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16 Inspiring Quotes By Theodor Reik, The Pioneer Of Lay Analysis

Famous As: Psychologist, Psychanalyst
Born On: 1888
Died On: 1969
Born In: Vienna
Died At Age: 81
Theodor Reik was an Austrian-American psychoanalyst, who studied under the legendary ‘Sigmund Freud’. He is known for bringing the discipline of ‘Lay Analysis’ to the United States. After earning his Ph.D. from the University of Vienne in 1912, Reik studied under the tutelage of Sigmund Freud and learnt as much about psychoanalysis as he could. Reik was someone who could think out of the box and when he was barred from practicing in the United States for not being an MD, he decided to establish the ‘National Psychological Association’ for Psychoanalysis in New York City. He trained psychoanalysts there, and the organisation remains one of the most important psychoanalysis centres till date. Reik left behind a rich legacy and the fact that he brought lay analysis to America has ensured that he remained immortal in the annals of psychoanalysis. Some of his well-known books include ‘The Compulsion to Confess’, ‘The Unknown Murderer’, ‘Ritual: Four Psychoanalytic Studies’ and ‘Masochism in Modern Man’ among others. He left behind a treasure trove of highly profound quotes and thoughts on psychoanalysis, human happiness and its importance. Here is a collection of sayings and quotations by Theodor Reik that are sure to give you insights about the subject.
The secret of human happiness is not in self-seeking but in self-forgetting.

The secret of human happiness is not in self-seeking but in self-forgetting.

Theodor Reik
Women in general want to be loved for what they are and men for what they accomplish.

Women in general want to be loved for what they are and men for what they accomplish.

Theodor Reik
…if you cannot hate you cannot love. If you cannot bite you can not kiss. If you cannot curse you cannot bless. Who cannot be a good hater will be a poor lover.

…if you cannot hate you cannot love. If you cannot bite you can not kiss. If you cannot curse you cannot bless. Who cannot be a good hater will be a poor lover.

Theodor Reik
In our civilization men are afraid they will not be men enough, and women are afraid they might be considered only women.

In our civilization men are afraid they will not be men enough, and women are afraid they might be considered only women.

Theodor Reik
The fear to love reaches sometimes the depth of a panic, resembles sometimes the fear to die.

The fear to love reaches sometimes the depth of a panic, resembles sometimes the fear to die.

Theodor Reik
Women see through each other, but they rarely look into themselves

Women see through each other, but they rarely look into themselves

Theodor Reik

The repressed memory is like a noisy intruder being thrown out of the concert hall. You can throw him out, but he will bang on the door and continue to disturb the concert. The analyst opens the door and says, If you promise to behave yourself, you can come back in.

Theodor Reik
Love is an attempt to change a piece of a dream world into reality.

Love is an attempt to change a piece of a dream world into reality.

Theodor Reik
He who licks his wounds cannot be affectionate

He who licks his wounds cannot be affectionate

Theodor Reik
Nothing said to us, nothing we can learn from others, reaches us so deep as that which we find in ourselves.

Nothing said to us, nothing we can learn from others, reaches us so deep as that which we find in ourselves.

Theodor Reik
The lover is a monotheist who knows that other people worship different gods but cannot himself imagine that there could be other gods.

The lover is a monotheist who knows that other people worship different gods but cannot himself imagine that there could be other gods.

Theodor Reik
In our civilization, men are afraid that they will not be men enough and women are afraid that they might be considered only women.

In our civilization, men are afraid that they will not be men enough and women are afraid that they might be considered only women.

Theodor Reik
We are all in a race for dear life: that is to say, we are fugitives from death.

We are all in a race for dear life: that is to say, we are fugitives from death.

Theodor Reik
The man who has never made a fool of himself in love will never be wise in love.

The man who has never made a fool of himself in love will never be wise in love.

Theodor Reik
Work and love; these are the basics. Without them there is neurosis.

Work and love; these are the basics. Without them there is neurosis.

Theodor Reik
Anybody possessing analytical knowledge recognizes the fact that the world is full of actions performed by people exclusively to their detriment and without perceptible advantage, although their eyes were open

Anybody possessing analytical knowledge recognizes the fact that the world is full of actions performed by people exclusively to their detriment and without perceptible advantage, although their eyes were open

Theodor Reik