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84 Notable Quotes By Sarah Michelle Gellar

Famous As: Best Known for Her Role of 'Buffy Summers' in the Series 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'
Born On: 1977
Born In: Long Island, New York, United States
Age: 47 Years

Spotted by a talent agent at a tender age of 4, Sarah Michelle Gellar has made a name for herself primarily through her successful television roles. Starting with the role of Kendall Hart in the acclaimed soap opera titled ‘All My Children,’ she later appeared in roles with much more substance in series’ such as ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’, ‘Ringer’ and ‘The Crazy Ones.’ She has also appeared in films like ‘Cruel Intentions’ and ‘Harvard Man.’ She has an unapologetic love for food, which she flaunts at many public platforms. Her penchant for entrepreneurship became evident when she started her food start-up ‘Foodstirs.’ Her quotes on food, career, Hollywood, television, life and career have impressed her fans and followers. Here are some of her best quotes taken from her interviews, books, talk shows, and general observations that will further give her fan-base a peek into her happening life.

You need to keep your creative juices flowing and keep [your] character interesting.

You need to keep your creative juices flowing and keep [your] character interesting.

Sarah Michelle Gellar
People stereotype pop stars, but Christina [Aguilera] proves them wrong with her unique style and talent.

People stereotype pop stars, but Christina [Aguilera] proves them wrong with her unique style and talent.

Sarah Michelle Gellar
You're forced to think about what your goals are and you clarify them because you're taking this journey with another person and you need to be open with your partner.

You're forced to think about what your goals are and you clarify them because you're taking this journey with another person and you need to be open with your partner.

Sarah Michelle Gellar
In television, women can really run anything. It can be a comedy, it can be a drama, it can be genre, it can be anything. But in films, women are still getting to the top

In television, women can really run anything. It can be a comedy, it can be a drama, it can be genre, it can be anything. But in films, women are still getting to the top

Sarah Michelle Gellar
My family comes first, and you have to be in charge to be able to protect that. You have to be the one who says no or you don't have a life, which is what I found out the first time.

My family comes first, and you have to be in charge to be able to protect that. You have to be the one who says no or you don't have a life, which is what I found out the first time.

Sarah Michelle Gellar
Ultimately, I want to have a good career and do interesting work

Ultimately, I want to have a good career and do interesting work

Sarah Michelle Gellar
I got to see the first step, hear the first word. Most people - and certainly working moms - are not able to do that. I wanted to appreciate the fact that I had worked so hard all my life to be able to have those moments

I got to see the first step, hear the first word. Most people - and certainly working moms - are not able to do that. I wanted to appreciate the fact that I had worked so hard all my life to be able to have those moments

Sarah Michelle Gellar
There’s a lot more to being with someone than just love.

There’s a lot more to being with someone than just love.

Sarah Michelle Gellar
I don't understand why James Bond has to be a man all the time. When Pierce Brosnan retires, why not one of us?

I don't understand why James Bond has to be a man all the time. When Pierce Brosnan retires, why not one of us?

Sarah Michelle Gellar
I've always been fascinated by Asian culture, and I love that women can play the lead in a horror film.

I've always been fascinated by Asian culture, and I love that women can play the lead in a horror film.

Sarah Michelle Gellar
I don't get the whole getting drunk thing.

I don't get the whole getting drunk thing.

Sarah Michelle Gellar
I was young. I was newly married. And I had worked like a dog. I just wanted to live and travel.

I was young. I was newly married. And I had worked like a dog. I just wanted to live and travel.

Sarah Michelle Gellar
Buffys very similar to me to me when I was growing up. A child in an adult world, sort of trapped between the two. Does Buffy go to the prom or does she save the world from demons?

Buffys very similar to me to me when I was growing up. A child in an adult world, sort of trapped between the two. Does Buffy go to the prom or does she save the world from demons?

Sarah Michelle Gellar
I clip coupons all the time. Why should you pay more for something that someone else is paying less for?

I clip coupons all the time. Why should you pay more for something that someone else is paying less for?

