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90 Tony Dungy Quotes On Integrity, Discipline, Leadership & More

Famous As: American Former Football Safety & Coach Who Served as a Head Coach for 'Tampa Bay Buccaneers' and 'Indianapolis Colts'
Born On: 1955
Born In: Jackson, Michigan, United States
Age: 68 Years

Anthony Kevin ‘Tony’ Dungy is a former American football player, who eventually became the first African-American head coach to win the Super Bowl. Tony coached mainly two franchisees of NFL (National Football League) namely the Tumpa Bay Buccaneers and the Indianapolis Colts. He achieved a unique feat in NFL history by appearing in ten consecutive seasons. After hanging his boots as a coach, he served as an analyst on NBC's Football Night in America. He was also inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Besides his glorious career as a coach, Dungy was also actively involved in civil rights movements. In the year 2007, the United States Sports Academy felicitated Dungy with the Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. He published a book ‘Quiet Strength: The Principles, Practices, and Priorities of a Winning Life’, which featured in the ‘New York Times Best Sellers’ list. He has spoken and shared his thoughts about several subjects including sports, leadership, integrity, goal, hard work, winning, life etc. We have collected some of his notable quotes from his observations, interviews, speeches etc. Here are some of Tony Dungy quotes illuminating his thoughts.

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Things will go wrong at times. You can't always control your attitude, approach, and response. You options are to complain or to look ahead and figure out how to make the situation better

Things will go wrong at times. You can't always control your attitude, approach, and response. You options are to complain or to look ahead and figure out how to make the situation better

Tony Dungy
It's about the journey--mine and yours--and the lives we can touch, the legacy we can leave, and the world we can change for the better.

It's about the journey--mine and yours--and the lives we can touch, the legacy we can leave, and the world we can change for the better.

Tony Dungy
The secret to success is good leadership, and good leadership is all about making the lives of your team members or workers better.

The secret to success is good leadership, and good leadership is all about making the lives of your team members or workers better.

Tony Dungy
I don't have the strength or wisdom to get through a single day without guidance and grace from God.

I don't have the strength or wisdom to get through a single day without guidance and grace from God.

Tony Dungy
You can't always control circumstances. However, you can always control your attitude, approach, and response. Your options are to complain or to look ahead and figure out how to make the situation better.

You can't always control circumstances. However, you can always control your attitude, approach, and response. Your options are to complain or to look ahead and figure out how to make the situation better.

Tony Dungy
Remember that mentor leadership is all about serving. Jesus said, “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45).

Remember that mentor leadership is all about serving. Jesus said, “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45).

Tony Dungy
People look at me and see a calm, cool guy on the sidelines and I want them to know that my Christian faith affects my coaching and everything I do.

People look at me and see a calm, cool guy on the sidelines and I want them to know that my Christian faith affects my coaching and everything I do.

Tony Dungy

When I played at Minnesota, Green Bay, those northern cities, Buffalo, they wanted to have those championship games at home. It was going to be an advantage to be there with their fans and the cold weather and all that. But when you've got a Super Bowl, and it's the two best teams, you want ideal conditions. You want to play a great game.

Tony Dungy
You can have an impact anywhere you are.

You can have an impact anywhere you are.

Tony Dungy
You never know what's going to happen. My mother was an English teacher. If someone had told her that I was going to write a book, she would never have believed that. So you can never say never.

You never know what's going to happen. My mother was an English teacher. If someone had told her that I was going to write a book, she would never have believed that. So you can never say never.

Tony Dungy
You should never be defined by what you do, by the things you have; you've got to define yourself by who you are and who you impact and how you impact people. And that's the thing I try to get across to my players.

You should never be defined by what you do, by the things you have; you've got to define yourself by who you are and who you impact and how you impact people. And that's the thing I try to get across to my players.

Tony Dungy
When you're in a situation, you can complain about it, you can feel sorry for yourself, you can do a lot of things. But how are you gonna make the situation better?

When you're in a situation, you can complain about it, you can feel sorry for yourself, you can do a lot of things. But how are you gonna make the situation better?

