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13 Thought-Provoking Robert Stone Quotes You Will Swear By

Famous As: American novelist
Born On: 1937
Died On: 2015
Born In: Brooklyn, New York, United States
Died At Age: 77
Robert Stone was a prolific American author known for writing about life’s problems which reflected the miseries he faced during his childhood. He started off his career in the U.S Navy as a radioman and eventually served as a journalist. He was further hired by a local newspaper as an assistant editor but returned to New York to join the beatnik subculture and tried having a mystical experience through drugs. He debuted as a novelist with ‘A Hall of Mirrors’ which turned out to be a huge success and made him famous instantly. This encouraged him to publish various novels while working as a professor for several renowned institutions including Harvard University. During this period, he published his most appreciated novel titled ‘Dog Soldiers’. This book portrayed the life of a sailor falling into drugs and was acknowledged by TIME in its list of the 100 best novels. He is also remembered for publishing a collection of short-stories titled ‘Fun With Problems’. His significant contributions to the literary world have brought him a few awards including ‘William Faulkner Foundation Award’. Here is a collection of sayings and quotations which have been extracted from his writings, books, life, novels, lectures and thoughts. Go through the motivational and inspiring quotes and sayings by Robert Stone that will surely keep you going in the hour of tide.
Listed In:
I’ve been waiting my whole life to fuck up like this.

I’ve been waiting my whole life to fuck up like this.

Robert Stone
I've always remembered. This fellow said to me - if you think someones'doing you wrong, it's not for you to judge. Kill them first and then God can do the judging.

I've always remembered. This fellow said to me - if you think someones'doing you wrong, it's not for you to judge. Kill them first and then God can do the judging.

Robert Stone
It’s hard to stay away from religion when you mess with acid.

It’s hard to stay away from religion when you mess with acid.

Robert Stone
If you couldn't tell the difference between what hurt and what didn't, you had no business being alive. You can't have any good times if you can't tell.

If you couldn't tell the difference between what hurt and what didn't, you had no business being alive. You can't have any good times if you can't tell.

Robert Stone
That's the great thing about literature -- it makes the world less lonely.

That's the great thing about literature -- it makes the world less lonely.

Robert Stone
If you haven't fought for your life for something you want, you don't know what's life all about.

If you haven't fought for your life for something you want, you don't know what's life all about.

Robert Stone
We carry nemesis inside us.

We carry nemesis inside us.

Robert Stone
How learned and fine we believed ourselves to be! How shitty of the world to deal with us this way.

How learned and fine we believed ourselves to be! How shitty of the world to deal with us this way.

Robert Stone
He had undertaken a little assay at the good fight and found that neither the good nor the fight was left to him . . . he had gone after life again and they had shown him life and made him eat it.

He had undertaken a little assay at the good fight and found that neither the good nor the fight was left to him . . . he had gone after life again and they had shown him life and made him eat it.

Robert Stone
But Moby-Dick is the explanation of America. It’s not just a novel. It is a book of prophecy. It is the book. It is the book of America.

But Moby-Dick is the explanation of America. It’s not just a novel. It is a book of prophecy. It is the book. It is the book of America.

Robert Stone
He sat desiring the girl - a speed-hardened straw-colored junkie stewardess, a spoiled Augustana Lutheran, compounded of airport Muzak and beauty parlor school. Her eyes were fouled with smog and propane spray.

He sat desiring the girl - a speed-hardened straw-colored junkie stewardess, a spoiled Augustana Lutheran, compounded of airport Muzak and beauty parlor school. Her eyes were fouled with smog and propane spray.

Robert Stone
The mixtures of shells and light makes you confused and unhappy. One side employing the force of he other merging. You're one of those people who hears the sun come up.

The mixtures of shells and light makes you confused and unhappy. One side employing the force of he other merging. You're one of those people who hears the sun come up.

Robert Stone