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38 Great Quotes By John Von Neumann That Will Spark Your Interest In Mathematics

Famous As: Great Mathematician Who Was Equally at Home in Pure and Applied Mathematics
Born On: 1903
Died On: 1957
Born In: Budapest, Hungary
Died At Age: 53
John von Neumann was a renowned Hungarian-American mathematician who was also a physicist, inventor and computer scientist. He was a child prodigy and solved mathematical problems far beyond his age. He joined the University of Budapest to study mathematics while fulfilling his father’s dream of studying chemistry at the University of Berlin. During this period he collaborated with his college professor to publish his first research paper in mathematics. He started off his career as a professor of mathematics at the University of Berlin. There he also came with another research paper and also worked on his debut book titled ‘The Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics’. He was invited to become a visiting lecturer of physics at the Princeton University due to which he permanently moved to Princeton. There he gradually developed interest in Applied Mathematics and became one of the founding professors of the University’s ‘Institute of Advance Study’. He also contributed significantly as a consultant during the ‘Second World War’ backed by his huge intellect of mathematics. Let’s take a look at what we can learn from some of his most famous quotes and sayings. Take a look at the quotes and thoughts by John von Neumann which reflects his undying interest in mathematics.
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If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is.

If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is.

John von Neumann
Anyone who attempts to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin.

Anyone who attempts to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin.

John von Neumann
It would appear that we have reached the limits of what it is possible to achieve with computer technology, although one should be careful with such statements, as they tend to sound pretty silly in 5 years.

It would appear that we have reached the limits of what it is possible to achieve with computer technology, although one should be careful with such statements, as they tend to sound pretty silly in 5 years.

John von Neumann
There's no sense in being precise when you don't even know what you're talking about.

There's no sense in being precise when you don't even know what you're talking about.

John von Neumann
You insist that there is something a machine cannot do. If you tell me precisely what it is a machine cannot do, then I can always make a machine which will do just that.

You insist that there is something a machine cannot do. If you tell me precisely what it is a machine cannot do, then I can always make a machine which will do just that.

John von Neumann
Computers are like humans - they do everything except think.

Computers are like humans - they do everything except think.

John von Neumann
If you tell me precisely what it is a machine cannot do, then I can always make a machine which will do just that.

If you tell me precisely what it is a machine cannot do, then I can always make a machine which will do just that.

John von Neumann

The sciences do not try to explain, they hardly even try to interpret, they mainly make models. By a model is meant a mathematical construct which, with the addition of certain verbal interpretations, describes observed phenomena. The justification of such a mathematical construct is solely and precisely that it is expected to work-that is, correctly to describe phenomena from a reasonably wide area.

John von Neumann
Truth is much too complicated to allow anything but approximations.

Truth is much too complicated to allow anything but approximations.

John von Neumann
Science, as well as technology, will in the near and in the farther future increasingly turn from problems of intensity, substance, and energy, to problems of structure, organization, information, and control.

Science, as well as technology, will in the near and in the farther future increasingly turn from problems of intensity, substance, and energy, to problems of structure, organization, information, and control.

John von Neumann

The total subject of mathematics is clearly too broad for any of us. I do not think that any mathematician since Gauss has covered it uniformly and fully; even Hilbert did not and all of us are of considerably lesser width quite apart from the question of depth than Hilbert.

John von Neumann
With four parameters I can fit an elephant, and with five I can make him wiggle his trunk.

With four parameters I can fit an elephant, and with five I can make him wiggle his trunk.

John von Neumann
All stable processes we shall predict. All unstable processes we shall control.

All stable processes we shall predict. All unstable processes we shall control.

John von Neumann
There probably is a God. Many things are easier to explain if there is than if there isn't.

There probably is a God. Many things are easier to explain if there is than if there isn't.

John von Neumann
Technological possibilities are irresistible to man. If man can go to the moon, he will. If he can control the climate, he will.

Technological possibilities are irresistible to man. If man can go to the moon, he will. If he can control the climate, he will.

John von Neumann
Young man, in mathematics you don't understand things. You just get used to them.

Young man, in mathematics you don't understand things. You just get used to them.

John von Neumann
I am thinking about something much more important than bombs. I am thinking about computers.

I am thinking about something much more important than bombs. I am thinking about computers.

John von Neumann
There is no point in being precise if you do not even know what you are talking about.

There is no point in being precise if you do not even know what you are talking about.

John von Neumann
I would like to make a confession which may seem immoral: I do not believe in Hilbert space anymore.

I would like to make a confession which may seem immoral: I do not believe in Hilbert space anymore.

John von Neumann

The calculus was the first achievement of modern mathematics and it is difficult to overestimate its importance. I think it defines more unequivocally than anything else the inception of modern mathematics; and the system of mathematical analysis, which is its logical development, still constitutes the greatest technical advance in exact thinking.

John von Neumann
You don't have to be responsible for the world that you're in.

You don't have to be responsible for the world that you're in.

John von Neumann
When we talk mathematics, we may be discussing a secondary language built on the primary language of the nervous system.

When we talk mathematics, we may be discussing a secondary language built on the primary language of the nervous system.

John von Neumann
Problems are often stated in vague terms... because it is quite uncertain what the problems really are.

Problems are often stated in vague terms... because it is quite uncertain what the problems really are.

John von Neumann

By and large it is uniformly true that in mathematics there is a time lapse between a mathematical discovery and the moment it becomes useful; and that this lapse can be anything from 30 to 100 years, in some cases even more; and that the whole system seems to function without any direction, without any reference to usefulness, and without any desire to do things which are useful.

John von Neumann

It is exceptional that one should be able to acquire the understanding of a process without having previously acquired a deep familiarity with running it, with using it, before one has assimilated it in an instinctive and empirical way... Thus any discussion of the nature of intellectual effort in any field is difficult, unless it presupposes an easy, routine familiarity with that field. In mathematics this limitation becomes very severe.

John von Neumann

Neumann, to a physicist seeking help with a difficult problem: Simple. This can be solved by using the method of characteristics. Physicist: I'm afraid I don't understand the method of characteristics. Neumann: In mathematics you don't understand things. You just get used to them.

John von Neumann
Life is a process which may be abstracted from other media.

Life is a process which may be abstracted from other media.

John von Neumann
You wake me up early in the morning to tell me I am right? Please wait until I am wrong.

You wake me up early in the morning to tell me I am right? Please wait until I am wrong.

John von Neumann

Any one who considers arithmetical methods of producing random digits is, of course, in a state of sin. For, as has been pointed out several times, there is no such thing as a random number– there are only methods to produce random numbers, and a strict arithmetic procedure of course is not such a method.

John von Neumann
The emphasis on mathematical methods seems to be shifted more towards combinatorics and set theory - and away from the algorithm of differential equations which dominates mathematical physics.

The emphasis on mathematical methods seems to be shifted more towards combinatorics and set theory - and away from the algorithm of differential equations which dominates mathematical physics.

John von Neumann