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13 Famous Quotes By Sholem Aleichem On Stories, Dreams And Life

Famous As: Author
Born On: 1859
Died On: 1916
Born In: Pereiaslav, Ukraine
Died At Age: 57
Sholem Aleichem was a renowned Yiddish novelist, essayist, and playwright and was one of the popular authors of early 20th century. He was inclined towards writing since an early age and completed writing the Jewish version of ‘Robinson Crusoe’ at the age of 15. He started his professional career as a reporter for a local weekly where he published some articles on Jewish Education. This motivated him to write his first Yiddish novel titled ‘Tsvey Shteyner (Two Stones)’ which was a mild success. He further published his first feuilletonist sequence titled ‘Di ibergekhapte briv af der post (Letters Intercepted at the Post Office)’ which was followed by various other successful series including one of his notable series titled ‘Stempenyu’. He shifted to New York and wrote children stories and holiday narratives. During his final years, he wrote some of his most respected novels like ‘‘Der mabl (The Deluge)’ and ‘Blonzhende shtern (Wandering Stars)’. His significant contributions to the literary world brought him various awards including the most renowned ‘Noble Prize for Literature’. Following is a compilation of most noteworthy quotations and sayings by the acclaimed playwright which have been extracted from the vast sea of his work. Go through the thoughts and quotes by Sholem Aleichem that will give you a fair idea of Jewish life and language.
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Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.

Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.

Sholem Aleichem
No matter how bad things get, you've got to go on living, even if it kills you.

No matter how bad things get, you've got to go on living, even if it kills you.

Sholem Aleichem
You see how it is, my dear friends. There's no pleasing everyone. It's hopeless to even try, and the more you play the peacemaker, the less peaceful things become.

You see how it is, my dear friends. There's no pleasing everyone. It's hopeless to even try, and the more you play the peacemaker, the less peaceful things become.

Sholem Aleichem
When the heart is full it runs out of the eyes.

When the heart is full it runs out of the eyes.

Sholem Aleichem
Life is a dream for the wise, 
a game for the fool, a comedy for the
rich, a tradegy for the poor.

Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tradegy for the poor.

Sholem Aleichem
A bachelor is a man who comes to work each morning from a different direction.

A bachelor is a man who comes to work each morning from a different direction.

Sholem Aleichem
Nothing begets friendship so readily as trouble.

Nothing begets friendship so readily as trouble.

Sholem Aleichem
I mention her name and the old pain returns. Forget her, you say? How can you forget a living human being?

I mention her name and the old pain returns. Forget her, you say? How can you forget a living human being?

Sholem Aleichem
There is nothing in the world, I tell you, so maddening as a person who doesn't answer when you abuse him. You shout and you scold, you are ready to burst a gut, and he stands there and smiles....

There is nothing in the world, I tell you, so maddening as a person who doesn't answer when you abuse him. You shout and you scold, you are ready to burst a gut, and he stands there and smiles....

Sholem Aleichem
And books -- she swallows like dumplings.

And books -- she swallows like dumplings.

Sholem Aleichem
The worm in the radish doesn't think there is anything sweeter.

The worm in the radish doesn't think there is anything sweeter.

Sholem Aleichem
I never turn down a drink. Among friend's it's always appropriate. A man is only a man as they say but brandy is still brandy. You'll find that in the Talmud too.

I never turn down a drink. Among friend's it's always appropriate. A man is only a man as they say but brandy is still brandy. You'll find that in the Talmud too.

Sholem Aleichem
Of him they said the proverb had been invented:

Of him they said the proverb had been invented: "All good swimmers are drowned.

Sholem Aleichem