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116 Best Hugh Grant Quotes

Famous As: English Actor Best Known for His Leading Roles in Romantic Comedies
Born On: 1960
Born In: Hammersmith, London, England
Age: 64 Years
Hugh Grant is a prominent English film producer and actor. He has been awarded with ‘Honorary Cesar’, ‘Golden Globe’ and ‘BAFTA’ for his phenomenal performances. He is one of the most talented and successful Hollywood actor. Hugh was born into a modest family and earned a scholarship for college. He then became a part of ‘Oxford University Dramatic Society’ and moved towards the world of acting. He abandoned his plans for pursuing PH.D after his performance was appreciated in a film. He rose to fame with his performance in ‘Four Weddings and A Funeral’ after which there was no looking back. We have rounded some renowned quotes and sayings by Hugh Grant which have been extracted from his works, thoughts, movies, dialogues and life. Read through the quotes and thoughts by Hugh Grant on thought, gentlemen, villain, future, filmmaking, together, attitude etc and get enlightened.
I'm horrible in the mornings. I'm grumpy.

I'm horrible in the mornings. I'm grumpy.

Hugh Grant
In the last couple of weeks I have seen the ads for the Wonder Bra.
Is that really a problem in this country? Men not paying enough attention to women’s breasts?

In the last couple of weeks I have seen the ads for the Wonder Bra. Is that really a problem in this country? Men not paying enough attention to women’s breasts?

Hugh Grant
Something about teaching is curiously attractive, actually. I don't know what it is.

Something about teaching is curiously attractive, actually. I don't know what it is.

Hugh Grant
I'm a terrible vacillator; I can be sure of something one day and change my mind the next.

I'm a terrible vacillator; I can be sure of something one day and change my mind the next.

Hugh Grant
I'm quite jealous of my Scottish relations, in whose culture everyone, in a Jane Austen kind of way, got married very young, when you're too young to be cynical or jaded and just started having children.

I'm quite jealous of my Scottish relations, in whose culture everyone, in a Jane Austen kind of way, got married very young, when you're too young to be cynical or jaded and just started having children.

Hugh Grant
I'm a laugh tart. I make no secret of that fact.

I'm a laugh tart. I make no secret of that fact.

Hugh Grant
I'm not a great believer in marriages as an institution, or even in very long term relationships. I'm not sure we're built that way.

I'm not a great believer in marriages as an institution, or even in very long term relationships. I'm not sure we're built that way.

Hugh Grant
I couldn't put my hand on my heart and say I think that being in a relationship is a natural state for a human being.

I couldn't put my hand on my heart and say I think that being in a relationship is a natural state for a human being.

Hugh Grant
There were various turning points, but the main one at the beginning was that I was going off to do another degree in the history of art. I would have ended up as some art historian at Sotheby's or something.

There were various turning points, but the main one at the beginning was that I was going off to do another degree in the history of art. I would have ended up as some art historian at Sotheby's or something.

Hugh Grant
Some newspapers in Britain have become closer to these kind of mafia families. They wield an incredible power. They choose our governments, they choose our prime ministers, and they live above the law.

Some newspapers in Britain have become closer to these kind of mafia families. They wield an incredible power. They choose our governments, they choose our prime ministers, and they live above the law.

Hugh Grant
At my school, which was all boys, I played almost exclusively lady parts. When I say lady parts, I mean parts that were ladies. To actually play lady parts would be weird, even by English standards.

At my school, which was all boys, I played almost exclusively lady parts. When I say lady parts, I mean parts that were ladies. To actually play lady parts would be weird, even by English standards.

Hugh Grant
I don't hate L.A., but I'm nervous about becoming one of those people who has a ferocious interest in how films did at the box office that weekend and, you know, would want to meet for egg-white omelets in the morning.

I don't hate L.A., but I'm nervous about becoming one of those people who has a ferocious interest in how films did at the box office that weekend and, you know, would want to meet for egg-white omelets in the morning.

Hugh Grant
Love scenes are extremely difficult. You're always within a millimeter of sentimentality and 'yuck.'

