46 Inspirational Kamala Harris Quotes
US Presidential Democratic Candidate Kamala Harris has had a stellar career in the public service. After serving as the 27th District Attorney of San Francisco and later the 32nd Attorney General of California, she became a member from US Senate in 2016. Throughout her career, she has upheld progressive ideals on issues like abortion, LGBT rights, net neutrality, immigration, health care, guns, environment, and taxation. However, she has demonstrated her conservative views on foreign policy and moderate views on cannabis and death penalty. Having grown up in a multi-ethnic, multi-religious immigrant household, she perfectly understands how wonderfully diverse America is. We have collected several of her quotes from various interviews, articles, speeches, and her writings. Here are some of the things that she has to say on women, education, crime, American dream, personality, family and history.

These days, children can text on their cell phone all night long, and no one else is seeing that phone. You don't know who is calling that child.

No woman should be told she can't make her own decisions about her body. If women's reproductive rights come under attack, I will be standing up for women.

What's important for my daughter to know is that... if you are fortunate to have opportunity, it is your duty to make sure other people have those opportunities as well.

Eighty-two percent of prisoners in the United States are high-school dropouts. A high-school dropout between the ages of 30 and 34 is two-thirds more likely to be in jail, or to have been in jail, or to be dead.

Let's not build the policy around the abuse. That's not good policy. That's actually bad policy. Build the policy around the aspiration point. That's what we need to do when we're seeing abuse online.

Don't pretend that you can just be oblivious to politics. You can't. What you never do is break your personal code. Have a code and keep it. You should never compromise what your priorities are.

I could do all of my activities at Howard because it was an environment that had essentially rid the ideology of false choices that I feel absolutely constricts young black students.

I want to use my position of leadership to help move along at a faster pace what I believe and know the Obama administration wants to do around the urgency of climate change.

Doing nothing while the middle class is hurting. That's not leadership. Loose regulations and lax enforcement. That's not leadership. That's abandoning our middle class.

I think Hillary Clinton could do whatever she puts her mind to. I really do. She's incredibly dedicated to public service, she is smart as a whip, and she's effective.

To change criminal justice policy in any meaningful way means to propose changing a very longstanding system. It's not realistic to think you can do it overnight.

I strongly believe that for serious and violent criminals, we must absolutely hold them accountable for their crimes and send them to prison.

With the advent of DNA, we know that people have been convicted and sentenced to death who later proved not to be guilty of the crime.

We need to incorporate that age-old concept of redemption into the work that we do in the criminal justice system in California.

You got to take care of yourself. If I exercise or I eat proper foods, am I indulging myself? That's called feeding your body.

Women should not allow themselves to be caught up in the hype that says performance, meaning the motions, is what matters.

I have loved to cook since I was a child in my mother's kitchen. If I don't have time to cook, I'll just read a cookbook.

In order to find balance, I feel very strongly about two things in particular in terms of routine. Work out, and eat well.

My mother had a saying: 'Kamala, you may be the first to do many things, but make sure you're not the last.

Mitt Romney subscribes to the cynical logic that says the American dream belongs to some of us but not all of us.

I am a prosecutor in my bones. When I see something, I immediately go to: how is this going to affect a child?

When you expand your ability to see, you understand that there are a lot of false choices being offered.

I've had the good fortune and blessing to run for the offices for which I really wanted to do the work.

My mantra about everything that has to do with public policy is: identify and reject the false choice.

Everybody will make mistakes, and for some that mistake will rise to the level of being a crime.

Everyone's perspective of themselves and others is based on the limitations of their exposure.

What we all want is public safety. We don't want rhetoric that's framed through ideology.

Generally speaking, the public appetite for criminal justice policy is just tough talk.

Getting smart on crime' does not mean reducing sentences or punishments for crimes.

I believe in that old adage that 'as goes California, so goes the country.