46 Inspirational Quotes By Sundar Pichai That Will Charge You Up
Sundar Pichai, is an Indian-American business executive, who came to public attention when he became the Chief Executive Officer of Google LLC. Born into a middleclass Tamil family, he reached the peak of his career at a comparatively young age. Since then, he has been talking extensively on different Google products, especially on the Androids, which he hopes will scream if he forgets his kid’s birthday. In his interviews and speeches, he has also talked about making computing more accessible. An icon for many struggling youth, his quotes never fail to inspire us to have faith in ourselves and chase our dreams.

India has long been an exporter of talent to tech companies... But it is India that's now undergoing its own revolution.

For people who use Google Wallet, the experience works.

We need to bring Android and Chrome to every screen that matters for users, which is why we focused on phone, wearables, car, television, laptops, and even your workplace.

Google teams have lots of autonomy, including from people like me.

If I'm about to forget my kid's birthday, I want the phone to scream at me until I do something about it.

There's been a big evolution since the days of personal computing. People had a concept of one computing device per family or maybe per person. We've clearly evolved to computing devices becoming more personal.

There are many powerful men and women in mobile. I'm fortunate to be part of that group. But by no means do I think I'm the most powerful person.

Open platforms historically undergo a lot of scrutiny, but there are a lot of advantages to having an open source platform from a security standpoint.

Google search was important - one of the most important applications ever on the Web. People accessed everything through a browser, and for us it was important for making sure we had an option there.

If we are building something that users need, and there is a lot of value we are driving, I think how search manifests in iOS will work out just fine.

You're going to have 100s of millions of users on Chrome, spanning mobile, tablets, and desktops. That is one unfragmented base. That uniformity is probably better than most of the issues across browsers.

There are many powerful men and women in mobile. I'm fortunate to be part of that group. By no means do I think I'm the most powerful person.

I think it is going to be hard for individual OEMs to create a platform on top of which people will write content and services and which users will transact.

A lot of credit goes to Google TV for helping that process get started and helping to build something like Chromecast.

Nest is one vertical implementation of a set of smart products for the home. But we will support other people's smart products for the home.

We ship a new version of Google Play Services every six weeks. Typically, 90 percent of users are on the new version of that.

There are seven billion people in the world. And I think phones are the first time most people will have access to a modern computing device. With Android, we want to enable that for people.

I have a secret project which adds four hours every day to the 24 hours we have. There's a bit of time travel involved.

Should kids check phones at dinner? I don't know. To me, that's a parenting choice.

What strikes me every single time is that the aspirations of Indians are unique and unparalleled. They're very demanding, regardless of background.

We do have business relationships; we do licensing relationships, and people want to use Google services on top of Android. But in theory, you can use Android without Google.

Good companies do whatever it takes to make sure apps are great and don't hesitate to add features.

Things like WhatsApp are a great example of success that others have had on Android, which we see as welcome innovation on the platform.

Obviously, you will always see more malware targeting Android because Android is used more than any smartphone platform by a pretty substantial difference.

Android phones in China are more 'Android open source' rather than Android in the way we are all used to here. So a lot of phones don't have Google Play, etc.

My dad and mom did what a lot of parents did at the time. They sacrificed a lot of their life and used a lot of their disposable income to make sure their children were educated.

The core of what Google is about is bringing information to people.

One of the great things about an open system like Android is it addresses all ends of the spectrum. Getting great low-cost computing devices at scale to the developing world is especially meaningful to me.

Android was built to be very, very secure.

We run Android in a very open way and work closely with all partners. We work with Samsung, and I spend a lot of time with them. But we've always supported other partners.