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55 Most Inspiring Quotes By Michael Jackson That Will Change Your Perspective Of Life

Famous As: One of the Most Significant Cultural Figures of the 20th Century Popularly Known as the 'King of Pop'
Born On: 1958
Died On: 2009
Born In: Gary, Indiana, United States
Founder / Co Founder: Heal the World Foundation
Died At Age: 50

Michael Jackson was a renowned American singer-songwriter and dancer. His classic move the 'Moonwalk' has inspired many to join the dance fraternity. Here is an interesting story from the life of this pop icon.

An elderly couple had boarded the same flight Michael Jackson was traveling. However, the long journey proved troublesome for the old lady. She fell sick after suffering from stomach ache and became unconscious. After regaining her senses, she saw the face of her distressed husband and beside him was a young fellow extending his hand for help. The young man was none other than famous singer Michael Jackson, who invited the couple traveling economy to accompany him in first class. Through the remainder of the flight they chatted about everything under the sun. The singer was an honorable host and after they got off the flight, he offered the couple a ride in his Limo, even though their destination was the other way he was traveling.

When the car arrived in their doorway, the family expected bad news but to their surprise none other than Michael Jackson himself got down from the Limo holding the bags for the couple.

This was one of the several instances when the pop singer went out of his way to touch the lives of common people. In the section below we have compiled some of the best inspirational quotes by the famous singer Michael Jackson.

Listed In:
If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.

If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.

Michael Jackson
Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons.

Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons.

Michael Jackson
When they say the sky's the limit to me that's really true

When they say the sky's the limit to me that's really true

Michael Jackson
We have to heal our wounded world. The chaos, despair, and senseless destruction we see today are a result of the alienation that people feel from each other and their environment.

We have to heal our wounded world. The chaos, despair, and senseless destruction we see today are a result of the alienation that people feel from each other and their environment.

Michael Jackson
To live is to be musical, starting with the blood dancing in your veins. Everything living has a rhythm. Do you feel your music?

To live is to be musical, starting with the blood dancing in your veins. Everything living has a rhythm. Do you feel your music?

Michael Jackson
People ask me how I make music. I tell them I just step into it. It's like stepping into a river and joining the flow. Every moment in the river has its song.

People ask me how I make music. I tell them I just step into it. It's like stepping into a river and joining the flow. Every moment in the river has its song.

Michael Jackson
Hope is such a beautiful word, but it often seems very fragile. Life is still being needlessly hurt and destroyed.

Hope is such a beautiful word, but it often seems very fragile. Life is still being needlessly hurt and destroyed.

Michael Jackson
In their innocence, very young children know themselves to be light and love. If we will allow them, they can teach us to see ourselves the same way.

In their innocence, very young children know themselves to be light and love. If we will allow them, they can teach us to see ourselves the same way.

Michael Jackson
All of us are products of our childhood.

All of us are products of our childhood.

Michael Jackson
When children listen to music, they don't just listen. They melt into the melody and flow with the rhythm. Something inside starts to unfold its wings - soon the child and the music are one.

When children listen to music, they don't just listen. They melt into the melody and flow with the rhythm. Something inside starts to unfold its wings - soon the child and the music are one.

Michael Jackson
To give someone a piece of your heart, is worth more than all the wealth in the world.

To give someone a piece of your heart, is worth more than all the wealth in the world.

Michael Jackson
A star can never die. It just turns into a smile and melts back into the cosmic music, the dance of life.

A star can never die. It just turns into a smile and melts back into the cosmic music, the dance of life.

Michael Jackson
But for me the sweetest contact with God has no form. I close my eyes, look within, and enter a deep soft silence. The infinity of God's creation embraces me.

But for me the sweetest contact with God has no form. I close my eyes, look within, and enter a deep soft silence. The infinity of God's creation embraces me.

Michael Jackson
Children show me in their playful smiles the divine in everyone.

Children show me in their playful smiles the divine in everyone.

Michael Jackson
Look beyond yourself..

Look beyond yourself..

Michael Jackson
I'm just like anyone. I cut and I bleed and I embarass easily.

I'm just like anyone. I cut and I bleed and I embarass easily.

Michael Jackson
I'm going to search for my star until I find it. It's hidden in the drawer of innocence, wrapped in a scarf of wonder.

I'm going to search for my star until I find it. It's hidden in the drawer of innocence, wrapped in a scarf of wonder.

Michael Jackson
Before you judge me , try hard to love me , look within your heart
Then ask , - have you seen my childhood ?

Before you judge me , try hard to love me , look within your heart Then ask , - have you seen my childhood ?

Michael Jackson
They say that parenting is like dancing. You take one step, your child takes another.

They say that parenting is like dancing. You take one step, your child takes another.

Michael Jackson
Each song is a child I nourish and give my love to. But even if you have never written a song, your life is a song. How can it not be?

Each song is a child I nourish and give my love to. But even if you have never written a song, your life is a song. How can it not be?

Michael Jackson
But I will never stop helping and loving people the way Jesus said to.

But I will never stop helping and loving people the way Jesus said to.

Michael Jackson
When all life is seen as divine, everyone grows wings.

When all life is seen as divine, everyone grows wings.

Michael Jackson
Please go for your dreams. Whatever your ideals, you can become whatever you want to become.

Please go for your dreams. Whatever your ideals, you can become whatever you want to become.

Michael Jackson
Heal the World, 
make it a better place, 
for you and for me 
and the entire human race, 
there are people dying, 
if you care enough for the living, 
make a better place for you and for me....

Heal the World, make it a better place, for you and for me and the entire human race, there are people dying, if you care enough for the living, make a better place for you and for me....

Michael Jackson
I'm really very self-confident when it comes to my work. When I take on a project, I believe in it 100%. I really put my soul into it. I'd die for it. That's how I am.

I'm really very self-confident when it comes to my work. When I take on a project, I believe in it 100%. I really put my soul into it. I'd die for it. That's how I am.

Michael Jackson
If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and make a change.

If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and make a change.

Michael Jackson
You can't hurt me, I found peace within myself.

You can't hurt me, I found peace within myself.

Michael Jackson
I believe I'm one of the loneliest people in the world.

I believe I'm one of the loneliest people in the world.

Michael Jackson
Before you Judge me, Try hard to Love me

Before you Judge me, Try hard to Love me

Michael Jackson
But they told me a man should be faithful, and walk when not able, and fight till the end but I'm only Human.

But they told me a man should be faithful, and walk when not able, and fight till the end but I'm only Human.

Michael Jackson