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170 Badass Quotes By Mark Ruffalo

Famous As: Best Known for His Role of 'Bruce Banner/Hulk' in the Marvel Cinematic Universe SuperHero Films
Born On: 1967
Born In: Kenosha, Wisconsin, United States
Age: 56 Years

Mark Ruffalo is not only a popular actor and producer, but also an esteemed activist. A supporter of pro-choice movement, he did not munch his words when he said, “I don't want to turn back the hands of time to when women shuttled across state lines in the thick of night to resolve an unwanted pregnancy, in a cheap hotel room." He is also against fossil fuels, declaring that, “…up to seven million people a year are dying from fossil fuel pollution”.  However, in his interviews, he has also talked elaborately on himself and his acting career, his childhood days, his mother and siblings, his views on marriage and parenthood etc. Let us now look into some of his quotes on family, mom, love, God, nature, movies etc.

Certainly, it's very easy to fall in love with cash. If you're going to make all your decisions based on cash, you're going to have a pretty naffy career.

Certainly, it's very easy to fall in love with cash. If you're going to make all your decisions based on cash, you're going to have a pretty naffy career.

Mark Ruffalo
That's what I love about music...all these banalities suddenly turn into these beautiful, effervescent pearls.

That's what I love about music...all these banalities suddenly turn into these beautiful, effervescent pearls.

Mark Ruffalo
You can tell a lot about a person by what’s on their playlist.

You can tell a lot about a person by what’s on their playlist.

Mark Ruffalo
Literally, I think I've quit acting three or four times, only for a few days. Maybe for a few weeks.

Literally, I think I've quit acting three or four times, only for a few days. Maybe for a few weeks.

Mark Ruffalo
I don't want to feel like I'm stuck doing one-stock performances.

I don't want to feel like I'm stuck doing one-stock performances.

Mark Ruffalo
I didn't really have any interest in producing anything.

I didn't really have any interest in producing anything.

Mark Ruffalo
I don't know, one out of every two marriages ends up in divorce so there's a lot of great people out there who people aren't happy with.

I don't know, one out of every two marriages ends up in divorce so there's a lot of great people out there who people aren't happy with.

Mark Ruffalo
I don't understand how people can take a gentle, loving life and treat it with such cruelty.

I don't understand how people can take a gentle, loving life and treat it with such cruelty.

Mark Ruffalo
I've just been more interested in doing film right now and I don't want to go away from my family for six months, which was what I would have had to have done if I did the play on Broadway.

I've just been more interested in doing film right now and I don't want to go away from my family for six months, which was what I would have had to have done if I did the play on Broadway.

Mark Ruffalo
We'll engage in pretty extreme violence in the world but, you know, the one thing that comes to humans as easily as eating or breathing or sleeping, is sex.

We'll engage in pretty extreme violence in the world but, you know, the one thing that comes to humans as easily as eating or breathing or sleeping, is sex.

Mark Ruffalo
Yeah, there's a tendency to get pigeonholed in Hollywood.

Yeah, there's a tendency to get pigeonholed in Hollywood.

Mark Ruffalo
Do theater. Because you'll develop a craft that you'll always have. It'll give you a chance to really learn how to act and you won't go into the world with a few measly tricks that will only carry you so far.

Do theater. Because you'll develop a craft that you'll always have. It'll give you a chance to really learn how to act and you won't go into the world with a few measly tricks that will only carry you so far.

Mark Ruffalo
I still feel like I'm trying to make it. It's hard to shed the struggling actor thing.

I still feel like I'm trying to make it. It's hard to shed the struggling actor thing.

Mark Ruffalo
We are turning our grief into winnable actions.

We are turning our grief into winnable actions.

Mark Ruffalo
A leader in America or anyone who says they truly care about this nation without taking some kind of action is either a liar or insane. In either case, they are unfit to lead.

A leader in America or anyone who says they truly care about this nation without taking some kind of action is either a liar or insane. In either case, they are unfit to lead.

Mark Ruffalo
I try to do the things that speak to me in one way or another, and sometimes I'm even drastic.

I try to do the things that speak to me in one way or another, and sometimes I'm even drastic.

Mark Ruffalo
Studio movies are looking more like independent movies and independent movies are looking more like studio movies, and I think cinema is better now because of it.

Studio movies are looking more like independent movies and independent movies are looking more like studio movies, and I think cinema is better now because of it.

Mark Ruffalo
I like extremes. I like to change things up and keep from getting complacent or stale.

I like extremes. I like to change things up and keep from getting complacent or stale.

Mark Ruffalo
I didn't like the distance between my family and myself that I was experiencing from having to work all the time.

I didn't like the distance between my family and myself that I was experiencing from having to work all the time.

Mark Ruffalo
I come from the theatre where there are no boundaries to the style you're doing; you're doing Molière, then you're doing Chekhov and then you're doing Arthur Miller in a season and no-one bats an eye.

I come from the theatre where there are no boundaries to the style you're doing; you're doing Molière, then you're doing Chekhov and then you're doing Arthur Miller in a season and no-one bats an eye.

Mark Ruffalo
I love acting and I love it in all its different manifestations.

I love acting and I love it in all its different manifestations.

Mark Ruffalo
Actors, you kind of have these ebbs and flows. These moments where you're in your glory - where you're really cracking - and moments where you're not.

Actors, you kind of have these ebbs and flows. These moments where you're in your glory - where you're really cracking - and moments where you're not.

Mark Ruffalo
My first cut was three hours and 17 minutes. And then I just became very shrewd about the editing.

My first cut was three hours and 17 minutes. And then I just became very shrewd about the editing.

Mark Ruffalo
The idea of selling is a projection that people create about people that is more of a reflection of who they are than what is actually happening in front of them with the artist.

The idea of selling is a projection that people create about people that is more of a reflection of who they are than what is actually happening in front of them with the artist.

Mark Ruffalo
I got into acting because I wanted to act and I love acting. That's my true north: to be creative and to be challenged in what I love to do.

I got into acting because I wanted to act and I love acting. That's my true north: to be creative and to be challenged in what I love to do.

Mark Ruffalo
The fact that I can make a living and support three kids and my wife doing what I love to do... who does that? That's golden. It's a very privileged thing.

The fact that I can make a living and support three kids and my wife doing what I love to do... who does that? That's golden. It's a very privileged thing.

Mark Ruffalo
Each role, I feel like takes you on a different journey based on who that character is.

Each role, I feel like takes you on a different journey based on who that character is.

Mark Ruffalo
When you're trying to do character work that's different from what people expect from you, you're sort of in territory that is uncharted, and you don't know how it's playing all the time.

When you're trying to do character work that's different from what people expect from you, you're sort of in territory that is uncharted, and you don't know how it's playing all the time.

Mark Ruffalo
When you're on the road, you sort of go crazy and being away from your family you get stir-crazy and lonely, so I try to keep myself involved as much as possible.

When you're on the road, you sort of go crazy and being away from your family you get stir-crazy and lonely, so I try to keep myself involved as much as possible.

Mark Ruffalo
It's a point of pride that no one would treat me any differently because I'm an actor than if I was a gardener.

It's a point of pride that no one would treat me any differently because I'm an actor than if I was a gardener.

Mark Ruffalo