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59 Best Kevin J. Anderson Quotes

Famous As: Science-fiction writer
Born On: 1962
Born In: Racine, Wisconsin, United States
Age: 62 Years

Kevin James Anderson is a well-known science fiction author with over 4 dozen bestsellers. He has authored spin-off novels for Star Wars, The Last Days of Krypton, StarCraft, and The X-Files. Anderson is also known for Tales of the Jedi, The X-Files titles for Topps and Enemies & Allies (first meeting of Batman and Superman). His list of accolades includes Hugo Award, Bram Stoker Award and Golden Duck Award and multiple nominations for the Nebula and Locus Award, for excellence in science fiction. Anderson was also asked to write the novelization of the hit movies The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, after he released the adventure novel Captain Nemo: The Fantastic History of a Dark Genius. We have curated some of his famous and notable quotes from his movies, interviews and book. Let us unravel some of the popular quotes from this maestro of science fiction and comic novels.

Listed In:
A moment of consideration often prevents a thousand apologies

A moment of consideration often prevents a thousand apologies

Kevin J. Anderson
I'm talking to you and it's basically a direct communication, whereas if I'm writing a letter to you and you read the letter, there are like 12 extra deconstruction and reconstruction steps in the communication.

I'm talking to you and it's basically a direct communication, whereas if I'm writing a letter to you and you read the letter, there are like 12 extra deconstruction and reconstruction steps in the communication.

Kevin J. Anderson

I wanted the feel in these books to be like an epic fantasy, with kings, queens, dukes and court politics, but of course like what I was explaining before, about making the science make sense, you have to make the politics make sense, too.

Kevin J. Anderson
If you look at the British royal family and take away the scandals and the goofy stuff that's going on, people love to have this king to look up to - the royals are like celebrities.

If you look at the British royal family and take away the scandals and the goofy stuff that's going on, people love to have this king to look up to - the royals are like celebrities.

Kevin J. Anderson
I did several interesting jobs, working in restaurants, I worked at a lab rat farm, feeding and watering all these rats. Then I got a full-time job as a technical writer for a large scientific research laboratory.

I did several interesting jobs, working in restaurants, I worked at a lab rat farm, feeding and watering all these rats. Then I got a full-time job as a technical writer for a large scientific research laboratory.

Kevin J. Anderson
I always had this non-stop drive. I had to keep sending stories out and every once in awhile I'd get something accepted or get the little trickle of positive feedback.

I always had this non-stop drive. I had to keep sending stories out and every once in awhile I'd get something accepted or get the little trickle of positive feedback.

Kevin J. Anderson

If I could go back in time and tell my younger self that eventually that I'd become very successful writing Dune books after Frank Herbert's death, I would have laughed myself silly, I think, at how strange that prospect would be.

Kevin J. Anderson
Of course you don't make any noise in space, because there's no air.

Of course you don't make any noise in space, because there's no air.

Kevin J. Anderson
We each have our lives... What matters is not how long those lives last, but what we do with them.

We each have our lives... What matters is not how long those lives last, but what we do with them.

Kevin J. Anderson
One of the things that was kind of shocking for humans... was to come to terms with was the fact that, hey, we may not be the center of the universe.

One of the things that was kind of shocking for humans... was to come to terms with was the fact that, hey, we may not be the center of the universe.

Kevin J. Anderson
There is grand romance in The Lord of the Rings. It's an important part of epic literature.

There is grand romance in The Lord of the Rings. It's an important part of epic literature.

Kevin J. Anderson
Over the years, I've trained myself to speak using the same language I would use if I were typing: meaning using full sentences in the way that paragraphs and scenes are arranged.

Over the years, I've trained myself to speak using the same language I would use if I were typing: meaning using full sentences in the way that paragraphs and scenes are arranged.

Kevin J. Anderson
My dad is a bank president and my mom was an accountant and they didn't think that seeking the life of a freelance writer was very practical, you see. Of course, I was just as determined to do it.

My dad is a bank president and my mom was an accountant and they didn't think that seeking the life of a freelance writer was very practical, you see. Of course, I was just as determined to do it.

Kevin J. Anderson
It was like there was a pile of kindling that was in the back of my imagination just waiting there. Once I lit it, it just flared up and I kept getting ideas and ideas.

