57 Famous Quotes By Jack Kirby For Everyone

The only real politics I knew was that if a guy liked Hitler, I'd beat the stuffing out of him and that would be it.

Once we've learned enough about the universe we will admit to ourselves that we will never know everything.

Remember how unimportant you are because that knowledge will gain you more respect than someone who thinks the world revolves around them.

It's not in the draftsmanship, it's in the man. Like I say, a tool is dead. A brush is a dead object. It's in the man. If you want to do it, you do it.

I'm OMAC! Evacuate this section! I'm going to destroy it!

I feel my characters are valid, my characters are people, my characters have hope. Hope is the thing that'll take us through.

I felt the comics grew because they became the common man's literature, the common man's art, the common man's publishing.
I feel that man can transcend himself to a point where he can accomplish greater things than he thinks. I see people depressed and I see people who devalue themselves and I feel that's a terrible, terrible waste. But I love the people who try. But try fairly, try honestly.

Everybody can draw, in my estimation. If you give a man 50 years, he'll come up with the Mona Lisa.

There are people that I didn't like, but I saw them suffer and it changed me. I promised myself that I would never tell a lie, never hurt another human being, and I would try to make the world as positive as I could.

Homo Sapiens and their guns.

Perfectionists are their own devils.

It's funny how easy it is to point out other peoples mistakes and make our own mistakes seem insignificant.

Aw, where we come from the Anti-Life Equation is one of many others--almost as awesome!! But they merely exist!!

I feel that my characters all have some part of my character. I feel that they're all me in some way, certainly not in individuality, but they all bear elements of what I feel.

My anatomy was self-taught. I feel everybody has that ability. I drew instinctively. Mine was an instinctive style.

I was an artist, but not a self-proclaimed great artist, just a common man who was working in a form of art which is universal.

I feel like an independent man, and I am. This is the kind of feeling I always wanted. You can rarely get that... Well, I could rarely get that in the early part of my life.

I always resent anybody interfering with anybody else trying to do his job. Everybody has his own job to do. If he's good, he'll do well, but if he's mediocre, he's not going to do as well as he should.

A man is entitled to draw things in his own style. I didn't hurt Superman. I made him powerful. I admire Superman, but I've got to do my own style.

Life at best is bittersweet.

I want to be better than five guys. I was that way when I used to box, I was that way in any sport. I want to compete with five other guys. If I beat five other guys, I'd like to see if I can beat six.

You fought fair. If the other guy wants to fight and you knocked him out, you did your best for him. You didn't want to hurt him any more.

There was violence because first of all, there were ethnic differences and names. If you were small, they called you a runt, and you had to do something about that even if there were five other guys.

I hated to fight all the time just to enjoy my day. Fighting wasn't the kind of thing that I enjoyed, but I grew to enjoy it because I did it so long.

In the Army when we had judo classes, out of the class of 27 just me and another guy graduated. I grew to enjoy it because I knew I could do it well. I tried to do everything well.

I didn't like Army life. I didn't like taking orders. I didn't like discipline. I didn't like being yelled at. You'd get 10 years for punching a sergeant so I couldn't punch a sergeant.

I wasn't the kind of student that Pratt was looking for. They wanted patient people who would work on something forever. I didn't want to work on any project forever. I intended to get things done.

Nobody ever asked me to do anything. Nobody knew what to do. When comics were brand new, nobody knew what kind of comics to make. So you were mostly on your own.

I've never done anything half-heartedly; it's a disservice to me and the audience if I do it half-heartedly.