34 Motivational Quotes By Martin Buber That Will Enlighten Your Mind

All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.

An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language.

When two people relate to each other authentically and humanly, God is the electricity that surges between them.

The atheist staring from his attic window is often nearer to God than the believer caught up in his own false image of God.

We can be redeemed only to the extent to which we see ourselves.

The real struggle is not between East and West, or capitalism and communism, but between education and propaganda.

Everyone must come out of his Exile in his own way.

We cannot avoid using power, cannot escape the compulsion to afflict the world, so let us, cautious in diction and mighty in contradiction, love powerfully.

Before his death, Rabbi Zusya said "In the coming world, they will not ask me: 'Why were you not Moses?' They will ask me: 'Why were you not Zusya?

All real living is meeting.

The world is not comprehensible, but it is embraceable: through the embracing of one of its beings.

Solitude is the place of purification.

Play is the exultation of the possible.

And if there were a devil it would not be one who decided against God, but one who, in eternity, came to no decision.

All actual life is encounter.

To look away from the world, or to stare at it, does not help a man to reach God; but he who sees the world in Him stands in His presence.

Love is responsibility of an I for a You: in this consists what cannot consist in any feeling - the equality of all lovers..

Mundus vult decipi: the world wants to be deceived.

As long as the firmament of the You is spread over me, the tempests of causality cower at my heels, and whirl of doom congeals.

One cannot in the nature of things expect a little tree that has been turned into a club to put forth leaves.

As I actualize, I uncover.

Feeling one "has"; love occurs.

You can rake the muck this way, rake the muck that way-- it will always be muck. Have I sinned or have I not sinned? In the time I am brooding over it, I could be stringing pearls for the delight of Heaven

If a person kills a tree before its time, it is like having murdered a soul.-Rabbi Nachman

-- What, then, does one experience of the You? -- Nothing at all. For one does not experience it. -- What, then, does one know of the You? -- Only everything. For one no longer knows particulars.

I do, indeed, close my door at times and surrender myself to a book, but only because I can open the door again and see a human face looking at me

Dialogic is not to be identified with love. But love without dialogic, without real outgoing to the other, reaching to the other, the love remaining with itself - this is called Lucifer.

Inscrutably involved, we live in the currents of universal reciprocity.

Whoever says You does not have something; he has nothing. But he stands in relation.

For God does not want to be believed in, to be debated and defended by us, but simply to be realized through us.