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44 Ralph Nader Quotes For A Positive Outlook

Famous As: American Lawyer and Politician Known for His Involvement in Consumer Protection and Environmentalism
Born On: 1934
Born In: Winsted, Connecticut, United States
Age: 91 Years

Ralph Nader is a renowned American environmentalist, reformer and consumer protection activists, author and lecturer. He gained prominence after the release of his best seller ‘Unsafe at Any Speed’, which gave us a critical account of the safety record of American automobile manufacturers. His work ‘Action for a Change’ and ‘Collision Course: the Truth About Airline Safety and Taming the Giant Corporation’ created headlines for his whistle blowing shenanigans. He was listed among the Top 100 Influential Americans by the Life Magazine, Time Magazine, The Atlantic and Britannica. This Automotive Hall of Fame inductee was also awarded with prestigious honors of Gandhi Peace Award and Horchow Award for Public Service by a Private Citizen. Nader was instrumental in implementation of consumer protection acts such as The Clean Water Act, the Freedom of Information Act, the Consumer Product Safety Act, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the Whistleblower Protection Act, and the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety. We have collected his famous quotes from his writings, speeches, interviews, observation, activism etc. Run through these quotes from this American activist.

The use of solar energy has not been opened up because the oil industry does not own the sun.

The use of solar energy has not been opened up because the oil industry does not own the sun.

Ralph Nader
A society that has more justice is a society that needs less charity.

A society that has more justice is a society that needs less charity.

Ralph Nader
I once said to my father, when I was a boy, 'Dad we need a third political party.' He said to me, 'I'll settle for a second.'

I once said to my father, when I was a boy, 'Dad we need a third political party.' He said to me, 'I'll settle for a second.'

Ralph Nader
Your best teacher is your last mistake.

Your best teacher is your last mistake.

Ralph Nader
We must strive to become good ancestors.

We must strive to become good ancestors.

Ralph Nader
If God hadn't meant for us to eat sugar, he wouldn't have invented dentists.

If God hadn't meant for us to eat sugar, he wouldn't have invented dentists.

Ralph Nader
I start with the premise that the function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.

I start with the premise that the function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.

Ralph Nader
Power has to be insecure to be responsive.

Power has to be insecure to be responsive.

Ralph Nader
Once you don't vote your ideals... that has serious undermining affects. It erodes the moral basis of our democracy.

Once you don't vote your ideals... that has serious undermining affects. It erodes the moral basis of our democracy.

Ralph Nader
A leader has the vision and conviction that a dream can be achieved. He inspires the power and energy to get it done.

A leader has the vision and conviction that a dream can be achieved. He inspires the power and energy to get it done.

Ralph Nader
The nation is faced with one of the most corporate-orientated anti-consumer Congresses in our history.

The nation is faced with one of the most corporate-orientated anti-consumer Congresses in our history.

Ralph Nader
The only difference between the Republican and Democratic parties is the velocities with which their knees hit the floor when corporations knock on their door. That's the only difference.

The only difference between the Republican and Democratic parties is the velocities with which their knees hit the floor when corporations knock on their door. That's the only difference.

Ralph Nader
When strangers start acting like neighbors... communities are reinvigorated.

When strangers start acting like neighbors... communities are reinvigorated.

Ralph Nader
You should not allow yourself the luxuries of discouragement of despair. Bounce back immediately, and welcome the adversity because it produces harder thinking and harder drive to get to the objective.

You should not allow yourself the luxuries of discouragement of despair. Bounce back immediately, and welcome the adversity because it produces harder thinking and harder drive to get to the objective.

Ralph Nader
There can be no daily democracy without daily citizenship.

There can be no daily democracy without daily citizenship.

Ralph Nader
For almost seventy years the life insurance industry has been a smug sacred cow feeding the public a steady line of sacred bull.

For almost seventy years the life insurance industry has been a smug sacred cow feeding the public a steady line of sacred bull.

Ralph Nader

The 'democracy gap' in our politics and elections spells a deep sense of powerlessness by people who drop out, do not vote, or listlessly vote for the 'least worst' every four years and then wonder why after every cycle the 'least worst' gets worse.

Ralph Nader
John D. Rockefeller wanted to dominate oil, but Microsoft wants it all, you name it: cable, media, banking, car dealerships.

John D. Rockefeller wanted to dominate oil, but Microsoft wants it all, you name it: cable, media, banking, car dealerships.

Ralph Nader
A society with more justice needs less charity.

A society with more justice needs less charity.

Ralph Nader

Up against the corporate government, voters find themselves asked to choose between look-alike candidates from two parties vying to see who takes the marching orders from their campaign paymasters and their future employers. The money of vested interest nullifies genuine voter choice and trust.

Ralph Nader
No presidential candidate should visit Las Vegas without condemning organized gambling.

No presidential candidate should visit Las Vegas without condemning organized gambling.

Ralph Nader
As a public interest lawyer, your fund of injustice will never be empty.

As a public interest lawyer, your fund of injustice will never be empty.

Ralph Nader
Moral courage is the highest expression of humanity ...

Moral courage is the highest expression of humanity ...

Ralph Nader
The shortcomings of America's political leaders do not stop at our borders.

The shortcomings of America's political leaders do not stop at our borders.

Ralph Nader
Every time I see something terrible, it's like I see it at age 19. I keep a freshness that way.

Every time I see something terrible, it's like I see it at age 19. I keep a freshness that way.

Ralph Nader
The corporate lobby in Washington is basically designed to stifle all legislative activity on behalf of consumers.

The corporate lobby in Washington is basically designed to stifle all legislative activity on behalf of consumers.

Ralph Nader
Members of Congress are like the voters in one respect -- they want to go with the winners.

Members of Congress are like the voters in one respect -- they want to go with the winners.

Ralph Nader
Sanctions against polluters are feeble and out of date, and are rarely invoked.

Sanctions against polluters are feeble and out of date, and are rarely invoked.

Ralph Nader
People are stunned to hear that one company has data files on 185 million Americans.

People are stunned to hear that one company has data files on 185 million Americans.

Ralph Nader
I don't think meals have any business being deductible. I'm for separation of calories and corporations.

I don't think meals have any business being deductible. I'm for separation of calories and corporations.

Ralph Nader