5 Quotes By Paul Castellano
Paul Castellano was a notorious American mafia boss. He took the place of Carlo Gambino to become the chief of the ‘Gambino crime family.’ The family was the country’s largest ‘Cosa Nostra’ family of its time. His father was a butcher, a forerunner of the ‘Gambino family’ and an early member of the ‘Mangano crime family.’ Castellano gave up schooling in eighth grade to collect number receipts and learn butchering from his father. We have collected some quotes by the mafia boss. Take a look at the compilation of famous quotes and sayings by Paul Castellano which have been amassed from his thoughts, public utterances, interviews, and life.

There are certain promises you make that are more sacred than anything that happens in a court of law, I don't care how many Bibles you put your hand on.

If the president of the United States, if he's smart, if he needs help, he’d come. I could do a favor for the president

This life of ours, this is a wonderful life. If you can get through life like this and get away with it, hey that's great. But it's very predictable. There's so many ways you can screw it up.
We're not children here. The law is-how should I put it? A convenience. Or a convenience for some people, and an inconvenience for other people. Like, take the law that says you can't go into someone else's houseI have a house, so, hey, I like that law. The guy without a house-what's he think of it? Stay out in the rain, schnook.That’s what the law means to him
There are certain promises you make that are more sacred than anything that happens in a court of law,I don't care how many Bibles you put your hand on.Some of the promises,it's true,you make to young,before you really have an understanding of what they mean.But once you've made those first promises,other promises are called for.And the thing is you can't deny the new ones without betraying the old ones.The promises get bigger,there are more people to be hurt and disappointed if you don't live up to them.Then, at some point, your called upon to make a promise to a dying man.