a man is a matter of age. But being a gentleman is a matter of choice.

I love women more than anything.

Deal-making goes on with any job.

I grew up with all kinds of people.

I am definitely a person of color.

I have dangerous bones in my body.

We all deal with being unfairly judged.

You get a timeless cool card in New York.

Career diversification ain't a bad thing.

If it's an amazing role, I'll do anything.

You break her heart, I'll break your neck.

Well, love motivates me in everything I do.

I used to feel guilty about owning a console.

I've been auditioning since I was 7 years old.

I was a bouncer for ten years in New York City.

A person in my position has to restrain himself.

Show me how you drive and I'll show you who you are.

No matter where you are, whether it's a quarter-mile away or halfway around the world, you'll always be with me and you'll always be my brother.

If you believe in the project, you have to support it.

When people believe in you, you can do miraculous things.

I've turned down twentysomething million dollars for movies.

Find your confidence, lead with love... the rest will follow.

I haven't had that many weird encounters with fans, thank God.

I'm a boy who appreciates a good body, regardless of the make.

Video games are one step before a whole other virtual universe.

I'm a perfectionist. I'm very critical, especially artistically.

IT don't matter if you win by an inch or a milewinning is winning!!

My mother is the most supportive mother in the world, she's magical.

A transvestite spends her entire life trying to look as feminine as possible and I have clearly spent mine celebrating my masculinity.

I'm going to do my best to channel the character on a spiritual level.