36 Mind-Blowing Quotes By Jean-Luc Godard

To be or not to be. That's not really a question.

It's not where you take things from — it's where you take them to.

Why must one talk? Often one shouldn't talk, but live in silence. The more one talks, the less the words mean. (Nana Kleinfrankenheim, Vivre Sa Vie)

A story should have a beginning, a middle and an end, but not necessarily in that order.

To be immortal and then die

The world isn't a sad place, it's just big.

He who jumps into the void owes no explanation to those who stand and watch.

Objects exist and if one pays more attention to them than to people, it is precisely because they exist more than the people. Dead objects are still alive. Living people are often already dead.

First there was Greek civilization. Then there was the Renaissance. Now we’re entering the Age of the Ass.

Mirrors should reflect before sending an image.

What is your greatest ambition in life?' 'To become immortal... and then die.

Photography is truth.

Sometime reality is too complex. Stories give it form.

Art attracts us only by what it reveals of our most secret self.

When we talked, I talked about me, you talked about you, when we should have talked about each other.

There is no such thing as intellectual property.

Every edit is a lie.

Le cinéma, c'est vingt-quatre fois la vérité par seconde.

If you want to make a documentary you should automatically go to the fiction, and if you want to nourish your fiction you have to come back to reality.

I am a painter with letters. I want to restore everything, mix everything up and say everything.

I've always wanted, basically, to do research in the form of a spectacle.

The cinema is truth 24 frames-per-second

My aesthetic is that of the sniper on the roof.

It's not where you take things from - it's where you take things to.

Poetry is a game of loser-take-all.

Patricia: Do you know William Faulkner? Michel: No. Who's he? Have you slept with him?

Good films get smaller audiences, but more of the viewer.

Every film is the result of the society that produced it. That’s why the American cinema is so bad now. It reflects an unhealthy society.

Cinema is capitalism in its purest form.... There is only one solution — turn one’s back on American cinema.

The truth is that there is no terror untempered by some great moral idea.