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72 Susan B. Anthony Quotes About Life, Liberty & More

Famous As: Social Reformer and Women's Rights Activist Who Was a Pioneer Crusader for the Women’s Suffrage Movement
Born On: 1820
Died On: 1906
Born In: Adams, Massachusetts, United States
Founder / Co Founder: International Council of Women, National American Woman Suffrage Association, National Woman Suffrage Association, American Equal Rights Association, League of Women Voters
Died At Age: 86

Susan B. Anthony was an American socialist and reformer who along with Elizabeth Cady Stanton played a key role in the women’s suffrage movement. She was the architect and leader of various movements such as Women's Loyal National League, American Equal Rights Association and National Woman Suffrage Association. The primary goal of these syndicates was to empower women and their political, social and financial rights. Despite wide criticism for her efforts in her early years, public perception of her work transformed radically in later years. To commemorate her activism regarding women’s rights, Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew announced that several denominations of United States currency would be redesigned as an effort to pay homage to the women's suffrage movement. We have collected her quotes and sayings from her speeches, observations, writings, interviews etc on equality, gender bias, feminism, socialism, tyranny, oppression and intellectualism. Let us go through these popular quotes which would provide a deep insight into the thoughts of this revolutionary reformer from 19th century America.

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I think the girl who is able to earn her own living and pay her own way should be as happy as anybody on earth. The sense of independence and security is very sweet.

I think the girl who is able to earn her own living and pay her own way should be as happy as anybody on earth. The sense of independence and security is very sweet.

Susan B. Anthony
Woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself.

Woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself.

Susan B. Anthony
I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.

I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.

Susan B. Anthony
Forget conventionalisms; forget what the world thinks of you stepping out of your place; think your best thoughts, speak your best words, work your best works, looking to your own conscience for approval.

Forget conventionalisms; forget what the world thinks of you stepping out of your place; think your best thoughts, speak your best words, work your best works, looking to your own conscience for approval.

Susan B. Anthony
Men, their rights, and nothing more; women, their rights, and nothing less.

Men, their rights, and nothing more; women, their rights, and nothing less.

Susan B. Anthony
I was born a heretic. I always distrusted people who know so much about what God wants them to do to their fellows.

I was born a heretic. I always distrusted people who know so much about what God wants them to do to their fellows.

Susan B. Anthony
There never will be complete equality until women themselves help to make laws and elect lawmakers.

There never will be complete equality until women themselves help to make laws and elect lawmakers.

Susan B. Anthony
I declare to you that woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself, and there I take my stand.

I declare to you that woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself, and there I take my stand.

Susan B. Anthony
Failure is Impossible

Failure is Impossible

Susan B. Anthony
It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union.... Men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothing less

It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union.... Men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothing less

Susan B. Anthony
There shall never be another season of silence until women have the same rights men have on this green earth.

There shall never be another season of silence until women have the same rights men have on this green earth.

Susan B. Anthony
Every woman should have a purse of her own.

Every woman should have a purse of her own.

Susan B. Anthony
I pray every single moment of my life; not on my knees but with my work. My prayer is to lift women to equality with men. Work and worship are one with me.

I pray every single moment of my life; not on my knees but with my work. My prayer is to lift women to equality with men. Work and worship are one with me.

Susan B. Anthony
Our Job is not to make young women grateful. It is to make the ungrateful so they keep going. Gratitude never radicalized anybody

Our Job is not to make young women grateful. It is to make the ungrateful so they keep going. Gratitude never radicalized anybody

Susan B. Anthony
Resistance to tyranny ius obedience to God

Resistance to tyranny ius obedience to God

Susan B. Anthony
The worst enemy women have is in the pulpit.

The worst enemy women have is in the pulpit.

Susan B. Anthony
The true republic: men, their rights and nothing more: women, their rights and nothing less.

The true republic: men, their rights and nothing more: women, their rights and nothing less.

Susan B. Anthony
...the women of this nation in 1876, have greater cause for discontent, rebellion and revolution than the men of 1776.

...the women of this nation in 1876, have greater cause for discontent, rebellion and revolution than the men of 1776.

Susan B. Anthony
Let me tell you what I think of bicycling. I think it has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world. I stand and rejoice every time I see a woman ride by on a wheel.

Let me tell you what I think of bicycling. I think it has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world. I stand and rejoice every time I see a woman ride by on a wheel.

Susan B. Anthony
Woman must have a purse of her own, and how can this be so long as the law denies to the wife all right to both the individual and the joint earnings?

Woman must have a purse of her own, and how can this be so long as the law denies to the wife all right to both the individual and the joint earnings?

Susan B. Anthony
Independence is happiness.

Independence is happiness.

Susan B. Anthony
What you should do is to say to outsiders that a Christian has neither more nor less rights in our association than an atheist.

What you should do is to say to outsiders that a Christian has neither more nor less rights in our association than an atheist.

Susan B. Anthony
Wherever, on the face of the globe or on the page of history, you show me a disfranchised class, I will show you a degraded class of labor.

Wherever, on the face of the globe or on the page of history, you show me a disfranchised class, I will show you a degraded class of labor.

Susan B. Anthony
Whoever controls work and wages, controls morals.

Whoever controls work and wages, controls morals.

Susan B. Anthony
Being persons, then, women are citizens; and no state has a right to make any new law, or to enforce any old law, that shall abridge their privileges or immunities.

Being persons, then, women are citizens; and no state has a right to make any new law, or to enforce any old law, that shall abridge their privileges or immunities.

Susan B. Anthony
For every betrayed woman, there is always the betrayer, man.

For every betrayed woman, there is always the betrayer, man.

Susan B. Anthony
We throw to the winds the old dogma that governments can give rights. Before governments were organized, no one denies that each individual possessed the right to protect his own life, liberty and property.

We throw to the winds the old dogma that governments can give rights. Before governments were organized, no one denies that each individual possessed the right to protect his own life, liberty and property.

Susan B. Anthony
White men have always controlled their wives' wages. Colored men were not able to do so until they themselves became free. Then they owned both their wives and their wages.

White men have always controlled their wives' wages. Colored men were not able to do so until they themselves became free. Then they owned both their wives and their wages.

Susan B. Anthony
No man is good enough to govern any woman without her consent.

No man is good enough to govern any woman without her consent.

Susan B. Anthony
I don't want to die as long as I can work; the minute I can not, I want to go.

I don't want to die as long as I can work; the minute I can not, I want to go.

Susan B. Anthony