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28 Notable Jane Goodall Quotes That Give Us Insights About Primate Behavior

Famous As: English Primatologist and Anthropologist Who is Considered World's Foremost Expert on Chimpanzees
Born On: 1934
Born In: London, England, United Kingdom
Age: 90 Years
Jane Goodall is a British primatologist and anthropologist besides being an ethologist and UN Messenger of Peace. She is famous for discovering various similarities between humans and the chimpanzees. Goodall was interested in observing animal behavior since her childhood. As a child she used to observe the native birds and animals and read about them. She always dreamt of going to Africa to observe the wildlife and finally reached there with the help of a friend. There she met the famous anthropologist Louis Leakey who hired her as a secretary and took her to participate in an anthropological dig of pre-historic fossils of animals and humans. During this research Leakey recognized her potential and decided to send her on the project of researching on chimpanzees. She shifted to a camp in the ‘Gombe Stream Reserve’ with her mother. Although it took some time to befriend the chimps but gradually she was accepted by the chimpanzees. She termed this acceptance as the ‘banana club’. She studied the chimps and discovered various behavioral similarities. She recorded her experiences in various books which made her famous globally. She is the former president of ‘Advocates of Animals’ and works actively in conserving animals. Here is a compilation of sayings and quotations by Jane Goodall which have been curated from her writings, books, thoughts and interviews. These quotes and thoughts by Jane Goodall portray her compassion and sacred relation with the animal world.
What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.

What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.

Jane Goodall
The greatest danger to our future is apathy.

The greatest danger to our future is apathy.

Jane Goodall
We have the choice to use the gift of our life to make the world a better place--or not to bother

We have the choice to use the gift of our life to make the world a better place--or not to bother

Jane Goodall
You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.

You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.

Jane Goodall
Only if we understand, can we care. Only if we care, we will help. Only if we help, we shall be saved.

Only if we understand, can we care. Only if we care, we will help. Only if we help, we shall be saved.

Jane Goodall
One thing I had learned from watching chimpanzees with their infants is that having a child should be fun.

One thing I had learned from watching chimpanzees with their infants is that having a child should be fun.

Jane Goodall
The least I can do is speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves.

The least I can do is speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves.

Jane Goodall
Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right.

Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right.

Jane Goodall
We have so far to go to realize our human potential for compassion, altruism, and love.

We have so far to go to realize our human potential for compassion, altruism, and love.

Jane Goodall
Here we are, the most clever species ever to have lived. So how is it we can destroy the only planet we have?

Here we are, the most clever species ever to have lived. So how is it we can destroy the only planet we have?

Jane Goodall
A sense of calm came over me. More and more often I found myself thinking,

A sense of calm came over me. More and more often I found myself thinking, "This is where I belong. This is what I came into this world to do.

Jane Goodall
Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference.

Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference.

Jane Goodall
If we do not do something to help these creatures, we make a mockery of the whole concept of justice.

If we do not do something to help these creatures, we make a mockery of the whole concept of justice.

Jane Goodall
Someday we shall look back on this dark era of agriculture and shake our heads. How could we have ever believed that it was a good idea to grow our food with poisons?

Someday we shall look back on this dark era of agriculture and shake our heads. How could we have ever believed that it was a good idea to grow our food with poisons?

Jane Goodall
We can't leave people in abject poverty, so we need to raise the standard of living for 80% of the world's people, while bringing it down considerably for the 20% who are destroying our natural resources.

We can't leave people in abject poverty, so we need to raise the standard of living for 80% of the world's people, while bringing it down considerably for the 20% who are destroying our natural resources.

Jane Goodall
Lasting change is a series of compromises. And compromise is all right, as long your values don't change.

Lasting change is a series of compromises. And compromise is all right, as long your values don't change.

Jane Goodall
I think the best evenings are when we have messages, things that make us think, but we can also laugh and enjoy each other's company.

I think the best evenings are when we have messages, things that make us think, but we can also laugh and enjoy each other's company.

Jane Goodall
And always I have this feeling--which may not be true at all--that I am being used as a messenger.

And always I have this feeling--which may not be true at all--that I am being used as a messenger.

Jane Goodall
But let us not forget that human love and compassion are equally deeply rooted in our primate heritage, and in this sphere too our sensibilities are of a higher order of magnitude than those of chimpanzees.

But let us not forget that human love and compassion are equally deeply rooted in our primate heritage, and in this sphere too our sensibilities are of a higher order of magnitude than those of chimpanzees.

Jane Goodall
People said,

People said, "Jane, forget about this nonsense with Africa. Dream about things you can achieve.

Jane Goodall
The least I can do is speak out for the hundreds of chimpanzees who, right now, sit hunched, miserable and without hope, staring out with dead eyes from their metal prisons. They cannot speak for themselves.

The least I can do is speak out for the hundreds of chimpanzees who, right now, sit hunched, miserable and without hope, staring out with dead eyes from their metal prisons. They cannot speak for themselves.

Jane Goodall
We find animals doing things that we, in our arrogance, used to think was

We find animals doing things that we, in our arrogance, used to think was "just human".

Jane Goodall
How can you stop yourself from yelling and shouting and accusing everyone of cruelty? The easy answer is that the aggressive approach simply doesn't work.

How can you stop yourself from yelling and shouting and accusing everyone of cruelty? The easy answer is that the aggressive approach simply doesn't work.

Jane Goodall
There is a powerful force unleashed when young people resolve to make a change.

There is a powerful force unleashed when young people resolve to make a change.

Jane Goodall
Without patience I could never have succeeded.

Without patience I could never have succeeded.

Jane Goodall
As thy days, so shall thy strength be.

As thy days, so shall thy strength be.

Jane Goodall
Only when our clever brain and our human heart work together in harmony can we achieve our true potential.

Only when our clever brain and our human heart work together in harmony can we achieve our true potential.

Jane Goodall
...very few Westerners, I thought, could tolerate such a way of life- for it would mean having to forgo the luxuries which we had come to think of as necessities.

...very few Westerners, I thought, could tolerate such a way of life- for it would mean having to forgo the luxuries which we had come to think of as necessities.

Jane Goodall