182 Motivational Quotes By Joel Osteen That Will Ignite Glimmer Of Hope

When I hear Mitt Romney say that he believes that Jesus is the Son of God, that He's the Christ, raised from the dead, that He's his savior - that's good enough for me.

A lot of preachers' kids are some of the most rebellious kids in the world. I never was like that.

Salvation and Christ's love is a gift. You don't earn it. You've got to receive that gift.

I just think that trusting God means we're going to have unanswered questions, and God is so much bigger than us, we're never going to understand them all.

I didn't try to copy my dad or fit into the pressure or the mold that everybody tried to make me fit into.

Well I think a lot of times we're putting things off and I'm going to do it later. I'm going to break this bad habit or I'm going to pursue this dream or I'm going to treat my spouse better.

The Hindus are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet.

Mormonism is a little different, but I still see them as brothers in Christ.

I like sports, and I enjoy playing basketball and lifting weights.

My dad had a church of 90 people when I was born. It was just, over the years it continued to grow.

You may never get to that perfect world that you're waiting for where everything's going to be perfect and you got that much money and your house paid off.

The death of my father is probably the biggest thing that I ever faced. Daddy and I were best friends.

I don't argue when people say that my message is simple, but I believe Jesus' message was simple.

I'm a reverend and a pastor. A pastor of the church. I go by usually pastor.

My parents were the same in the pulpit as they were at home. I think that's where a lot of preachers' kids get off base sometimes. Because they don't see the same things at both places.

I believe God gives you the grace to do what you need to do.

I'm not the judge. You know, God didn't tell me to go around judging everybody.

I'm not looking to exclude people, I'm looking to include them.

I believe the scripture says that being gay is a sin.

It's amazing how people will give when you don't ask. Many of them send money because they believe in the message.

God's desire is that we excel.

I don't know what can be so dangerous about giving people hope.

Sometimes when you take strong stands, if you're not called to do it, you're dividing the audience you're trying to reach.

I'm trying to make God more relevant in our society.

On Sundays when I speak, I hopefully give somebody something that they can use the next day at work or at home.

I don't have all the answers.

I write all my sermons.

I think the word rich is all relative.

My message is that God is a good God.

I don't like to beat people down. They need to be lifted up.