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100 Notable Quotes By Thomas Pynchon Impassioned Readers

Famous As: Writer, Novelist, Essayist, Science fiction writer
Born On: 1937
Born In: Glen Cove
Age: 87 Years

Thomas Ruggles Pynchon Jr. is an American novelist. A recipient of MacArthur fellowship, he is renowned for his complex and dense form of fiction and non-fiction writings. His writings circumscribe a vast array of themes, genres and subjects, including, music, mathematics, history, and science. In 1973, he bagged in the ‘U.S National Book Award for Fiction,’ for ‘Gravity’s Rainbow.’ Some of his illustrious novels include ‘Inherent Vice,’ ‘V.,’ ‘Bleeding Edge,’ and ‘The Crying of Lot 49.’ Following is a collection of quotes Thomas Pynchon, which have been extracted from his novels, interviews, writings, books, articles, etc. Read through the compilation Thomas Pynchon quotes on poetry, literature, time, life, journalists, influence, men, peace, character, humanity, and more.

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Every weirdo in the world is on my wavelength.

Every weirdo in the world is on my wavelength.

Thomas Pynchon
If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.

If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.

Thomas Pynchon
Life's single lesson: that there is more accident to it than a man can ever admit to in a lifetime and stay sane.

Life's single lesson: that there is more accident to it than a man can ever admit to in a lifetime and stay sane.

Thomas Pynchon
They're in love. Fuck the war.

They're in love. Fuck the war.

Thomas Pynchon
Why should things be easy to understand?

Why should things be easy to understand?

Thomas Pynchon
Keep cool but care

Keep cool but care

Thomas Pynchon
Paranoids are not paranoid because they're paranoid, but because they keep putting themselves, fucking idiots, deliberately into paranoid situations.

Paranoids are not paranoid because they're paranoid, but because they keep putting themselves, fucking idiots, deliberately into paranoid situations.

Thomas Pynchon
The general public has long been divided into two parts; those who think that science can do anything and those who are afraid it will.

The general public has long been divided into two parts; those who think that science can do anything and those who are afraid it will.

Thomas Pynchon
A screaming comes across the sky.

A screaming comes across the sky.

Thomas Pynchon
Shall I project a world?

Shall I project a world?

Thomas Pynchon
All the animals, the plants, the minerals, even other kinds of men, are being broken and reassembled every day, to preserve an elite few, who are the loudest to theorize on freedom, but the least free of all.

All the animals, the plants, the minerals, even other kinds of men, are being broken and reassembled every day, to preserve an elite few, who are the loudest to theorize on freedom, but the least free of all.

Thomas Pynchon
Through the machineries of greed, pettiness, and the abuse of power, love occurs.

Through the machineries of greed, pettiness, and the abuse of power, love occurs.

Thomas Pynchon
It all comes down, as it must, to the desires of individual men. Oh, and women too of course, bless their empty little heads.

It all comes down, as it must, to the desires of individual men. Oh, and women too of course, bless their empty little heads.

Thomas Pynchon
There is nothing so loathsome as a sentimental surrealist.

There is nothing so loathsome as a sentimental surrealist.

Thomas Pynchon
You may never get to touch the Master, but you can tickle his creatures.

You may never get to touch the Master, but you can tickle his creatures.

Thomas Pynchon
What, I should only trust good people? Man, good people get bought and sold every day. Might as well trust somebody evil once in a while, it makes no more or less sense.

What, I should only trust good people? Man, good people get bought and sold every day. Might as well trust somebody evil once in a while, it makes no more or less sense.

Thomas Pynchon
If there is something comforting - religious, if you want - about paranoia, there is still also anti-paranoia, where nothing is connected to anything, a condition not many of us can bear for long.

If there is something comforting - religious, if you want - about paranoia, there is still also anti-paranoia, where nothing is connected to anything, a condition not many of us can bear for long.

Thomas Pynchon
Someday she might replace whatever of her had gone away by some prosthetic device, a dress of a certain color, a phrase in a letter, another lover.

Someday she might replace whatever of her had gone away by some prosthetic device, a dress of a certain color, a phrase in a letter, another lover.

Thomas Pynchon
Though it is not often that death is so clearly told to fuck off.

Though it is not often that death is so clearly told to fuck off.

Thomas Pynchon
Love with your mouth shut, help without breaking your ass or publicizing it: keep cool, but care.

Love with your mouth shut, help without breaking your ass or publicizing it: keep cool, but care.

Thomas Pynchon
Danger's over, Banana Breakfast is saved.

Danger's over, Banana Breakfast is saved.

Thomas Pynchon
But with a sigh he had released her hand, while she was so lost in the fantasy that she hadn't felt it go away, as if he'd known the best moment to let go.

But with a sigh he had released her hand, while she was so lost in the fantasy that she hadn't felt it go away, as if he'd known the best moment to let go.

Thomas Pynchon
Despair came over her, as it will when nobody around has any sexual relevance to you.

Despair came over her, as it will when nobody around has any sexual relevance to you.

Thomas Pynchon
He decided that we suffer from great temporal homesickness for the decade we were born in.

He decided that we suffer from great temporal homesickness for the decade we were born in.

Thomas Pynchon
To have humanism we must first be convinced of our humanity. As we move further into decadence this becomes more difficult.

To have humanism we must first be convinced of our humanity. As we move further into decadence this becomes more difficult.

Thomas Pynchon
Let the peace of this day be here tomorrow when I wake up.

Let the peace of this day be here tomorrow when I wake up.

Thomas Pynchon
It is simply wrong to begin with a theme, symbol or other abstract unifying agent, and then try to force characters and events to conform to it.

It is simply wrong to begin with a theme, symbol or other abstract unifying agent, and then try to force characters and events to conform to it.

Thomas Pynchon
What are the stars but points in the body of God where we insert the healing needles of our terror and longing?
--Gravity's Rainbow, V699

What are the stars but points in the body of God where we insert the healing needles of our terror and longing? --Gravity's Rainbow, V699

Thomas Pynchon
Once they have you asking the wrong questions. They don't have to worry about the answers.

Once they have you asking the wrong questions. They don't have to worry about the answers.

Thomas Pynchon
Some typewriters in Whitehall, in the Pentagon, killed more civilians than our little A4 could have ever hoped to.

Some typewriters in Whitehall, in the Pentagon, killed more civilians than our little A4 could have ever hoped to.

Thomas Pynchon