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30 Meaningful Quotes By Jethro Tull

Famous As: Agricultural Pioneer
Born On: 1674
Died On: 1741
Born In: Basildon
Died At Age: 66
Jethro Tull was a renowned English agriculturist and an agricultural pioneer accredited for aiding in bringing the ‘British Agricultural Revolution’. In 1700, he developed a horse drawn seed-drill which was an economical tool that aided in sowing seeds in neat rows. His methods and thoughts laid the foundation of modern and efficient British agriculture and were adapted by a number of landowners. He is credited with inventing mechanical agricultural tools and various new farming techniques. Tull’s farming techniques and numerous implements notably influenced the Agricultural Revolution whose impact can be seen till date. We have selectively created a corpus of some notable quotes and sayings by Jethro Tull which have been extracted from his works, thoughts and life. Following is the compilation of famous quotes and thoughts by Jethro Tull.
Listed In:
You were bred for humanity and sold to society. One day you'll wake up in the present day, a million generations removed from the expectations of being who you really want to be.

You were bred for humanity and sold to society. One day you'll wake up in the present day, a million generations removed from the expectations of being who you really want to be.

Jethro Tull
In the beginning Man created God; and in the image of Man created he him.

In the beginning Man created God; and in the image of Man created he him.

Jethro Tull
He is the God of nothing, if that is all you can see. He is the God of everything, he's inside you and me.

He is the God of nothing, if that is all you can see. He is the God of everything, he's inside you and me.

Jethro Tull
Lend me your ear, while I call you a fool.

Lend me your ear, while I call you a fool.

Jethro Tull

All sorts of dung and compost contain some matter which, when mixed with the soil, ferments therein; and by such ferment dissolves, crumbles, and divides the earth very much. This is the chief and almost only use of dung. ... This proves, that its (manure) use is not to nourish, but to dissolve, i.e., divide the terrestrial matter, which affords nourishment to the Mouths of vegetable roots. His underestimate of the value of manure.

Jethro Tull
To tell the truth, I'd scare me too.

To tell the truth, I'd scare me too.

Jethro Tull
How can you laugh when your mother's hungry? How can you smile when the reasons for smiling are wrong?

How can you laugh when your mother's hungry? How can you smile when the reasons for smiling are wrong?

Jethro Tull
My words are a whisper, your deafness a shout.

My words are a whisper, your deafness a shout.

Jethro Tull
Jump up, look around, find yourself some fun. No sense in sitting there hating everyone.

Jump up, look around, find yourself some fun. No sense in sitting there hating everyone.

Jethro Tull

For the May Day is the great day, Sung along the old straight track. And those who ancient lines did ley Will heed this song that calls them back... Pass the cup, and pass the Lady, And pass the plate to all who hunger, Pass the wit of ancient wisdom, Pass the cup of crimson wonder.

Jethro Tull
Who would be a poor man, a beggar man, a thief, if he held a rich man in his hand?

Who would be a poor man, a beggar man, a thief, if he held a rich man in his hand?

Jethro Tull
I'll make love to you in all good places, under black mountains and open spaces.

I'll make love to you in all good places, under black mountains and open spaces.

Jethro Tull
Songs from the wood make you feel much better.

Songs from the wood make you feel much better.

Jethro Tull
In the beginning Man created God; and in the image of Man created he him. And Man gave unto God a multitude of names, that he might be Lord over the earth when it was suited to man.

In the beginning Man created God; and in the image of Man created he him. And Man gave unto God a multitude of names, that he might be Lord over the earth when it was suited to man.

Jethro Tull
Did you ever get the feeling that the story's too damn real?

Did you ever get the feeling that the story's too damn real?

Jethro Tull
The doer and the thinker, no allowances for the other, as the failing light illuminates the mercenaries creed.

The doer and the thinker, no allowances for the other, as the failing light illuminates the mercenaries creed.

Jethro Tull
He hears the silence howling catches angels as they fall, and the all time winner has got him by the fun.

He hears the silence howling catches angels as they fall, and the all time winner has got him by the fun.

Jethro Tull
Be sure to leave your underpants with someone you can trust.

Be sure to leave your underpants with someone you can trust.

Jethro Tull
I may make you feel but I can't make you think....your sperm's in the gutter, your love's in the sink.....

I may make you feel but I can't make you think....your sperm's in the gutter, your love's in the sink.....

Jethro Tull
I came across Mother Goose, so I turned her loose, she was screaming.

I came across Mother Goose, so I turned her loose, she was screaming.

Jethro Tull
Well, maybe he was Jesus but his hair could have used a comb.

Well, maybe he was Jesus but his hair could have used a comb.

Jethro Tull
Everyone is from somewhere, even if you've never been there.

Everyone is from somewhere, even if you've never been there.

Jethro Tull
Hold your head up to the gun of a million cathode ray tubes aired at your tiny skull.

Hold your head up to the gun of a million cathode ray tubes aired at your tiny skull.

Jethro Tull
I'll pour a cup to you my darling, raise it up, say Cheerio.

I'll pour a cup to you my darling, raise it up, say Cheerio.

Jethro Tull
He's watching me watching you watching him watching me watching him watching.

He's watching me watching you watching him watching me watching him watching.

Jethro Tull
Actor of the low IQ, let's hear your view.

Actor of the low IQ, let's hear your view.

Jethro Tull
A sweetly scented angel fell, she laid her head upon my disbelief, and battled with me with her ever smile.

A sweetly scented angel fell, she laid her head upon my disbelief, and battled with me with her ever smile.

Jethro Tull
I've tried my best to love you all, all you hypocrites and whores with your eyes on each other and locks on your doors.

I've tried my best to love you all, all you hypocrites and whores with your eyes on each other and locks on your doors.

Jethro Tull
There was a time when love was the law.
There was a time for the tooth and the claw,
Last rites given, no holds barred.
Heaven express on my credit card.

There was a time when love was the law. There was a time for the tooth and the claw, Last rites given, no holds barred. Heaven express on my credit card.

Jethro Tull
All this time it had been quite plain to Hare that the others knew nothing about Spectacles.

All this time it had been quite plain to Hare that the others knew nothing about Spectacles.

Jethro Tull