68 Most Awesome Jean-Claude Van Damme Quotes Ever
Jean-Claude Camille François Van Varenberg loves challenges and believes that it was his ups and downs that have made him what he is today. Best known for his martial art action films, he also loves karate and is ready to slap a person twice if he slaps him once. However, in several interviews, he had described himself as very sensitive; in fact as “one of the most sensitive human beings on Earth”. Indeed, in his interviews, he had opened himself up, talking not only about his work and his favorite martial art, karate, but also about other interesting issues like his body, his wife and his fascination about air. Let us now look into some of his fascinating quotes on life, truth, God, relationship, women, freedom etc.

We are here to condemn the Palestinian occupation of the territories, but also to condemn the recent racist attack in France, against both Jews and Arabs.

Take your big stick, and your boyfriend, and go find a bus to catch.

You just have to take a little salt, and since I'm doing that it's, like, BOOM! In one week, I felt it kick in. All the commotion around me, all the water around me, moving left and right around me, became like a lake.

Believe me - I've done very good stuff and very crazy stuff, and I don't regret the crazy stuff.

I've had my ups and downs. My fair share of bumpy roads and heavy winds. That's what made me what I am today.

In an action film you act in the action. If it's a dramatic film you act in the drama.

I'm lucky, because I started action movies at the age of 25. Now I'm 47, and I'm still kicking like a mule, and I'm as flexible as before.

I'm not complaining about doing 20-hour days. It's a joy to be able to work on yet another film.

I'm not a movie star. I'm a brand name. Van Damme is like Levi's. I go on vacation, and everywhere I go, people love me for my name, not for my movies.

I've become 40, my audience is partly the same age.

I'm a big traveler these days. I was in Hong Kong. I live there. I was just in Belgium with my parents and now I'm on my way to North America. You will find me all over.

Karate's a very boring sport, but when you know the technique you can go further and further.

All I wanted to do was to become famous, but then I found out that it was nothing special.

I am the Fred Astaire of karate.

If a product is more expensive than another one and more sustainable in ecology, consumers will not buy it. We're in a very sharp competitive market.

I really am a guy who can be black and white. I don't understand, too much, the gray. And truly I can go from one type of character to another type of character.

Everybody understands a slap in the face. In Japan, Belgium, or America, a punch is a punch. Comedy will be different in Europe or America or Japan, so my movies are very international.

I'm one of the most sensitive human beings on Earth -- and I know it.

Obviously I've taken drugs.

Showing myself nude from behind doesn't pose any problems, but from the front that's another story. I don't want to lose all my fans!

I'm fast, why? Because I eat vegetables.

If you work with a jackhammer during an earthquake, stop, otherwise you are working for nothing.

When I walk across my living room from my chimney to my window, it takes me 10 seconds, but for a bird it takes one second, and for oxygen zero seconds!

My wife is not my best sexual partner, but she's good with the housework.

I love karate, it's like a bible to me. But deep inside I'm so I mean, I'm so sensitive.

A pair of legs engineered to defy the laws of physics and a mindset to master the most epic of splits.

According to statistics, one person out of five is disturbed. If there are four people around you who seem normal, that's not good.

A man may have the best of wealth, cars and fame. But there is nothing more precious in life that he will get than a woman's heart.

I am fascinated by air. If you remove the air from the sky, all the birds would fall to the ground. And all the planes, too.

Air is beautiful, yet you cannot see it. It's soft, yet you cannot touch it. Air is a little like my brain.