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31 Best Quotes By Nobel Laureate Niels Bohr

Famous As: Danish Physicist Who Made Foundational Contributions to Understanding Atomic Structure and Quantum Theory
Born On: 1885
Died On: 1962
Born In: Copenhagen, Denmark
Died At Age: 77
Niels Henrik David Bohr was a Danish physicist. He is credited with scientific breakthroughs like the explanation of the atomic structure as well as quantum theory. He studied physics at Copenhagen University and earned a Ph.D in physics from the same university. He is well-known for having explained the atomic structure and his model is known as the ‘Bohr Model’, which remains the first model to have provided a valid theory on something that had been dwelt upon by number of scientists prior to Bohr. Other than the Bohr Model, he is renowned for ‘Bohr Radius’, ‘BKS Theory’, ‘Copenhagen Interpretation’, ‘Bohr Orbital’, ‘Hafnium’ and ‘Complementarity’ among others. Bohr was one of the most gifted scientists of his generation and he remains to be one of the most influential scientists to have ever existed. Bohr won several awards, chief among them being the ‘Hughes Medal’, ‘Copley Medal’, ‘Matteucci Medal’ and the ‘Nobel Prize in Physics’ among others. His observations and thoughts over sereval things made huge impact. He voiced great concern about how nations would work together. The below collection of Niels Bohr most famous quotes have been excerpted from his writings, papers and thoughts. We bring to you a collection of sayings and quotes by Niels Bohr that will surely leave a lasting impression.
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An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field.

An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field.

Niels Bohr
Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future.

Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future.

Niels Bohr
The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth.

The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth.

Niels Bohr
There are some things so serious that you have to laugh at them.

There are some things so serious that you have to laugh at them.

Niels Bohr
How wonderful that we have met with a paradox. Now we have some hope of making progress.

How wonderful that we have met with a paradox. Now we have some hope of making progress.

Niels Bohr
Those who are not shocked when they first come across quantum theory cannot possibly have understood it.

Those who are not shocked when they first come across quantum theory cannot possibly have understood it.

Niels Bohr
Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.

Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.

Niels Bohr
No, no, you're not thinking; you're just being logical.

No, no, you're not thinking; you're just being logical.

Niels Bohr
Stop telling God what to do with his dice.

Stop telling God what to do with his dice.

Niels Bohr
Never express yourself more clearly than you are able to think

Never express yourself more clearly than you are able to think

Niels Bohr
We are all agreed that your theory is crazy. The question which divides us is whether it is crazy enough to have a chance of being correct. My own feeling is that it is not crazy enough.

We are all agreed that your theory is crazy. The question which divides us is whether it is crazy enough to have a chance of being correct. My own feeling is that it is not crazy enough.

Niels Bohr
A physicist is just an atom's way of looking at itself.

A physicist is just an atom's way of looking at itself.

Niels Bohr
The meaning of life consists in the fact that it makes no sense to say that life has no meaning.

The meaning of life consists in the fact that it makes no sense to say that life has no meaning.

Niels Bohr
Every great and deep difficulty bears in itself it’s own solution. It forces us to change our thinking in order to find it.

Every great and deep difficulty bears in itself it’s own solution. It forces us to change our thinking in order to find it.

Niels Bohr
There are trivial truths and there are great truths. The opposite of a trivial truth is plainly false. The opposite of a great truth is also true.

There are trivial truths and there are great truths. The opposite of a trivial truth is plainly false. The opposite of a great truth is also true.

Niels Bohr
Every sentence I utter must be understood not as an affirmation, but as a question.

Every sentence I utter must be understood not as an affirmation, but as a question.

Niels Bohr
You can recognize a small truth because its opposite is a falsehood. The opposite of a great truth is another truth.

You can recognize a small truth because its opposite is a falsehood. The opposite of a great truth is another truth.

Niels Bohr
An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made in a very narrow field.

An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made in a very narrow field.

Niels Bohr
Your theory is crazy, but it's not crazy enough to be true.

Your theory is crazy, but it's not crazy enough to be true.

Niels Bohr
It is the hallmark of any deep truth that its negation is also a deep truth

It is the hallmark of any deep truth that its negation is also a deep truth

Niels Bohr
You must come to Copenhagen to work with us. We like people who can actually perform thought experiments!

You must come to Copenhagen to work with us. We like people who can actually perform thought experiments!

Niels Bohr
It is not enough to be wrong, one must also be polite.

It is not enough to be wrong, one must also be polite.

Niels Bohr
The Stone Age didn't end because the World ran out of stones

The Stone Age didn't end because the World ran out of stones

Niels Bohr
We are suspended in language.

We are suspended in language.

Niels Bohr
Every sentence I utter must be understood not as an affirmation but as a question.

[A caution he gives his students, to be wary of dogmatism.]

Every sentence I utter must be understood not as an affirmation but as a question. [A caution he gives his students, to be wary of dogmatism.]

Niels Bohr
Anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory has not understood it.

Anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory has not understood it.

Niels Bohr
You are not thinking, you are just being logical.

You are not thinking, you are just being logical.

Niels Bohr
Physics is not about how the world is, it is about what we can say about the world

Physics is not about how the world is, it is about what we can say about the world

Niels Bohr
In our description of nature the purpose is not to disclose the real essence of the phenomena but only to track down, as far as possible, relations between the manifold aspects of our experience.

In our description of nature the purpose is not to disclose the real essence of the phenomena but only to track down, as far as possible, relations between the manifold aspects of our experience.

Niels Bohr
The very fact that knowledge is itself the basis for civilization points directly to openness as the way to overcome the present crisis.

The very fact that knowledge is itself the basis for civilization points directly to openness as the way to overcome the present crisis.

Niels Bohr