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47 Thought-Provoking Quotes By Richard Powers, The Celebrated American Novelist

Famous As: Novelist, Writer, Science fiction writer
Born On: 1957
Born In: Evanston
Age: 67 Years
American novelist Richard Powers is famous for his works that revolve around modern science and technology. Modern science and technology have endless opportunities for fiction writers and draws a number of literary enthusiasts. Richard Powers has been able to maintain a sense of eagerness and excitement among his readers. ‘The Echo Maker’, was one such novel that won him the National Book Award for fiction in 2006. He has received numerous felicitations and awards for his work. His writings and books contain his thoughts on several issues. Some of his recent works like ‘Waltzing: A Manual for Dancing and Living’, ‘Florida Pineywoods Pioneers’, and ‘Orfeo’ have gained appreciation from readers. From an era that believed the earth was flat, until today where people plan to migrate to another planet, science and fiction have been omnipresent among us. Richard Powers is among the many intellectual minds who keep our fascination for both science and fiction alive through their work, books, writings, thoughts, sayings and quotations. We bring to you a collection of his sayings, quotes and thoughts on science, creativity, world, time and information.
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Librarian is a service occupation. Gas station attendant of the mind.

Librarian is a service occupation. Gas station attendant of the mind.

Richard Powers
Evil is the refusal to see one's self in others.

Evil is the refusal to see one's self in others.

Richard Powers
When you're sure of what you're looking at, look harder.

When you're sure of what you're looking at, look harder.

Richard Powers
What I really like to learn how to do is to build sentences that are equal to mental states.

What I really like to learn how to do is to build sentences that are equal to mental states.

Richard Powers
Maybe happiness is like a virus. Maybe it's one of those bugs that sits for a long time, so we don't even know that we are infected.

Maybe happiness is like a virus. Maybe it's one of those bugs that sits for a long time, so we don't even know that we are infected.

Richard Powers
The job of taste was to thin the insane torrent of human creativity down to manageable levels. But the job of appetite was never to be happy with taste.

The job of taste was to thin the insane torrent of human creativity down to manageable levels. But the job of appetite was never to be happy with taste.

Richard Powers
The morning was glorious, one of those crystalline, dry, blue, fall days when the temperature hovers right at anticipation.

The morning was glorious, one of those crystalline, dry, blue, fall days when the temperature hovers right at anticipation.

Richard Powers
Only keep still, wait, and hear, and the world will open.

Only keep still, wait, and hear, and the world will open.

Richard Powers
The web: yet another total disorientation that becomes status quo without anyone realizing it.

The web: yet another total disorientation that becomes status quo without anyone realizing it.

Richard Powers
For a moment, looking felt like something that happened to you rather than something you did. Not 'Are you who I think you are?' Am I who you think I am?

For a moment, looking felt like something that happened to you rather than something you did. Not 'Are you who I think you are?' Am I who you think I am?

Richard Powers
Information may travel at light speed, but meaning spreads at the speed of dark.

Information may travel at light speed, but meaning spreads at the speed of dark.

Richard Powers
The thing about music was that you never knew the shape of anyone’s desire.

The thing about music was that you never knew the shape of anyone’s desire.

Richard Powers
Listen deep down: most life happens on scales a million times smaller than ours.

Listen deep down: most life happens on scales a million times smaller than ours.

Richard Powers
Chance was just an order that you hadn't yet perceived.

Chance was just an order that you hadn't yet perceived.

Richard Powers
It had to be U. U. was the only town I could still bear, the one spot in the atlas I'd already absorbed head-on. When you take too many of your critical hits in one place, that place can no longer hurt you.

It had to be U. U. was the only town I could still bear, the one spot in the atlas I'd already absorbed head-on. When you take too many of your critical hits in one place, that place can no longer hurt you.

Richard Powers
He will love this music to death. In a few more years, he’ll snort at its sentiment and mock its stirring progressions. Once you’ve loved like that, the only safe haven is resentment.

He will love this music to death. In a few more years, he’ll snort at its sentiment and mock its stirring progressions. Once you’ve loved like that, the only safe haven is resentment.

Richard Powers
Synapses in motion tend to stay in motion. Synapses at rest tend to stay at rest.

Synapses in motion tend to stay in motion. Synapses at rest tend to stay at rest.

Richard Powers
Zag when they think you'll zig.

Zag when they think you'll zig.

Richard Powers
Music wasn't about learning how to love. It was about learning what to disown and when to disown it. Even the most magnificent piece would end up as collateral damage in the endless war over taste.

Music wasn't about learning how to love. It was about learning what to disown and when to disown it. Even the most magnificent piece would end up as collateral damage in the endless war over taste.

Richard Powers
Still, history is the long process of outsourcing human ability in order to leverage more of it.

Still, history is the long process of outsourcing human ability in order to leverage more of it.

Richard Powers
The oldest principle of composition: repeat everything.

The oldest principle of composition: repeat everything.

Richard Powers
Music is a system of proportions in the service of a spiritual impulse.

Music is a system of proportions in the service of a spiritual impulse.

Richard Powers
And you, fallen Wendy, eviscerated by the eternal recurrence of it all, hear Peter snarl at you for growing guilty and big and old...

And you, fallen Wendy, eviscerated by the eternal recurrence of it all, hear Peter snarl at you for growing guilty and big and old...

Richard Powers
Was tonality out there – God-given? Or were those magic ratios, like everything human, makeshift rules to be broken on the way to a more merciless freedom?

Was tonality out there – God-given? Or were those magic ratios, like everything human, makeshift rules to be broken on the way to a more merciless freedom?

Richard Powers
Be grateful for anything that still cuts. Dissonance is a beauty that familiarity hasn't destroyed yet.

Be grateful for anything that still cuts. Dissonance is a beauty that familiarity hasn't destroyed yet.

Richard Powers
Maybe the key to acclaim is simply to live long enough.
But then, maybe acclaim is the foyer to death.

Maybe the key to acclaim is simply to live long enough. But then, maybe acclaim is the foyer to death.

Richard Powers
Art is not a mobocracy. It’s a republic.

Art is not a mobocracy. It’s a republic.

Richard Powers
Life is nothing but mutual infection.

Life is nothing but mutual infection.

Richard Powers
It seemed to me that half of life’s problems would be solved if one of us had a vagina.

It seemed to me that half of life’s problems would be solved if one of us had a vagina.

Richard Powers
Reckless archaism. Arpeggiating under the influence. Presto in an andante zone.

Reckless archaism. Arpeggiating under the influence. Presto in an andante zone.

Richard Powers