Sarah Michelle Gellar
When I got off the soap I got offered all these, you know, 'women in jeopardy' -- I call them 'disease of the week' movies.

When I got off the soap I got offered all these, you know, 'women in jeopardy' -- I call them 'disease of the week' movies.

Sarah Michelle Gellar
When you've played Buffy - who's such a strong female role model - it's really hard for another female character to compare to her.

When you've played Buffy - who's such a strong female role model - it's really hard for another female character to compare to her.

Sarah Michelle Gellar
How can women be as thin as we are? We have personal trainers to work us out. We have specially prepared meals.

How can women be as thin as we are? We have personal trainers to work us out. We have specially prepared meals.

Sarah Michelle Gellar
Our bodies are machines and have to be functional, and to do that they have to be fed properly.

Our bodies are machines and have to be functional, and to do that they have to be fed properly.

Sarah Michelle Gellar
I'm from New York, I make kind of somewhat maybe lewd, at times - maybe some would say dirty - jokes. But in jest.

I'm from New York, I make kind of somewhat maybe lewd, at times - maybe some would say dirty - jokes. But in jest.

Sarah Michelle Gellar
I am definitely a Type-A, tidy, everything-has-a-place kind of person, so initially encouraging a mess was against my nature. But once you realize all the benefits, it's pretty simple to let that go.

I am definitely a Type-A, tidy, everything-has-a-place kind of person, so initially encouraging a mess was against my nature. But once you realize all the benefits, it's pretty simple to let that go.

Sarah Michelle Gellar
A lot of times, when you start a show at a young age, you get stuck. You get six years of high school, but I didn't have that.

A lot of times, when you start a show at a young age, you get stuck. You get six years of high school, but I didn't have that.

Sarah Michelle Gellar
How many times, in any actor's life, do you get to be a part of something that has a legacy like [Buffy]? I think that's only fortunate. I don't see the negative.

How many times, in any actor's life, do you get to be a part of something that has a legacy like [Buffy]? I think that's only fortunate. I don't see the negative.

Sarah Michelle Gellar
I would tell any actress that the trick is to play all the female characters on your show, and then all the men are yours.

I would tell any actress that the trick is to play all the female characters on your show, and then all the men are yours.

Sarah Michelle Gellar
All joking aside, I'm a television watcher and I get frustrated with shows sometimes when they set up puzzles and then they don't give answers. It's just more questions and more questions.

All joking aside, I'm a television watcher and I get frustrated with shows sometimes when they set up puzzles and then they don't give answers. It's just more questions and more questions.

Sarah Michelle Gellar
It's a terrible process, what you go through, during pilot season. All the shows turn themselves in and there is a good four to six weeks before you get phone call.

It's a terrible process, what you go through, during pilot season. All the shows turn themselves in and there is a good four to six weeks before you get phone call.

Sarah Michelle Gellar
When I'm with my kids, I definitely try and be in the moment and wait till the end unless the mess poses a real danger, like slipping. But when I am cooking by myself, I definitely clean as I go to simplify.

When I'm with my kids, I definitely try and be in the moment and wait till the end unless the mess poses a real danger, like slipping. But when I am cooking by myself, I definitely clean as I go to simplify.

Sarah Michelle Gellar
I don't do a television show for awards. You make it so people will enjoy watching it.

I don't do a television show for awards. You make it so people will enjoy watching it.

Sarah Michelle Gellar
Whether it's a big dinner party or people just coming over to hang out, I just love to spend time with them.

Whether it's a big dinner party or people just coming over to hang out, I just love to spend time with them.

Sarah Michelle Gellar
I think you either live a real life or you live a weird celebrity pseudolife. I think I lead a really real life.

I think you either live a real life or you live a weird celebrity pseudolife. I think I lead a really real life.

Sarah Michelle Gellar
You're always homesick. There's always something about home that's special. But I'm not a things person. I'm not attached to my things.

You're always homesick. There's always something about home that's special. But I'm not a things person. I'm not attached to my things.

Sarah Michelle Gellar