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50 Meaningful Quotes By Jerry Falwell That Will Keep You Going Against All Odds

Famous As: Pastor
Born On: 1933
Died On: 2007
Born In: Lynchburg
Founder / Co Founder: Liberty University, Liberty Counsel, Liberty Christian Academy, Liberty University School of Law, Faith and Values Coalition, Moral Majority
Died At Age: 73
Jerry Falwell was a noteworthy American Southern Baptist pastor, conservative activist and televangelist. He was the founding pastor of a mega church in Virginia, ‘The Thomas Road Baptist Church’. He was also the founder of ‘Lynchburg Christian Academy’ which was founded in 1967 and in 1971 he founded ‘Liberty University’. He was also one of the founding fathers of ‘Moral Majority’ that was founded in 1979. The evangelist was popular not just for his uplifting, inspiring thoughts and words but also for his controversial statements that resulted in his enlightening thoughts, opinions and views being overlooked. We have rounded some insightful, meaningful, interesting and enlightening quotes and sayings by Jerry Falwell which have been excerpted from his sermons, interviews, work, thoughts and life. Presenting famous and notable quotes and thoughts by Jerry Falwell on marriage, values, want, society, character, blame, women, stress, soul, politicians, winners, love, family, God, global-warming, start, think, doing, soldiers, slave, American, children, respect, failure, Christian, choices, change and more.
Christians, like slaves and soldiers, ask no questions.

Christians, like slaves and soldiers, ask no questions.

Jerry Falwell

When you have a godly husband, a godly wife, children who respect their parents and who are loved by their parents, who provide for those children their physical and spiritual and material needs, lovingly, you have the ideal unit.

Jerry Falwell
We must, from the highest office in the land right down to the shoeshine boy in the airport, have a return to biblical basics.

We must, from the highest office in the land right down to the shoeshine boy in the airport, have a return to biblical basics.

Jerry Falwell
But I don't believe anyone begins a homosexual.

But I don't believe anyone begins a homosexual.

Jerry Falwell
Any sex outside of the marriage bond between a man and a woman is violating God's law.

Any sex outside of the marriage bond between a man and a woman is violating God's law.

Jerry Falwell
Temptation has been here ever since the Garden of Eden.

Temptation has been here ever since the Garden of Eden.

Jerry Falwell
If Chief Justice Warren and his associates had known God's word and had desired to do the Lord's will, I am quite confident that the 1954 decision would never have been made.

If Chief Justice Warren and his associates had known God's word and had desired to do the Lord's will, I am quite confident that the 1954 decision would never have been made.

Jerry Falwell
We want young people to know what they believe, why they believe it. I believe America was built on the Judeo-Christian ethic; I want to see the nation return to the Judeo-Christian ethic.

We want young people to know what they believe, why they believe it. I believe America was built on the Judeo-Christian ethic; I want to see the nation return to the Judeo-Christian ethic.

Jerry Falwell
Whoever is sitting in the White House, especially in their second term, when gas goes up to $3 a gallon, and Katrina, and whenever we're at war, that person sitting in the White House gets the brunt of the accusations.

Whoever is sitting in the White House, especially in their second term, when gas goes up to $3 a gallon, and Katrina, and whenever we're at war, that person sitting in the White House gets the brunt of the accusations.

Jerry Falwell
I'm well aware of the pragmatism of politics.

I'm well aware of the pragmatism of politics.

Jerry Falwell
I was taught in Bible college, religion and politics don't mix.

I was taught in Bible college, religion and politics don't mix.

Jerry Falwell
I'm at work by 8 or 8:30, and when I get home every night, my wife and I walk around the lawn. We have dinner together, and then we spend most of our evenings alone.

I'm at work by 8 or 8:30, and when I get home every night, my wife and I walk around the lawn. We have dinner together, and then we spend most of our evenings alone.

Jerry Falwell
I read the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs every day.

I read the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs every day.

Jerry Falwell
I wake up a little before six, and I go right to my study. That's where I do my daily reading of the Oswald Chambers book, 'My Utmost for His Highest.'

I wake up a little before six, and I go right to my study. That's where I do my daily reading of the Oswald Chambers book, 'My Utmost for His Highest.'

Jerry Falwell
The idea that religion and politics don't mix was invented by the Devil to keep Christians from running their own country.

The idea that religion and politics don't mix was invented by the Devil to keep Christians from running their own country.

Jerry Falwell
God continues to lift the curtain and allow the enemies of America to give us probably what we deserve.

God continues to lift the curtain and allow the enemies of America to give us probably what we deserve.

Jerry Falwell
I believe that the people of Israel are the chosen people of God.

I believe that the people of Israel are the chosen people of God.

Jerry Falwell
There's been a concerted effort to steal Christmas.

There's been a concerted effort to steal Christmas.

Jerry Falwell
I am a Christian.

I am a Christian.

Jerry Falwell
And, these Islamic fundamentalists, these radical terrorists, these Middle Eastern monsters are committed to destroying the Jewish nation, driving her into the Mediterranean, conquering the world.

And, these Islamic fundamentalists, these radical terrorists, these Middle Eastern monsters are committed to destroying the Jewish nation, driving her into the Mediterranean, conquering the world.

Jerry Falwell
I think hell's a real place where real people spend a real eternity.

I think hell's a real place where real people spend a real eternity.

Jerry Falwell
I'm glad now, at age 66, that I never used alcohol or tobacco... I've buried a lot of friends who used tobacco or alcohol.

I'm glad now, at age 66, that I never used alcohol or tobacco... I've buried a lot of friends who used tobacco or alcohol.

Jerry Falwell
My father was an agnostic.

My father was an agnostic.

Jerry Falwell
God himself preserved the Bible, and brought it down through the ages.

God himself preserved the Bible, and brought it down through the ages.

Jerry Falwell
I believe with all my heart that the Bible is the infallible word of God.

I believe with all my heart that the Bible is the infallible word of God.

Jerry Falwell
I am such a strong admirer and supporter of George W. Bush that if he suggested eliminating the income tax or doubling it, I would vote yes on first blush.

I am such a strong admirer and supporter of George W. Bush that if he suggested eliminating the income tax or doubling it, I would vote yes on first blush.

Jerry Falwell
I don't think I know a Scientologist except when I see one or two of their actors on the Hollywood screen.

I don't think I know a Scientologist except when I see one or two of their actors on the Hollywood screen.

Jerry Falwell
If I were president of the United States, I would include Moslems in my presidency.

If I were president of the United States, I would include Moslems in my presidency.

Jerry Falwell
I think the Moslem faith teaches hate.

I think the Moslem faith teaches hate.

Jerry Falwell
If I were doing something that the Bible condemns, I have two choices. I can straighten up my act, or I can somehow distort and twist and change the meaning of the Bible.

If I were doing something that the Bible condemns, I have two choices. I can straighten up my act, or I can somehow distort and twist and change the meaning of the Bible.

Jerry Falwell