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41 Quotes By Matthew Gray Gubler

Famous As: Actor, Director, Model, Painter
Born On: 1980
Born In: Las Vegas
Age: 45 Years

Matthew Gray Gubler always wanted to be an entertainer; he started taking magic lessons at the age of five. He studied directiopn before acting and started with music videos and documentaries. Matthew never thought he would make a living out of acting. He is best known for his role as Dr. Spencer Reid in the television series, ‘Criminal Minds’. However, he prefers filmmaking to acting because it makes him feel in control. He is willing to accept criticism in his stride and uses it to his advantage. The multitalented artist has even done paintings that have gained appreciation. We have collected his quotes from his interviews, films, general observations, etc. Here are some of Matthew Gray Gubler quotes on life, thinking, beauty, light, darkness, people, fans, etc.

I've always been a fan of Andy Kaufman.

I've always been a fan of Andy Kaufman.

Matthew Gray Gubler
I would love to be on 'Curb Your Enthusiasm.' I'd love to be on that. A lot of my favorite shows get canceled really early on. I liked 'Twin Peaks.' If I had a time machine I'd be in that.

I would love to be on 'Curb Your Enthusiasm.' I'd love to be on that. A lot of my favorite shows get canceled really early on. I liked 'Twin Peaks.' If I had a time machine I'd be in that.

Matthew Gray Gubler
I never thought I'd be making a living off of acting - it's still kind of a shock for my family and friends to see my face on TV every Wednesday night.

I never thought I'd be making a living off of acting - it's still kind of a shock for my family and friends to see my face on TV every Wednesday night.

Matthew Gray Gubler
My parents instilled a very strong work ethic in me from a young age, fortunately.

My parents instilled a very strong work ethic in me from a young age, fortunately.

Matthew Gray Gubler
What I like most about directing is creating a world more so than anything. To me, the music is the wrapping paper on that world.

What I like most about directing is creating a world more so than anything. To me, the music is the wrapping paper on that world.

Matthew Gray Gubler
France has given us the best filmmakers and food.

France has given us the best filmmakers and food.

Matthew Gray Gubler
I've always had the utmost respect and awe of what the lens can do and what a director can do with just a camera move.

I've always had the utmost respect and awe of what the lens can do and what a director can do with just a camera move.

Matthew Gray Gubler
I looked like a 'Super Mario Bros.' Goomba. It's arguably the ugliest haircut on the planet.

I looked like a 'Super Mario Bros.' Goomba. It's arguably the ugliest haircut on the planet.

Matthew Gray Gubler
My dream is to make the world's scariest PG movie. Because I feel that if you can do that, then you've done something special.

My dream is to make the world's scariest PG movie. Because I feel that if you can do that, then you've done something special.

Matthew Gray Gubler
When I'm directing I'm working from 100% of my brain, but when I'm acting I'm working from my heart.

When I'm directing I'm working from 100% of my brain, but when I'm acting I'm working from my heart.

Matthew Gray Gubler
I look a little like Beaker. I think I'm a cross between Beaker and The Count. My hair looks like Oscar the Grouch. It's Muppety hair.

I look a little like Beaker. I think I'm a cross between Beaker and The Count. My hair looks like Oscar the Grouch. It's Muppety hair.

Matthew Gray Gubler
I've always been a horror fan! Ever since I can vastly remember, and I think it's because I was so terrified of monsters and ghosts as a kid that I had to sleep in front of my parents room until I was 12.

I've always been a horror fan! Ever since I can vastly remember, and I think it's because I was so terrified of monsters and ghosts as a kid that I had to sleep in front of my parents room until I was 12.

Matthew Gray Gubler
I was wearing women's jeans way before it was cool for guys to wear them. I have a weird torso - it's incredibly short, and only girl-pants fit me properly.

I was wearing women's jeans way before it was cool for guys to wear them. I have a weird torso - it's incredibly short, and only girl-pants fit me properly.

Matthew Gray Gubler
I studied directing prior to acting and I've done music videos and documentaries and things that were sort of well-received.

I studied directing prior to acting and I've done music videos and documentaries and things that were sort of well-received.

Matthew Gray Gubler
Cargo pants freak me out. Too many pockets. I always forget where my wallet is.

Cargo pants freak me out. Too many pockets. I always forget where my wallet is.

Matthew Gray Gubler
I'm obsessed with coffee. My doctor says if I don't cut back, I am going to permanently damage my esophagus. No joke.

I'm obsessed with coffee. My doctor says if I don't cut back, I am going to permanently damage my esophagus. No joke.

Matthew Gray Gubler
I just love entertaining. I will do anything - stand-up comedy, video games, fencing, internet shorts - I just want to keep being lucky enough to entertain people anyway I can. I try never to limit my art to a medium.

I just love entertaining. I will do anything - stand-up comedy, video games, fencing, internet shorts - I just want to keep being lucky enough to entertain people anyway I can. I try never to limit my art to a medium.

Matthew Gray Gubler
I found out that smoking is the leading cause of statistics.

I found out that smoking is the leading cause of statistics.

Matthew Gray Gubler
I live in my own bubble. I'm in Gublerland.

I live in my own bubble. I'm in Gublerland.

Matthew Gray Gubler
I've taken magic lessons since I was five-years-old. When I was little I would wear a top hat and cape, and I'd get relentlessly beat up by jocks. That's why I don't care for sports.

I've taken magic lessons since I was five-years-old. When I was little I would wear a top hat and cape, and I'd get relentlessly beat up by jocks. That's why I don't care for sports.

Matthew Gray Gubler
I once gave a girl a bloody fake ear in a Tiffany jewelry box with a letter that said, “will you Gogh to prom with me?

I once gave a girl a bloody fake ear in a Tiffany jewelry box with a letter that said, “will you Gogh to prom with me?

Matthew Gray Gubler
I love polite people, late September, weeping mortar, and my fantastic fands (fans/friends)

I love polite people, late September, weeping mortar, and my fantastic fands (fans/friends)

Matthew Gray Gubler
I guess I'm just in the flow and riding the wave.

I guess I'm just in the flow and riding the wave.

Matthew Gray Gubler
I'm usually pretty lame when it comes to physical activity, but I'm like a Jedi on the badminton court. It's as if my body was built specifically for it - tall and lanky, with wrists like mousetraps.

I'm usually pretty lame when it comes to physical activity, but I'm like a Jedi on the badminton court. It's as if my body was built specifically for it - tall and lanky, with wrists like mousetraps.

Matthew Gray Gubler
At my sexiest, I look like an androgenous Muppet.

At my sexiest, I look like an androgenous Muppet.

Matthew Gray Gubler
My heroes have always been the hardworking and unflappable. Those who light a candle rather than curse the darkness.

My heroes have always been the hardworking and unflappable. Those who light a candle rather than curse the darkness.

Matthew Gray Gubler
I think it's perfectly acceptable and rather admirable to be moderately delusional

I think it's perfectly acceptable and rather admirable to be moderately delusional

Matthew Gray Gubler
If you're lucky enough to find a weird - never let them go.

If you're lucky enough to find a weird - never let them go.

Matthew Gray Gubler
Take criticism, smash it into dust. Add color and use it to paint breathtaking images of unicorns frolicking through endless fields of greatness.

Take criticism, smash it into dust. Add color and use it to paint breathtaking images of unicorns frolicking through endless fields of greatness.

Matthew Gray Gubler

I've seen so many beautiful curvy women gain success in hollywood and then wither into bobble headed stick figures in some grotesque attempt to fit a revolting hollywood trend. I like real women, not the broomsticks that Hollywood has been selling lately.

Matthew Gray Gubler