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34 Thought-Provoking Quotes By Joseph Joubert

Famous As: Philosopher, Essayist, Writer
Born On: 1754
Died On: 1824
Born In: Montignac
Died At Age: 69
Joseph Joubert was a celebrated French essayist and moralist recognized mainly for his ‘Pensees or Thoughts’ that were posthumously published. He attended a religious college in Toulouse from the age of 14. Until 1776 he also taught at the same college. He also served as the inspector-general of universities under Napoleon. His writings, thoughts and works covered varied subjects including literature and nature of human existence, but he did not publish any of works during his lifetime. His writings were aphoristic style and have been translated into a number of languages. We bring to you a compilation of quotes and sayings by Joseph Joubert, which have been excerpted from his notes, writings, thoughts, published works, books, letters and life. Following is a corpus of quotes and thoughts by Joseph Joubert on politeness, loving, nature, mind, beauty, grace, profound, shadows, poetry, children, love, future, respect and more.
The worst thing about new books is that they keep us from reading the old ones.

The worst thing about new books is that they keep us from reading the old ones.

Joseph Joubert
Those who never retract their opinions love themselves more than they love truth.

Those who never retract their opinions love themselves more than they love truth.

Joseph Joubert
When you go in search of honey, you must expect to be stung by bees.

When you go in search of honey, you must expect to be stung by bees.

Joseph Joubert
It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.

It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.

Joseph Joubert
The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.

Joseph Joubert
To teach is to learn twice.

To teach is to learn twice.

Joseph Joubert
Never cut what you can untie

Never cut what you can untie

Joseph Joubert
Never write anything that does not give you great pleasure. Emotion is easily transferred from the writer to the reader.

Never write anything that does not give you great pleasure. Emotion is easily transferred from the writer to the reader.

Joseph Joubert
He who has imagination without learning has wings but no feet.

He who has imagination without learning has wings but no feet.

Joseph Joubert
Only choose in marriage a man whom you would choose as a friend if he were a woman.

Only choose in marriage a man whom you would choose as a friend if he were a woman.

Joseph Joubert
Misery is almost always the result of thinking.

Misery is almost always the result of thinking.

Joseph Joubert
Children need models rather than critics.

Children need models rather than critics.

Joseph Joubert
Genius begins great works; labor alone finishes them.

Genius begins great works; labor alone finishes them.

Joseph Joubert
Imagination is the eye of the soul

Imagination is the eye of the soul

Joseph Joubert
The paper is patient, but the reader is not.

The paper is patient, but the reader is not.

Joseph Joubert
You will find poetry nowhere unless you bring some of it with you.

You will find poetry nowhere unless you bring some of it with you.

Joseph Joubert
There are those to whom one must advise madness.

There are those to whom one must advise madness.

Joseph Joubert
The breath of the mind is attention 128

The breath of the mind is attention 128

Joseph Joubert
We may convince others by our arguements, but we can only persuade them by their own

We may convince others by our arguements, but we can only persuade them by their own

Joseph Joubert
Everything has its poetry. 94

Everything has its poetry. 94

Joseph Joubert
Children always want to look behind mirrors.

Children always want to look behind mirrors.

Joseph Joubert
Close your eyes and see.

Close your eyes and see.

Joseph Joubert
God is the place where I do not remember the rest.

God is the place where I do not remember the rest.

Joseph Joubert
We are all of us more or less echoes, repeating involuntarily the virtues, the defects, the movements, and the characters of those among whom we live.

We are all of us more or less echoes, repeating involuntarily the virtues, the defects, the movements, and the characters of those among whom we live.

Joseph Joubert
Questions show the mind's range, and answers its subtlety.

Questions show the mind's range, and answers its subtlety.

Joseph Joubert
It is not my words that I polish, but my ideas. 102

It is not my words that I polish, but my ideas. 102

Joseph Joubert
Pleasures are always children, pains always have wrinkles.

Pleasures are always children, pains always have wrinkles.

Joseph Joubert
How many people make themselves abstract to appear profound. The most useful part of abstract terms are the shadows they create to hide a vacuum.

How many people make themselves abstract to appear profound. The most useful part of abstract terms are the shadows they create to hide a vacuum.

Joseph Joubert
Through memory we travel against time, through forgetfulness we follow its course.

Through memory we travel against time, through forgetfulness we follow its course.

Joseph Joubert
One who has imagination without learning has wings without feet. Joseph Joubert may 16 2002

One who has imagination without learning has wings without feet. Joseph Joubert may 16 2002

Joseph Joubert