26 Great Quotes By James McBride That Will Strike The Right Chords

God is the color of water. Water doesn't have a color.

I asked her if I was black or white. She replied "You are a human being. Educate yourself or you'll be a nobody!

Whatever he believed, he believed. It didn’t matter to him whether it was really true or not. He just changed the truth till it fit him. He was a real white man.

He was like everybody in war. He believed God was on his side. Everybody got God on their side in a war. Problem is, God ain’t tellin’ nobody who He’s for.

See, a marriege needs love. And God. And a little money. That's all.

Whatever you is, Onion," he said, "be it full.

God gived you the seed. But the watering and caring of that seed is up to you.

There ain't no time for foolishness now. You in it now. You got to stay in it.

Sometimes it seemed like the truth was a bandy-legged soul who dashed from one side of the world to the other and I could never find him.

...for one thing you learns when you is a girl is that most women's hearts is full of secrets.

I was ashamed of my mother, but see, love didn't come natural to me until I became a Christian.- Ruth McBride

I come to the understanding that maybe what was on the inside was more important, and that your outer covering didn't count so much as folks thought it did, colored or white, man or woman.

This is what happens when a boy becomes a man. You get stupider.

The man was the finest preacher. He could make a frog stand up straight and get happy with Jesus.

And when James asked what color God was, she said, God is the color of water.

You could see him coming from a distance, appearing out of nowhere like an angel, his silhouette seeming to rise from the ground in the simmering heat . . .

The enemy was irony and truth and hypocrisy, that was the real enemy. That was the enemy that was killing him.

But at the end of the day, there are some questions that have no answers, and then one answer that has no question: love rules the game. Every time. All the time. That’s what counts.

She wore a flowered blue dress of the type whores naturally favored, and that thing was so tight that when she moved, the daisies got all mixed up with the azaleas. She walked like a warm room full of smoke.

You have to choose between what the world expects of you and what you want for yourself,” my sister Jack told me several times. “Put yourself in God’s hands and you can’t go wrong.

Writer or a musician, not knowing that it was possible

They’ll pull the trigger and tell the hammer to hurry.

...but all your 'sorrys' are gone when a person dies... That's why you have to say all your 'sorrys' and 'I love yous' while a person is living, because tomorrow isn't promised.

Not a week after Annie put her foot in Mrs. Huffmaster's duff, the Captain upped and laid down the date.

I always felt that way about the South, that beneath the smiles and southern hospitality and politeness were a lot of guns and liquor and secrets.

The Negro comes in many colors. Dark. Black. Blacker. Blackest. Blacker than night. Black as hell. Black as tar.