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93 Thought-Provoking Quotes By Tony Benn Which Will Enlighten You About Politics

Famous As: Former British Politician
Born On: 1925
Died On: 2014
Born In: Marylebone
Died At Age: 88
Tony Benn was a renowned British politician who served as a Member of Parliament for a period of forty-seven years. He was born to a Viscount who although gave him a luxurious childhood but contradicted his socialist ideologies. He started his political career by winning the parliament seat from South Gloucestershire at an early age of 26 to become the youngest Member of Parliament. His seat came at a stake after his father died as he had to inherit his seat in the House of Lords. He successfully campaigned against the law and returned to the Commons after winning a by-election. There he eventually became the Secretary of State for Industry. He used his experience to empower the influence of Industry and IMF over British politics. This had a huge impact in checking the power of the MP’s, while he professed his concept of enhancing the power of workers in the management of firms. Apart from this he has also led various anti-war movements including Gulf Wars and Kosovo War. After his retirement he was significantly involved in politics as a political activist. Here is a collection of sayings and quotations by the famous politician which have been scanned from the vast sea of his work. Read the following thoughts and quotes by Tony Benn that will enlighten you about politics.
Listed In:
There is no moral difference between a Stealth bomber and a suicide bomber. They both kill innocent people for political reasons.

There is no moral difference between a Stealth bomber and a suicide bomber. They both kill innocent people for political reasons.

Tony Benn
Most things in life are moments of pleasure and a lifetime of embarrassment; photography is a moment of embarrassment and a lifetime of pleasure.

Most things in life are moments of pleasure and a lifetime of embarrassment; photography is a moment of embarrassment and a lifetime of pleasure.

Tony Benn
Britain today is suffering from galloping obsolescence.

Britain today is suffering from galloping obsolescence.

Tony Benn
Making mistakes is part of life. The only things I would feel ashamed of would be if I had said things I hadn't believed in order to get on. Some politicians do do that.

Making mistakes is part of life. The only things I would feel ashamed of would be if I had said things I hadn't believed in order to get on. Some politicians do do that.

Tony Benn
My filing system is messy but orderly.

My filing system is messy but orderly.

Tony Benn
Broadcasting is really too important to be left to the broadcasters.

Broadcasting is really too important to be left to the broadcasters.

Tony Benn
I am on the right wing of the middle of the road and with a strong radical bias.

I am on the right wing of the middle of the road and with a strong radical bias.

Tony Benn
At the end of my life, I was told to vote for it for pensioners; I' m not in favour of means tests for pensioners or anybody.

At the end of my life, I was told to vote for it for pensioners; I' m not in favour of means tests for pensioners or anybody.

Tony Benn
All war represents a failure of diplomacy.

All war represents a failure of diplomacy.

Tony Benn
It's the same each time with progress. First they ignore you, then they say you're mad, then dangerous, then there's a pause and then you can't find anyone who disagrees with you.

It's the same each time with progress. First they ignore you, then they say you're mad, then dangerous, then there's a pause and then you can't find anyone who disagrees with you.

Tony Benn
We are not just here to manage capitalism but to change society and to define its finer values.

We are not just here to manage capitalism but to change society and to define its finer values.

Tony Benn
Normally, people give up parliament because they want to do more business or spend more time with family. My wife said 'why don't you say you're giving up to devote more time to politics?'. And it is what I have done.

Normally, people give up parliament because they want to do more business or spend more time with family. My wife said 'why don't you say you're giving up to devote more time to politics?'. And it is what I have done.

Tony Benn
A faith is something you die for, a doctrine is something you kill for. There is all the difference in the world.

A faith is something you die for, a doctrine is something you kill for. There is all the difference in the world.

Tony Benn
If you file your waste-paper basket for fifty years, you have a public library.

If you file your waste-paper basket for fifty years, you have a public library.

Tony Benn
The House of Lords is the British Outer Mongolia for retired politicians.

The House of Lords is the British Outer Mongolia for retired politicians.

Tony Benn
I think there are two ways in which people are controlled. First of all frighten people and secondly, demoralise them.

I think there are two ways in which people are controlled. First of all frighten people and secondly, demoralise them.

Tony Benn
I can't go to bed if I haven't done my diary. I always record them just as I've always recorded all my interviews and speeches.

I can't go to bed if I haven't done my diary. I always record them just as I've always recorded all my interviews and speeches.

Tony Benn
My day rotates around my family. I am very lucky.

My day rotates around my family. I am very lucky.

Tony Benn
Someone comes every morning at nine o'clock to see if I am still alive. I do get lonely, yes, but I have the children who come and see me. I see all my children every week, and there are the grandchildren, too.

Someone comes every morning at nine o'clock to see if I am still alive. I do get lonely, yes, but I have the children who come and see me. I see all my children every week, and there are the grandchildren, too.

Tony Benn
I'm not frightened about death. I don't know why, but I just feel that at a certain moment your switch is switched off, and that's it. And you can't do anything about it.

I'm not frightened about death. I don't know why, but I just feel that at a certain moment your switch is switched off, and that's it. And you can't do anything about it.

Tony Benn
The exhaustion of old age is something people who are younger don't fully appreciate.

The exhaustion of old age is something people who are younger don't fully appreciate.

Tony Benn

Age does take it out of you, and I haven't the energy I had before. Sometimes I have breakfast and sit in this chair, and I wake up and it is lunchtime. In the past, the idea of sleeping through a morning would have horrified me, but you have to accept the limitations that old age imposes on you.

Tony Benn
Five questions for politicians: 1. What power have you got? 2. Where did you get it from? 3. In whose interest do you exercise it? 4. To whom are you accountable? 5. How can we get rid of you?

Five questions for politicians: 1. What power have you got? 2. Where did you get it from? 3. In whose interest do you exercise it? 4. To whom are you accountable? 5. How can we get rid of you?

Tony Benn
I see myself as an old man and an unqualified teacher to the nation. I think being a teacher is probably the most important thing you can be in politics.

I see myself as an old man and an unqualified teacher to the nation. I think being a teacher is probably the most important thing you can be in politics.

Tony Benn
I've had a very full life, and I've enjoyed it very much. I've learned a great deal and feel indebted to all the people who have worked so hard.

I've had a very full life, and I've enjoyed it very much. I've learned a great deal and feel indebted to all the people who have worked so hard.

Tony Benn
The uncut diaries are 16 million words. It's very tiring to do your diary every night before you go to bed.

The uncut diaries are 16 million words. It's very tiring to do your diary every night before you go to bed.

Tony Benn

The Establishment decided Thatcher's ideas were safer with a strong Blair government than with a weak Major government. We are given all these personalities to choose between to disguise the fact that the policies are the same.

Tony Benn
An educated, healthy and confident nation is harder to govern.

An educated, healthy and confident nation is harder to govern.

Tony Benn

I've got four lovely children, ten lovely grandchildren, and I left parliament to devote more time to politics, and I think that what is really going on in Britain is a growing sense of alienation. People don't feel anyone listens to them.

Tony Benn
I've been a member of the Labour Party sixty five years, and I remain in it, but I think it's all about campaigning for justice and peace, and if you do that, you get a lot of support.

I've been a member of the Labour Party sixty five years, and I remain in it, but I think it's all about campaigning for justice and peace, and if you do that, you get a lot of support.

Tony Benn