'Togetherness' Quotes That Will Keep Your Body And Soul Together
Togetherness can be explained as a state of being close to people with whom you share a strong bond of love and affection, both in exuberance and distress. Togetherness provides us with a sense of security, belongingness, support and gives us strength in the hour of tide. Generally birds of a feather flock together, however, togetherness also plays a key role when it comes to building teams at work place, or while playing our favourite sport. Togetherness forms the essence of human life, in the beginning, in the end and throughout the in-between phases, it shows how important it is to stay connected, stay together. Many motivational speakers, politicians, leaders, celebrities and businessmen have expressed their thoughts, opinions, viewpoints and experiences on togetherness which are frequently used as quotable quotes and sayings. Zoom through the quotes and thoughts on togetherness that show ‘united we stand divided we fall’.

Suzanne Collins
It takes ten times as long to put yourself back together as it does to fall apart.

Nicholas Sparks
You are my best friend as well as my lover, and I do not know which side of you I enjoy the most. I treasure each side, just as I have treasured our life together.

William Shakespeare
Where every something, being blent together turns to a wild of nothing.

A. A. Milne
I think we dream so we don’t have to be apart for so long. If we’re in each other’s dreams, we can be together all the time.

John Lennon
A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.

Nicholas Sparks
If conversation was the lyrics, laughter was the music, making time spent together a melody that could be replayed over and over without getting stale.

Desmond Tutu
Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.

Nicholas Sparks
I fell in love with her when we were together, then fell deeper in love with her in the years we were apart.

Marilyn Monroe
Sometimes things fall apart so that better things can fall together

Margaret Atwood
A voice is a human gift; it should be cherished and used, to utter fully human speech as possible. Powerlessness and silence go together.

Stephen King
A short story is a different thing all together - a short story is like a kiss in the dark from a stranger.

Dr. Seuss
I’m glad we had the times together just to laugh and sing a song, seems like we just got started and then before you know it, the times we had together were gone.
Orhan Pamuk
Culture is mix. Culture means a mix of things from other sources. And my town, Istanbul, was this kind of mix. Istanbul, in fact, and my work, is a testimony to the fact that East and West combine cultural gracefully, or sometimes in an anarchic way, came together, and that is what we should search for.

Nicholas Sparks
In our time together, you claimed a special place in my heart, one I'll carry with me forever and that no one can ever replace.

Walt Whitman
We were together. I forget the rest.

Haruki Murakami
If you can love someone with your whole heart, even one person, then there's salvation in life. Even if you can't get together with that person.

F. Scott Fitzgerald
They’re a rotten crowd’, I shouted across the lawn. ‘You’re worth the whole damn bunch put together.

Nicholas Sparks
And for the briefest instant, it almost feels like we're together again.

George Carlin
I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. ... These two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death.

Helen Keller
Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much

Ray Bradbury
I'm seventeen and I'm crazy. My uncle says the two always go together. When people ask your age, he said, always say seventeen and insane.

A. A. Milne
If there ever comes a day when we can't be together, keep me in your heart. I'll stay there forever.

J. D. Salinger
She wasn't doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together.

Steven Spielberg
I missed my dad a lot growing up, even though we were together as a family. My dad was really a workaholic. And he was always working.

Virginia Woolf
Second hand books are wild books, homeless books; they have come together in vast flocks of variegated feather, and have a charm which the domesticated volumes of the library lack.

George Orwell
Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.

Willa Cather
Whatever we had missed, we possessed together the precious, the incommunicable past.

Ray Bradbury
The magic is only in what books say, how they stitched the patches of the universe together into one garment for us.
Steven Spielberg
Before statehood was achieved, Syria and Egypt had their tanks and military equipment lined up to invade Tel Aviv and destroy it; but the Israelis scrambled together an air force, some of it from old Second World War Messerschmidts, and the invasion was halted.

Mother Teresa
I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.