45 Great Tim Burton Quotes That Give A Glimpse Of His Quirky Side

One person's craziness is another person's reality.

Everything in this room is edible. Even I'm edible. But, that would be called canibalism. It is looked down upon in most societies.

Stick Boy liked Match Girl, He liked her a lot. He liked her cute figure, he thought she was hot. But could a flame ever burn for a match and a stick? It did quite literally; he burned up quick.

Visions are worth fighting for. Why spend your life making someone else's dreams?

We all know interspecies romance is weird.

But she knows she has a curse on her, a curse she cannot win. For if someone gets too close to her, the pins stick further in.

Good morning starshine the earth says hello....

I am the shadow on the moon at night/Filling your dreams to the brim with fright.

Movies are like an expensive form of therapy for me.

Son, are you happy? I don't mean to pry, but do you dream of Heaven? Have you ever wanted to die?

You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are.

I've always been misrepresented. You know, I could dress in a clown costume and laugh with the happy people but they'd still say I'm a dark personality.

I am not a dark person and I don't consider myself dark.

People told me I couldn't kill Nicholson, so I cast him in two roles and killed him off twice.

My name is Jimmy, but my friends just call me the hideous penguin boy.

Mad Matter: "Have I gone mad?" Alice: "I'm afraid so. You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are.

I was never interested in what everybody else was interested in. I was very interiorized. I always felt kind of sad.

They took a baseball bat and whacked open his head. Mummy Boy fell to the ground; he finally was dead. Inside of his head were no candy or prizes, just a few stray beetles of various sizes.

Half the fun is plan to plan

And I Jack, the Pumpkin King, have grown so tired of the same old thing...

I wouldn't know a good script if it bit me in the face.

Most people say about graveyards: "Oh, it's just a bunch of dead people. It's creepy." But for me, there's an energy to it that it not creepy, or dark. It has a positive sense to it.

My diagnosis," he said "for better or worse, is that your son is the result of an old pharaoh's curse.

For some of us, Halloween is everyday.

One of the things that we were trying to do with this show was the complexities of relationships and love. There is both passion and longing and a bittersweet quality to it that is a part of life.

If you've ever had that feeling of loneliness, of being an outsider, it never quite leaves you. You can be happy or successful or whatever, but that thing still stays within you.

You don't know whether chimps are going to kill you or kiss you. They're very open on some levels and much more evil in a certain way.

Maybe it’s just in America, but it seems that if you’re passionate about something, it freaks people out. You’re considered bizarre or eccentric. To me, it just means you know who you are.

Stick Boy liked Match Girl, he liked her a lot. He liked her cute figure, he thought she was hot.

One person's crazyness is another person's reality