99 Famous Quotes By James Patterson For Insatiable Readers

Basically, I have two speeds.... Hostile or smart-aleck. Your choice.

Because what’s worse than knowing you want something, besides knowing you can never have it?

Can I come in? No! I'm in a towel! I'm blind!

Yes!” said Fang, punching the air. “Freaks rule.

Popcorn for breakfast! Why not? It's a grain. It's like, like, grits, but with high self-esteem.

I can talk to fish!" Angel said happily, water dripping off her long, skinny body. "Ask one over for dinner," Fang said, joining us.

You...are...a...fridge...with wings,' Fang ground out, punching an Eraser hard with every word. 'We're...freaking...ballet...dancers.

I feel like, like pudding," Iggy groaned. "Pudding with nerve endings. Pudding in great pain.

What happened to your tan?"--Fang "It was dirt." --Max

The funny thing about facing imminent death is that it really snaps everything else into perspective.

Max, you're the last of the hybrids who still has...a soul.' ... 'She doesn't have soul,' Gazzy scoffed. 'Have you ever seen her dance?

Here's a freebie: Don't play poker with a kid who can read minds.

Max: "Fang! This is a huge break! Of course we should go check it out!" Fang: "But we're grounded." Max and Fang: (stare at each other for a second and burst out laughing)

We’ll be back!” he snarled. It was really Ari’s voice. Boy, you just can’t kill people like you used to,” said Fang

You looove me. (holds out arms) You love me this much.

YOU COULD LOCK the Gasman in a padded cell with some dental floss and a bowl of Jell-O, and he'd find a way to make something to explode.
![Holy [Insert your choice of a swear word here],](https://www.wisdomly.net/images/quotes/james-patterson-24689.jpg)
Holy [Insert your choice of a swear word here]," said Fang stunned.

How did you become blind, uh, Jeff is it?" Yeah, Jeff. Well, I looked directly at the sun, you know, the way they always tell you not to. If only I had listened.

Well, that's an evil smile...

He's gonna be fine," I confirmed. Can we see him?" Iggy asked. Ig, I hate to break it to you, but you're blind.

Am I tough? Am I strong? Am I hard-core? Absolutely. Did I whimper with pathetic delight when I sank my teeth into my hot fried-chicken sandwich? You betcha.

A friend of mine once defined love as finding someone you can talk to late into the night

In the dictionary, next to the word stress, there is a picture of a midsize mutant stuck inside a dog crate, wondering if her destiny is to be killed or to save the world. Okay, not really. But there should be.

Nudge: "I look like prep school Barbie. (looks at Max) Actually, you look like prep school Barbie. I'm just Barbie's friend.
![They [Erasers] were bad fliers,](https://www.wisdomly.net/images/quotes/james-patterson-24697.jpg)
They [Erasers] were bad fliers," Angel chimed in, "And in their minds, they weren't all kill the mutants, like they usually are. They were like, remember to flap!

Dr. Martinez: "I take it you don't want me to call your parent?" Max: "Uh, no." Hello, lab? May I speak to the test tube please?

I vill eat nine Snikuhs bahs visout bahfing

Fang felt a cold jolt, then dismissed it. Max wasn’t dead. He would know, somehow. He would have felt it. The world still felt the same to him; therefore, Max was still in it.

Meaning what? We're going to pretend nothing's going on? That's stupid. The only way to deal with any of this is to get it out in the open." Have you been watching Oprah again?

I hate this guy,” Ari muttered, keeping his head down “There’s a club,” I told him. “The Haters of ter Borcht Club. Have you gotten your badge yet?