Tony Dungy
The best leaders are following Christ. That's the best leader you can follow.

The best leaders are following Christ. That's the best leader you can follow.

Tony Dungy
Everything's not going to go perfect. You're going to have some losses that you're going to have to bounce back from and some things that are a little unforeseen that you're going to have to deal with.

Everything's not going to go perfect. You're going to have some losses that you're going to have to bounce back from and some things that are a little unforeseen that you're going to have to deal with.

Tony Dungy
We talked about some of our experiences, focusing, hanging together down the stretch, important games. It's not necessarily who has the most talent but what team sticks together and executes their fundamentals the best.

We talked about some of our experiences, focusing, hanging together down the stretch, important games. It's not necessarily who has the most talent but what team sticks together and executes their fundamentals the best.

Tony Dungy
We need somebody to give us a chance.

We need somebody to give us a chance.

Tony Dungy

We have so many young men, especially, who are growing up without their dads. We have to fill that void. We have to do a better job helping young people see what it means to be a man, what it means to be a woman. And then, somehow, we have to put that family structure back together.

Tony Dungy

The reason my kids like McDonald's is that they always know what they're going to get. It's not gourmet food, but the french fries they order in Indianapolis are just like the french fries they order in Tampa. Wherever they get McDonald's fries, they know it will be the same. That's what McDonald's does.

Tony Dungy
Sometimes I think God wants there to be a circus so we can show there's another way to respond.

Sometimes I think God wants there to be a circus so we can show there's another way to respond.

Tony Dungy
It's just really making sure I am doing the best job I can do as a dad. I do think that is my No. 1 job.

It's just really making sure I am doing the best job I can do as a dad. I do think that is my No. 1 job.

Tony Dungy
Balance provides the chance for longevity. You can be a champion at work and at home.

Balance provides the chance for longevity. You can be a champion at work and at home.

Tony Dungy

My dad, who was a teacher, used to tell me that a teacher's goal should be for every one of their students to get an A. If that's your goal every day - to make every student or player learn - then it doesn't matter if you won last year or didn't win. When next year's team shows up, I try to help every player become as good as they can be.

Tony Dungy

The book is actually called 'A Mentor Leader, a Different Way to Lead.' It really talks about my experience in the way I tried lead our football team, things that I learned from, basically, the coaches that I played for and my parents about leadership. And it is a little bit different, counter to maybe what society says about great leaders.

Tony Dungy
The Lord doesn't always take you in a straight line. He tests you sometimes.

The Lord doesn't always take you in a straight line. He tests you sometimes.

Tony Dungy

That's the difference between the NCAA and the NFL right now. They've got to step up and say, 'We're going to do the right thing. We're going to hire qualified people. We're going to hire the best man for the job regardless of what boosters or anyone else has to say.'

Tony Dungy
The narrow path that 'Uncommon' people will take, that the Lord wants you to go down, that really is the ultimate way to go.

The narrow path that 'Uncommon' people will take, that the Lord wants you to go down, that really is the ultimate way to go.

Tony Dungy
I think I've got a responsibility to be home a little bit more, be available to my family a little bit more and do some things to help make our country better. I don't know what that is right now, but we'll see.

I think I've got a responsibility to be home a little bit more, be available to my family a little bit more and do some things to help make our country better. I don't know what that is right now, but we'll see.

Tony Dungy
The Lord has a plan. We always think the plans are A, B, C and D, and everything is going to be perfect for us and it may not be that way, but it's still his plan.

The Lord has a plan. We always think the plans are A, B, C and D, and everything is going to be perfect for us and it may not be that way, but it's still his plan.

Tony Dungy
No excuses. No explanations.

No excuses. No explanations.

Tony Dungy
Our goal was to win, to win a Super Bowl, but also to win in the right way, to be role models to our community, to represent Indianapolis, the state of Indiana and the National Football League.

Our goal was to win, to win a Super Bowl, but also to win in the right way, to be role models to our community, to represent Indianapolis, the state of Indiana and the National Football League.

Tony Dungy