27 Thought-Provoking Quotes By Sophie Ellis-Bextor
Sophie Ellis-Bextor is an English model, singer and songwriter. She hogged the limelight as the lead singer of the band ‘Theaudience.’ She achieved success in early 2000s when she went solo after the group disbanded. In 2016, she earned critical acclaim for her album ‘Familia.’ Some of her noteworthy works include ‘Read My Lips,’ ‘Wanderlust,’ ‘Trip the Light Fantastic,’ ‘Make a Scene,’ ‘Shoot from the Hip,’ ‘Bittersweet,’ and more. Take a look at famous quotes and sayings by Sophie Ellis-Bextor on clothes, entertainment, fashion, dance, opportunity, confrontation, people, honesty, divorce, etc.

I must confess I knew very little about the trance scene, I'm more house and commercial dance but it was really interesting and different.

I like the influence of the macabre, but I don't believe in ghosts.

I learned to stand up for myself at school where I was never too popular.

I had my autograph down by the age of 13. I used to sign it everywhere.

I get really frustrated if people don't smile.

I don't want to sound like an old grandmother but actually it's quite nice when you get up early and then, by the time it gets to 10am, you're quite perky and already quite switched on.

I don't think writing or co-writing my songs makes me a better singer, but I haven't really got an excuse not to do it as I've got too many opinions!

I don't think that old-fashioned idea of record companies exists any more.

I don't know why people think I'm polished - I often leave the house with buttons missing and ladders in my tights.

I do find it a bit disconcerting when your name becomes a brand.

I didn't feel so great when I was a teenager, but who does?

I can definitely tell when mum has got money because then she likes to go shopping to spend it, whereas dad is steadier and avoids splurges. I like to think I've inherited both sides.

Having a successful first album is one thing, but a successful third is another.

Getting up to dance to your own stuff looks pretty pretentious. And leaving the dancefloor when it comes on is just awkward.

For every person that says I'm the new Audrey Hepburn, someone else says that I look like an alien.

Everybody remembers Robbie Williams said I had a face like a satellite dish.

Dance music is great, but it's not a time to be reflective or particularly wistful.

Come rain or shine I walk short distances rather than taking my car.

But I quite like that the public has a very short attention span. If I haven't been on telly for a little bit, I can sense it. People don't take as much notice of you, it's really quite palpable.

But I don't like working on lyrics publicly in the studio - I prefer to take them away and work on them in my bedroom.

Being a chef would be too much hard work.

Also, I think women really come into their own in their 30s.

A lot of what inspired many musicians is celebrating differences, and people relate to that - more people feel like the unpopular, freaky one than the one in the in-crowd.

A good song is a good song whatever your age.

A career in entertainment has a lifespan, like one in sport.
I don't think anyone doubts my motives, really. I do what I do and it's not very complicated. Of course, you might hate the music that I make, but I don't think people feel threatened by me just getting on with what I'm up to.
I love getting dressed up. Being a pop star is the most brilliant job for that. A lot of girls love shopping, but they might see the most amazing outfit and think, 'When am I going to wear that?', so it's my duty to exploit the fact I do have events I can wear these things to.