76 Great Meg Cabot Quotes That Will Keep You Inspired
Maggie Patricia Cabot, popularly known as Meg Cabot is an American novelist who specializes in writing romantic fiction as well as paranormal fiction. She has bagged plenty of awards during her illustrious career. Cabot studied at Indiana University and initially wanted to be an illustrator, but eventually became a member of staff at New York University. Her most famous work is the ‘Princess Diaries series’, which was first published in the year 2000 and made her a bestselling author. There have been 15 books of the series in total and all of them have been extremely popular. Walt Disney has also made two films based on the series. Cabot’s other notable works include ‘The Mediator Series’, which includes the books ‘Shadowland’, ‘Ninth Key’, ‘Reunion’, ‘Darkest Hour’, ‘Haunted’ and ‘Twilight’ among others. Some of her other well-known works include the ‘Avalon High Series’, ‘The Airhead Trilogy’ and ‘The Abandon Trilogy’. Cabot is without doubt one of the most renowned authors in the genres in which she writes and in recognition of her efforts she also won the ‘New York Public Library Books for the Teen Age’ award, the ‘Book Sense Pick Award’ and the ‘Evergreen Young Adult Book’ award among others. We bring to you a treasure trove of quotes that have been excerpted from her novels, books and writings, thoughts and interviews. Read on to explore a compilation of some of the best known quotes by Meg Cabot, covering various aspects of life. The quotes are sure to inspire and motivate you.

Write the kind of story you would like to read. People will give you all sorts of advice about writing, but if you are not writing something you like, no one else will like it either.

The fact is, I love him. He's the boy I want and one day he'll be MINE.

Unrequited love is all right in books and things, but in real life, it completely sucks

Being brave is when you have to do something because you know it is right, but at the same time, you are afraid to do it, because it might hurt or whatever. But you do it anyway.

Wait. Why am I thinking about Krispy Kremes? We’re supposed to be exercising.

My mother's psychologist says I have an overactive anger switch, but people just keep pissing me off.

A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle." I really hate this expression. I bet fish would totally want bicycles.

You’re not a one hundred dollar bill, not everyone is going to like you.

Life's not easy for unicorns, you know. We're a dying breed.

The peace sign is with two fingers not one.

Someday you're really going to have to describe to me in more detail what life is like on the planet you live on. Because it sounds really great, and I'd like to visit there one day.

If you love something, set it free. If it was meant to be, it will come back to you.

My heart is broken. It really is. All the signs are there. I can't sleep- not even burgers. Every time the phone rings, my pulse leaps... But it's never for me, it's never him.

Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgement that something is more important than fear; The brave may not live forever but the cautious do not live at all.

Because when you love something, you want to do it all the time, even if no one is paying you for it. At least that's how I felt about drawing.

Lilly says I have an overactive imagination and a pathological need to invent drama in my life.

What's a mediator you ask? Oh, a person who acts as a liason between the living and the dead. Hey, wait a minute...what're you doing with that strait jacket?-Suze Simon's imagination

I usually know almost exactly how I feel. The problem is, I just can't tell anyone.

Someone Hot is sometimes can't be the person they appear to be- except for their hotness... that cannot be denied.

Whoa. If high school was suppose to be the best years of my life - at least so far - I was truly destined to have a sucky adulthood.

You'll blow up a helicopter, but you won't go out with me? What is wrong with you?

I wonder what it's like to live in Tinaville. I get the feeling it's very shiny there.

There is a difference between listening and hearing, just as there is a difference between seeing and knowing.

Bite me, Harry Potter.

There will be no more British guys. Unless they are members of the royal family, of course.

Sometimes we need to take big risks if we want to find out who we are, and what we were put on this planet for.

That hurt querida, that really hurt

But then I remembered something Grandmere had once assured me of: No one has ever died of embarrassment-never, not once in the whole history of time.

If you give a man a fish he'll eat for a day, if you teach a man to fish he'll eat all the fish you may have caught for yourself

Faint heart never won fair lady