It was like there was a pile of kindling that was in the back of my imagination just waiting there. Once I lit it, it just flared up and I kept getting ideas and ideas.

Kevin J. Anderson
Dune is the bestselling science fiction book of all time. It's something you really need to read in your lifetime. If you're going to read The Lord of the Rings, which everyone should, then you have to read Dune, too.

Dune is the bestselling science fiction book of all time. It's something you really need to read in your lifetime. If you're going to read The Lord of the Rings, which everyone should, then you have to read Dune, too.

Kevin J. Anderson

Telling your story out loud is the way human beings communicate. We don't normally think up words, translate how to spell them and then move our fingers up and down over this randomly arranged set of keys to make the same letters appear on a screen.

Kevin J. Anderson
I sold my very first novel when I was 24 or 25 years old.

I sold my very first novel when I was 24 or 25 years old.

Kevin J. Anderson
There will come a time of fire and night, when enemies rise and empires fall, when the stars themselves begin to die.

There will come a time of fire and night, when enemies rise and empires fall, when the stars themselves begin to die.

Kevin J. Anderson
When I was doing preliminary research on this case, I remembered the story about Tlazolteotl.' [Mulder] glanced at the old archaeologist. 'Am I pronouncing it correctly? It sounds like I'm swallowing a turtle.

When I was doing preliminary research on this case, I remembered the story about Tlazolteotl.' [Mulder] glanced at the old archaeologist. 'Am I pronouncing it correctly? It sounds like I'm swallowing a turtle.

Kevin J. Anderson
My total year's income from working as hard as I possibly could from writing went from like $30 one year to about $70 the next year. And it made me realize that maybe you couldn't really pay the rent that way.

My total year's income from working as hard as I possibly could from writing went from like $30 one year to about $70 the next year. And it made me realize that maybe you couldn't really pay the rent that way.

Kevin J. Anderson
Leave it to a Jedi never to give you a straight answer.

Leave it to a Jedi never to give you a straight answer.

Kevin J. Anderson
The great secret behind classified projects is that most of them are so utterly boring and uninteresting that James Bond wouldn't even take a second look at them.

The great secret behind classified projects is that most of them are so utterly boring and uninteresting that James Bond wouldn't even take a second look at them.

Kevin J. Anderson
The best place to start an adventure is with a quiet, perfect life... And someone who realizes that it can't possibly be enough.

The best place to start an adventure is with a quiet, perfect life... And someone who realizes that it can't possibly be enough.

Kevin J. Anderson
Somebody hates vampires, Mr. Chambeaux, but I have no idea who or why. Haven’t they read Twilight?

Somebody hates vampires, Mr. Chambeaux, but I have no idea who or why. Haven’t they read Twilight?

Kevin J. Anderson
The best place to start an adventure is with a quiet, perfect life . . . and someone who realizes that it can’t possibly be enough.

The best place to start an adventure is with a quiet, perfect life . . . and someone who realizes that it can’t possibly be enough.

Kevin J. Anderson
I had a minor in Russian history, and this was at the time when the big Cold War was going on.

I had a minor in Russian history, and this was at the time when the big Cold War was going on.

Kevin J. Anderson
I am serving the purpose for which I was designed, therefore I am satisfied with my existence.

I am serving the purpose for which I was designed, therefore I am satisfied with my existence.

Kevin J. Anderson
We must think beyond ourselves

We must think beyond ourselves

Kevin J. Anderson
Frohike... had a long-standing crush on Dana Scully, but basically it was all talk. Mulder suspected Frohike would turn into a jittering mass of nerves if Scully ever consented to go out with him.

Frohike... had a long-standing crush on Dana Scully, but basically it was all talk. Mulder suspected Frohike would turn into a jittering mass of nerves if Scully ever consented to go out with him.

Kevin J. Anderson
I got to spend all of my time every day at work reading and editing papers about cutting-edge technical research and getting paid for it. Then I'd go home at night and turn what I learned into science fiction stories.

I got to spend all of my time every day at work reading and editing papers about cutting-edge technical research and getting paid for it. Then I'd go home at night and turn what I learned into science fiction stories.

Kevin J. Anderson