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125 Jerry Lewis Quotes For Perfect Laughter Therapy

Famous As: Comedian, Actor and One of the Most Significant American Cultural Figures of All Time
Born On: 1926
Died On: 2017
Born In: Newark, New Jersey, United States
Died At Age: 91
Jerry Lewis was a celebrated American comedian, humanitarian, actor, screenwriter, singer, director and producer. He was renowned as  ‘King of Comedy’ and best-known for his slapstick humor on television, stage, radio and movies. He became a popular star in motion pictures, musicals, television shows, album recordings, nightclubs and concerts. He bagged in various reputed awards for lifetime achievements during his long career including ‘Academy of Motion Picture Art And Sciences’, ‘American Comedy Awards’, ‘Venice Film Festival’ and ‘Los Angeles Film Critics Association’. He also received two stars on the ‘Hollywood Walk of Fame’. Following is a compilation of notable, popular and thought-provoking quotes and sayings by the acclaimed artist which has been extracted from his performances, writings, songs, lyrics, scripts, plays, gigs, thoughts, works, public utterances and life. Let us browse through the quotes and thoughts by Jerry Lewis that are sure to tickle your funny bones.
I've had great success being a total idiot.

I've had great success being a total idiot.

Jerry Lewis
You can ask me anything you want. That doesn't mean I'm going to answer you.

You can ask me anything you want. That doesn't mean I'm going to answer you.

Jerry Lewis
We're leaving the House to people who either were born with a silver spoon in their mouth... or couldn't get better jobs in the first place.

We're leaving the House to people who either were born with a silver spoon in their mouth... or couldn't get better jobs in the first place.

Jerry Lewis
A woman doing comedy doesn't offend me, but sets me back a bit. I, as a viewer, have trouble with it. I think of her as a producing machine that brings babies in the world.

A woman doing comedy doesn't offend me, but sets me back a bit. I, as a viewer, have trouble with it. I think of her as a producing machine that brings babies in the world.

Jerry Lewis
I need the applause.

I need the applause.

Jerry Lewis

The young man who's had the Guggenheim fortune behind him all his life - he can hire all the authorities on the subject to teach him how to do a monologue, but he's never going to have the right stuff to pull it off. If he doesn't walk out onstage needing to walk out there, he doesn't have a dream of doing well.

Jerry Lewis

I tell young comics, 'Do you want this badly enough? It's there. But you have to go get it. And if you think I'm going to give you the key to the lock of that door, there is no key, there is no lock, and there is no door.'

Jerry Lewis

From 1936 on, I have taken more falls than any other 20 comedians put together. From the time I was 21, I've taken them on everything from clay courts to cement to wood floors, coming off pianos, going out a two-story window, landing on Dean, falling into the rough. You do that and you're gonna have problems.

Jerry Lewis
I never tell an audience what they can expect. I never have and I never will. I'm an entertainer for 75 years.

I never tell an audience what they can expect. I never have and I never will. I'm an entertainer for 75 years.

Jerry Lewis
When I hit around 65, 66, I started to feel tremendous worth and incredible personal esteem. I was becoming very cognisant of my contribution to the American spirit of helping your fellow man and all of the good stuff.

When I hit around 65, 66, I started to feel tremendous worth and incredible personal esteem. I was becoming very cognisant of my contribution to the American spirit of helping your fellow man and all of the good stuff.

Jerry Lewis
Don't you understand how dramatic it is to be a comic? To be a fool, to get people to laugh at this show-off? Milton Berle could take Laurence Olivier and stick him under the table if he wanted to. And so could I.

Don't you understand how dramatic it is to be a comic? To be a fool, to get people to laugh at this show-off? Milton Berle could take Laurence Olivier and stick him under the table if he wanted to. And so could I.

Jerry Lewis
If you're an old pro, you know how well you're doing when you're doing it, and your inner government spanks you if you're not doing well.

If you're an old pro, you know how well you're doing when you're doing it, and your inner government spanks you if you're not doing well.

Jerry Lewis

I really am opinionated, but not for long. I have found myself coming off of what I think of something because the guy I'm talking to makes better sense than I am. I have so many points of view, I can't keep track of 'em, because I talk to too many people... I'm not so opinionated that I won't budge.

Jerry Lewis
I've had the greatest respect for my work in this country by Americans. Critics have no brains.

I've had the greatest respect for my work in this country by Americans. Critics have no brains.

Jerry Lewis

People think I'm against critics because they are negative to my work. That's not what bothers me. What bothers me is they didn't see the work. I have seen critics print stuff about stuff I cut out of the film before we ran it. So don't tell me about critics.

Jerry Lewis
I never got a formal education. So my intellect is my common sense. I don't have anything else going for me. And my common sense opens the door to instinct.

I never got a formal education. So my intellect is my common sense. I don't have anything else going for me. And my common sense opens the door to instinct.

Jerry Lewis
My family was as absolute as the work.Family was first always.

My family was as absolute as the work.Family was first always.

Jerry Lewis
When you're doing a different kind of film, you have to bring a different kind of attitude; you have to bring a different kind of concentration.

When you're doing a different kind of film, you have to bring a different kind of attitude; you have to bring a different kind of concentration.

Jerry Lewis
When I'm working, I stay in ICU in any hospital that will get me a bed.

When I'm working, I stay in ICU in any hospital that will get me a bed.

Jerry Lewis
I never tell an audience what they can expect. I never have, and I never will.

I never tell an audience what they can expect. I never have, and I never will.

Jerry Lewis

I'm really not thick-skinned - my wife will tell you that I take sunsets personally - but I know that I've got the belly for whatever comes down the pike. I think it's tenacity. You've been there before, and you just have to recall, 'How did I handle that one?'

Jerry Lewis
Turning 90 is not for sissies.

Turning 90 is not for sissies.

Jerry Lewis
You would not believe some of the scripts I have seen. I have read something like 160 that I've rejected, and I keep them all, for posterity.

You would not believe some of the scripts I have seen. I have read something like 160 that I've rejected, and I keep them all, for posterity.

Jerry Lewis

The film I did with Bobby De Niro, 'The King of Comedy' - an awful lot came to me out of that movie because De Niro never allowed me any room to be crazy. If I had tried to play it the way I would normally play it and get hysterical, Bobby would punch me.

Jerry Lewis
I'm an unusual man. I know that.

I'm an unusual man. I know that.

Jerry Lewis
I don't talk about anything negative.

I don't talk about anything negative.

Jerry Lewis
When I arrived in Las Vegas, I felt I was embraced by it.

When I arrived in Las Vegas, I felt I was embraced by it.

Jerry Lewis
Billy Crystal, Steve Martin do wonderful things.

Billy Crystal, Steve Martin do wonderful things.

Jerry Lewis
I was once six feet tall, but at 85, I'm now five feet four.

I was once six feet tall, but at 85, I'm now five feet four.

Jerry Lewis
I almost resent being Charley Moviestar. Yeah, I'm grateful. But it takes me away from my kids.

I almost resent being Charley Moviestar. Yeah, I'm grateful. But it takes me away from my kids.

Jerry Lewis