47 Popular Quotes By The Undertaker
The Undertaker is an American professional wrestler with101 WWE pay-per-view victories under his belt, The Undertaker has proved to be one of the most successful WWE superstars. Known for ‘The Streak’ that is 21 straight wins at Wrestlemania he is considered an indomitable figure in sports entertainment. Keeping true to his morbid and spooky character, he seldom speaks but when he does it is enough to send a chill down the spine of even the toughest of opponents. Let’s have a look at some of his most popular quotes and catchphrases on boxing, money, failure, family respect etc.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

You better give your soul to the Lord, because the rest of your scrawny ass, will belong to me!

Why put off kicking somebody's *ss next week when I can do it right now.

I've crippled more people than polio.

If you try me, I will make you famous.

Sometimes it is hell, trying to get to heaven.

You can't hide... from The Deadman.

Tonight, there will be a sacrafice!

I don`t make mistakes. I bury them.

Allow the purity of evil to guide you.

If the eyes are the windows to the soul, you're not going to like the view.

The fear of death is far greater than the death itself. But the fear of the unknown is the greatest fear of all!

Life isn't that sweet. That's why everyone wants sweet things.

I may not dress like Satan anymore, but I’m still down with the Devil and I will go medieval on your ass.

You can not kill that which is already dead.

The Attitude Era was so great because you had the best collection of superstars of any one time period. You had The Rock, Stone Cold, Undertaker, Mick Foley.

The only time I had an ego is I when wanted to have a reverse Undertaker record at WrestleMania, and they messed it up!

I think The Undertaker is, much like Brock Lesnar, a once-in-a-lifetime wrestler, a once-in-a-lifetime athlete, and a once-in-a-lifetime performer.

Obviously, winning the World Heavyweight Championship was a memorable moment, but nothing tops the feeling of defeating the Undertaker.

Getting to work with The Undertaker right off the bat was a tremendous opportunity. It was an opportunity to be a career-maker, and fortunately, I was able to take advantage of that.

If you look at guys like Shawn Michaels, Triple H, and Undertaker, the reason why they are around so long is because they keep things interesting, and hopefully, I have been able to do it as well.

WWE was looking for an opponent for The Undertaker. They needed someone for an upcoming pay-per-view. I was supposed to be just one and done.

My most memorable WrestleMania ever was my first: at WrestleMania 14 in Boston against The Undertaker. That was a huge high point in my career and an absolute highlight of my career.

When I was very first getting into wrestling, the Undertaker was my favorite.

Being part of 'Raw 1000' in the same ring with Undertaker and Kane leading an army of young hungry wrestlers was amazing.

I've never been in the ring with The Undertaker.

I am my heart's undertaker. Daily I go and retrieve its tattered remains, place them delicately into its little coffin, and bury it in the depths of my memory, only to have to do it all again tomorrow.

I love when I think about the SummerSlam match against The Undertaker. What a great match, wonderful story. Two wrestlers that had such great respect for one another.

The Undertaker's beaten me down pretty bad quite a few times.

I want to be like an Undertaker and be around so when your music hits, people go crazy because of that respect that you've earned over 20, 25 years of going on the ride for them.