Love scenes are extremely difficult. You're always within a millimeter of sentimentality and 'yuck.'

Hugh Grant
If every play was three weeks, I'd do lots of plays. It's just the idea of six months, I think, that might drive me a bit nuts.

If every play was three weeks, I'd do lots of plays. It's just the idea of six months, I think, that might drive me a bit nuts.

Hugh Grant
I'm a great believer in eccentrically-shaped modern families. Because I've seen them work so well. And as long as everyone loves each other, it can work very well.

I'm a great believer in eccentrically-shaped modern families. Because I've seen them work so well. And as long as everyone loves each other, it can work very well.

Hugh Grant
I dreaded the dance scene in 'Love Actually' more than having my teeth extracted.

I dreaded the dance scene in 'Love Actually' more than having my teeth extracted.

Hugh Grant
I have known a few good marriages, but very few. And others look to me like they're pretty miserable. I don't really think that's a recipe for happiness.

I have known a few good marriages, but very few. And others look to me like they're pretty miserable. I don't really think that's a recipe for happiness.

Hugh Grant
Frankly, I think I'm marvelous in rehearsal! Then you turn the camera on, and it gets stiff and tight. And then you trudge back to your trailer feeling sad. That's been my experience of film acting.

Frankly, I think I'm marvelous in rehearsal! Then you turn the camera on, and it gets stiff and tight. And then you trudge back to your trailer feeling sad. That's been my experience of film acting.

Hugh Grant
I wasn't aware I was trading on my good name; I've never had a good name.

I wasn't aware I was trading on my good name; I've never had a good name.

Hugh Grant
All I know is for a number of years, if someone like me called police for a burglary, a mugging, or something happened to me, chances are that a photographer or reporter would turn up before a policeman.

All I know is for a number of years, if someone like me called police for a burglary, a mugging, or something happened to me, chances are that a photographer or reporter would turn up before a policeman.

Hugh Grant
'The Lair of the White Worm' is quite a strange film. It's difficult to be good when you're saying lines that have been translated from Spanish to English by someone who speaks French.

'The Lair of the White Worm' is quite a strange film. It's difficult to be good when you're saying lines that have been translated from Spanish to English by someone who speaks French.

Hugh Grant
I've always dreaded the sea - in fact, I get terribly seasick.

I've always dreaded the sea - in fact, I get terribly seasick.

Hugh Grant
I had a kiss with Raquel Welch's daughter - she was a very naughty kisser.

I had a kiss with Raquel Welch's daughter - she was a very naughty kisser.

Hugh Grant
I've got four houses in my street. I live in two, and the others are empty. I'll buy more as they come up, because I think it would be great to have the entire street.

I've got four houses in my street. I live in two, and the others are empty. I'll buy more as they come up, because I think it would be great to have the entire street.

Hugh Grant
I certainly hated actors and, more importantly, they hated me.

I certainly hated actors and, more importantly, they hated me.

Hugh Grant
Although I'm largely doing other things in life, it's very nice occasionally to put my toe back in the waters of show business.

Although I'm largely doing other things in life, it's very nice occasionally to put my toe back in the waters of show business.

Hugh Grant
Throughout my life, whenever I thought I'm dancing welI, I'm not.

Throughout my life, whenever I thought I'm dancing welI, I'm not.

Hugh Grant
I get more satisfaction out of comedy stuff. I'm a laugh tart. I make no secret of that fact.

I get more satisfaction out of comedy stuff. I'm a laugh tart. I make no secret of that fact.

Hugh Grant
I don't do much acting anymore anyway, and not to work for 20th Century Fox is really the least of my worries.

I don't do much acting anymore anyway, and not to work for 20th Century Fox is really the least of my worries.

Hugh Grant
There was a phase in my career in my late 20s and 30s when I was doing strange, arty-farty Euro films that were, you could tell, never had much chance of any release anywhere in the world.

There was a phase in my career in my late 20s and 30s when I was doing strange, arty-farty Euro films that were, you could tell, never had much chance of any release anywhere in the world.

Hugh Grant