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155 Top Quotes By Michael Douglas On Marriage, Love, Family & Cancer

Famous As: One of the Most Popular and Critically Acclaimed Actors of His Generation
Born On: 1944
Born In: New Brunswick, New Jersey, United States
Age: 79 Years

Known for his quirky sense of humour, Michael Douglas can come up with the most controversial statements. But it is his honest and unapologetic words that make for the most interesting quotes. This Oscar winning thespian has starred is several successful Hollywood movies and has even won a Best Actor Oscar. He has battled tongue cancer and has been very vocal about his struggle with the disease. His marriage to Catherine Zeta-Jones, 25 years his junior, may have raised eyebrows but his successful marriage makes him an inspiring figure. Here are some of his most interesting pieces of opinion on emotions, family, love, marriage, happiness, people, films, career, and cancer. 

For an actor, its great fun to play one of these hungry white sharks. Audiences love to hate them.

For an actor, its great fun to play one of these hungry white sharks. Audiences love to hate them.

Michael Douglas
It's difficult for me to meet women because my crowd is much older. I know that for some of the young women I do meet, a relationship with me can be envisioned as a benefit to their career.

It's difficult for me to meet women because my crowd is much older. I know that for some of the young women I do meet, a relationship with me can be envisioned as a benefit to their career.

Michael Douglas
I've always tried to kind of stretch my wings as an actor and do things that are different.

I've always tried to kind of stretch my wings as an actor and do things that are different.

Michael Douglas
I'm not a big filmophile. I don't watch movies a lot for a hobby. I spend all my time watching sporting events. Because, opposed to movies, you can never tell how they're going to end.

I'm not a big filmophile. I don't watch movies a lot for a hobby. I spend all my time watching sporting events. Because, opposed to movies, you can never tell how they're going to end.

Michael Douglas
I am a Jew. Those are four words of pride. My Jewishness is as deep as my genes.

I am a Jew. Those are four words of pride. My Jewishness is as deep as my genes.

Michael Douglas
Basketball is great; no one in Europe seems to believe just how close the spectators can sit to the players.

Basketball is great; no one in Europe seems to believe just how close the spectators can sit to the players.

Michael Douglas
A fool and his money are lucky enough to get together in the first place.

A fool and his money are lucky enough to get together in the first place.

Michael Douglas
What's worth doing is worth doing for money.

What's worth doing is worth doing for money.

Michael Douglas
Everything's so repressive now - it's the No generation. You can't do anything, you can't eat anything, you have to abstain.

Everything's so repressive now - it's the No generation. You can't do anything, you can't eat anything, you have to abstain.

Michael Douglas
Since Catherine [Zeta-Jones] and I got together, I've cut back dramatically. My priorities changed, and I still love acting and all that, but not as much as I love watching my two kids grow up.

Since Catherine [Zeta-Jones] and I got together, I've cut back dramatically. My priorities changed, and I still love acting and all that, but not as much as I love watching my two kids grow up.

Michael Douglas
Even when you're acting with a producing hat, when you're in every scene, you're really conscious of trying to make everybody as good as they are, because ultimately you're trying to make the best movie possible.

Even when you're acting with a producing hat, when you're in every scene, you're really conscious of trying to make everybody as good as they are, because ultimately you're trying to make the best movie possible.

Michael Douglas
Human Rights for everyone is the necessary foundation upon which all of us may build a world where everybody may live in peace and serenity and plenty.

Human Rights for everyone is the necessary foundation upon which all of us may build a world where everybody may live in peace and serenity and plenty.

Michael Douglas
I dont know about Brad Pitt leaving that beautiful woman to go hold orphans for Angelina. I mean how long is that going to last?

I dont know about Brad Pitt leaving that beautiful woman to go hold orphans for Angelina. I mean how long is that going to last?

Michael Douglas
The history of second-generation actors isn't great in our industry.

The history of second-generation actors isn't great in our industry.

Michael Douglas
In this whole digital age, where everything is so exposed, rather than trying to keep something private, you try to get out ahead of the curve and limit the amount of gossip.

In this whole digital age, where everything is so exposed, rather than trying to keep something private, you try to get out ahead of the curve and limit the amount of gossip.

Michael Douglas
Greed is good! Greed is right! Greed works! Greed will save the U.S.A.!

Greed is good! Greed is right! Greed works! Greed will save the U.S.A.!

Michael Douglas
Suddenly you've worked yourself up to the top of the pecking order and you say to yourself, okay, this is going to be fun.

Suddenly you've worked yourself up to the top of the pecking order and you say to yourself, okay, this is going to be fun.

Michael Douglas
That's why I'm such a big sports fan, with sports you can never guess what's gonna happen. Most movies you get halfway through and you can kind of guess the ending.

That's why I'm such a big sports fan, with sports you can never guess what's gonna happen. Most movies you get halfway through and you can kind of guess the ending.

Michael Douglas
There's nothing like a family crisis, especially a divorce, to force a person to re-evaluate his life.

There's nothing like a family crisis, especially a divorce, to force a person to re-evaluate his life.

Michael Douglas
It's a phenomenon that I see with young actors - a lot of American speaking parts going to British actors.

It's a phenomenon that I see with young actors - a lot of American speaking parts going to British actors.

Michael Douglas
When you're making pictures out of heartfelt passion, it hurts when someone calls them a calculated business move.

When you're making pictures out of heartfelt passion, it hurts when someone calls them a calculated business move.

Michael Douglas
Greed, for lack of a better word, is good.

Greed, for lack of a better word, is good.

Michael Douglas
Never knew how poor I was until I started making money.

Never knew how poor I was until I started making money.

Michael Douglas
Someone reminded me I once said, 'Greed is good.' Now it seems it's legal.

Someone reminded me I once said, 'Greed is good.' Now it seems it's legal.

Michael Douglas
My brain cannot conceive how old my body is.

My brain cannot conceive how old my body is.

Michael Douglas
Wherever arms flow, violence follows. Bullets replace ballots as the solution to political disputes.

Wherever arms flow, violence follows. Bullets replace ballots as the solution to political disputes.

Michael Douglas
I'm impressed with the people from Chicago. Hollywood is hype, New York is talk, Chicago is work.

I'm impressed with the people from Chicago. Hollywood is hype, New York is talk, Chicago is work.

Michael Douglas
Oh, I get it, it's simple. PG means the hero gets the girl, 15 means that the villain gets the girl, and 18 means everybody gets the girl.

Oh, I get it, it's simple. PG means the hero gets the girl, 15 means that the villain gets the girl, and 18 means everybody gets the girl.

Michael Douglas
Money itself isn’t lost or made.  It’s simply transferred from one perception to another.

Money itself isn’t lost or made. It’s simply transferred from one perception to another.

Michael Douglas
You have to make entertaining movies. But like a good meal, it's nice to have a little food for thought after you walk out of the theater rather than just wiling away a couple of hours.

You have to make entertaining movies. But like a good meal, it's nice to have a little food for thought after you walk out of the theater rather than just wiling away a couple of hours.

Michael Douglas