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58 Thought-Provoking Quotes By Howard Thurman For The Theologians

Famous As: Philosopher
Born On: 1899
Died On: 1981
Born In: Daytona Beach, Florida, United States
Died At Age: 81
Howard Thurman was an eminent Afro-American theologian, author, educator, civil rights leader and philosopher. He was a prominent religious figure and played a pivotal role in many social justice organizations and movements of the 20th century. His thoughts, writings and theology of radical non-violence shaped and influenced a generation of civil rights activists that included Martin Luther King Jr. He was the co-founder of the first major interdenominational, inter-racial church in the United States. Thurman also served as the dean at ‘Howard University’ of the ‘Rankin Chapel’. He also served as the dean at ‘Boston University’ of ‘Marsh Chapel’. We bring to you a collection of quotable quotes and sayings by Howard Thurman which have been extracted from his writings, books, works and life. Presenting famous quotations and thoughts by Howard Thurman on heart, reduce, hope, great, nature, light, time, life, purpose, hatred, community, determination, destruction, live, patriotism, fears, war and more which are sure to enlighten you.
Whatever may be the tensions and the stresses of a particular day, there is always lurking close at hand the trailing beauty of forgotten joy or unremembered peace.

Whatever may be the tensions and the stresses of a particular day, there is always lurking close at hand the trailing beauty of forgotten joy or unremembered peace.

Howard Thurman
Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

Howard Thurman
Often, to be free means the ability to deal with the realities of one's own situation so as not to be overcome by them.

Often, to be free means the ability to deal with the realities of one's own situation so as not to be overcome by them.

Howard Thurman
During times of war, hatred becomes quite respectable, even though it has to masquerade often under the guise of patriotism.

During times of war, hatred becomes quite respectable, even though it has to masquerade often under the guise of patriotism.

Howard Thurman
There must be always remaining in every life, some place for the singing of angels, some place for that which in itself is breathless and beautiful.

There must be always remaining in every life, some place for the singing of angels, some place for that which in itself is breathless and beautiful.

Howard Thurman
If a man knows precisely what he can do to you or what epithet he can hurl against you in order to make you lose your temper, your equilibrium, then he can always keep you under subjection.

If a man knows precisely what he can do to you or what epithet he can hurl against you in order to make you lose your temper, your equilibrium, then he can always keep you under subjection.

Howard Thurman

There is something in every one of you that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself. It is the only true guide you will ever have. And if you cannot hear it, you will all of your life spend your days on the ends of strings that somebody else pulls.

Howard Thurman
He recognized with authentic realism that anyone who permits another to determine the quality of his inner life gives into the hands of the other the keys to his destiny.

He recognized with authentic realism that anyone who permits another to determine the quality of his inner life gives into the hands of the other the keys to his destiny.

Howard Thurman
Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

Howard Thurman

When the song of the angels is stilled, When the star in the sky is gone, When the kings and princes are home, When the shepherds are back with their flock, The work of Christmas begins: ...To find the lost, To heal the broken, To feed the hungry, To release the prisoner, To rebuild the nations, To bring peace among brothers, To make music in the heart.

Howard Thurman

The hard thing when you get old is to keep your horizons open. The first part of your life everything is in front of you, all your potential and promise. But over the years, you make decisions; you carve yourself into a given shape. Then the challenge is to keep discovering the green growing edge.

Howard Thurman
Keep alive the dream; for as long as a man has a dream in his heart, he cannot lose the significance of living.

Keep alive the dream; for as long as a man has a dream in his heart, he cannot lose the significance of living.

Howard Thurman
In the stillness of the quiet, if we listen, we can hear the whisper of the heart giving strength to weakness, courage to fear, hope to despair.

In the stillness of the quiet, if we listen, we can hear the whisper of the heart giving strength to weakness, courage to fear, hope to despair.

Howard Thurman
What I have written is but a fleeting intimation of the outside of what one man sees and may tell about the path he walks. No one shares the secret of a life; no one enters into the heart of the mystery.

What I have written is but a fleeting intimation of the outside of what one man sees and may tell about the path he walks. No one shares the secret of a life; no one enters into the heart of the mystery.

Howard Thurman
There is something in every one of you that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself.

There is something in every one of you that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself.

Howard Thurman
There is something in every one of you that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself. It is the only true guide you will ever have.

There is something in every one of you that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself. It is the only true guide you will ever have.

Howard Thurman
Keep fresh before me the moments of my high resolve.

Keep fresh before me the moments of my high resolve.

Howard Thurman
It cannot be denied that too often the weight of the Christian movement has been on the side of the strong and the powerful and against the weak and oppressed-this, despite the gospel.

It cannot be denied that too often the weight of the Christian movement has been on the side of the strong and the powerful and against the weak and oppressed-this, despite the gospel.

Howard Thurman
Growth always involves the risk of failure.

Growth always involves the risk of failure.

Howard Thurman
Love has no awareness of merit or demerit; it has no scale... Love loves; this is its nature.

Love has no awareness of merit or demerit; it has no scale... Love loves; this is its nature.

Howard Thurman

Listen to the long stillness: New life is stirring New dreams are on the wing New hopes are being readied: Humankind is fashioning a new heart Humankind is forging a new mind God is at work. This is the season of Promise

Howard Thurman
Commitment means that it is possible for a man to yield the nerve center of his consent to a purpose or cause, a movement or an ideal, which may be more important to him than whether he lives or dies.

Commitment means that it is possible for a man to yield the nerve center of his consent to a purpose or cause, a movement or an ideal, which may be more important to him than whether he lives or dies.

Howard Thurman
There is a certain grandeur and nobility in administering to another’s need out of one’s fullness and plenty.

There is a certain grandeur and nobility in administering to another’s need out of one’s fullness and plenty.

Howard Thurman
To love is to make of one's heart a swinging door.

To love is to make of one's heart a swinging door.

Howard Thurman
Prayer is a form of communication between God and man and man and God....I am always impressed by the fact that it is recorded that the only thing that the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to do was to pray.

Prayer is a form of communication between God and man and man and God....I am always impressed by the fact that it is recorded that the only thing that the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to do was to pray.

Howard Thurman
In whatever sense this year is a new year for you, may the moment find you eager and unafraid, ready to take it by the hand with joy and gratitude.

In whatever sense this year is a new year for you, may the moment find you eager and unafraid, ready to take it by the hand with joy and gratitude.

Howard Thurman
There are two questions that we have to ask ourselves. The first is 'Where am I going?' and the second is 'Who will go with me?'

There are two questions that we have to ask ourselves. The first is 'Where am I going?' and the second is 'Who will go with me?'

Howard Thurman
Do not be silent; there is no limit to the power that may be released through you.

Do not be silent; there is no limit to the power that may be released through you.

Howard Thurman
Ask what makes you come alive and go do it.

Ask what makes you come alive and go do it.

Howard Thurman
There is a certain grandeur and nobility in administering to another’s need out of one’s fullness and plenty. One

There is a certain grandeur and nobility in administering to another’s need out of one’s fullness and plenty. One

Howard Thurman