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45 Mind-Blowing Quotes By Helmut Kohl

Famous As: Former Chancellor of Germany
Born On: 1930
Died On: 2017
Born In: Ludwigshafen
Founder / Co Founder: Junge Union, University of Trier-Kaiserslautern
Died At Age: 87
Helmut Kohl was a renowned German statesman who held the office of the Chancellor of Germany from 1982 to 1998. From 1973 to 1998, he also served as the chairperson of the Christian Democratic Union. He is considered as one of the greatest German leaders and is credited with the integration of West and East Germany. The U.S. Presidents, Bill Clinton, and George H.W.Bush, described Kohl as ‘the greatest European leader of the second half of the 20th century’. Read through the inspiring thoughts and quotes by Helmut Kohl. We have rounded some famous sayings and quotes by Helmut Kohl which have been excerpted from his works, speeches, interviews, thoughts, utterances and life.
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I ask myself where Germany stands today and where it wants to go.

I ask myself where Germany stands today and where it wants to go.

Helmut Kohl
There must be no question for us that we in the European Union and the eurozone stand by Greece in solidarity.

There must be no question for us that we in the European Union and the eurozone stand by Greece in solidarity.

Helmut Kohl
It was a stroke of luck that there were about four to six leaders in power in the mid-'80s who really trusted one another and could really make things happen.

It was a stroke of luck that there were about four to six leaders in power in the mid-'80s who really trusted one another and could really make things happen.

Helmut Kohl
In German history, we don't have many reasons to be proud.

In German history, we don't have many reasons to be proud.

Helmut Kohl
German and European unification are two sides of the same coin.

German and European unification are two sides of the same coin.

Helmut Kohl
When I was elected to head the German government, I was fortunate enough to find a partner in Francois Mitterrand.

When I was elected to head the German government, I was fortunate enough to find a partner in Francois Mitterrand.

Helmut Kohl
Our shared historical experiences led myself and Mitterrand to the decision that we must do everything to prevent further wars.

Our shared historical experiences led myself and Mitterrand to the decision that we must do everything to prevent further wars.

Helmut Kohl
My parents were Christians - Catholics, but not in the close-minded sense. I remember my mother to be a very pious woman, but she was never against other religions.

My parents were Christians - Catholics, but not in the close-minded sense. I remember my mother to be a very pious woman, but she was never against other religions.

Helmut Kohl
In a democracy, if you don't get the votes, nothing else is possible, no matter how wonderful your dreams.

In a democracy, if you don't get the votes, nothing else is possible, no matter how wonderful your dreams.

Helmut Kohl
Germany is our fatherland; Europe is our future.

Germany is our fatherland; Europe is our future.

Helmut Kohl
Nations with a common currency never went to war against each other. A common currency is more than the money you pay with.

Nations with a common currency never went to war against each other. A common currency is more than the money you pay with.

Helmut Kohl
When people come to write about my period of office, I would be very happy if they say that I made a contribution to finding the happy medium again for the Germans.

When people come to write about my period of office, I would be very happy if they say that I made a contribution to finding the happy medium again for the Germans.

Helmut Kohl
I knew that I could never win a referendum in Germany. We would have lost a referendum on the introduction of the euro. That's quite clear. I would have lost, and by seven to three.

I knew that I could never win a referendum in Germany. We would have lost a referendum on the introduction of the euro. That's quite clear. I would have lost, and by seven to three.

Helmut Kohl
Where there is no will, no rules or laws can help.

Where there is no will, no rules or laws can help.

Helmut Kohl
The most important rule of the new Europe is: There must never again be violence in Europe.

The most important rule of the new Europe is: There must never again be violence in Europe.

Helmut Kohl
I experienced Nazism as a child. Like many of my generation, I was motivated by the desire to prevent another war at any price.

I experienced Nazism as a child. Like many of my generation, I was motivated by the desire to prevent another war at any price.

Helmut Kohl
My childhood ended in 1942. I was 12, and for the next three years, I lived under incessant bombings. It was a life of constant fear.

My childhood ended in 1942. I was 12, and for the next three years, I lived under incessant bombings. It was a life of constant fear.

Helmut Kohl
If a Chancellor is trying to push something through, he must be a man of power. And if he's smart, he knows when the time is ripe. In one case - the euro - I was like a dictator... The euro is a synonym for Europe.

If a Chancellor is trying to push something through, he must be a man of power. And if he's smart, he knows when the time is ripe. In one case - the euro - I was like a dictator... The euro is a synonym for Europe.

Helmut Kohl
We were united not only by political respect for each other, but also by deep mutual sympathy as people.

We were united not only by political respect for each other, but also by deep mutual sympathy as people.

Helmut Kohl
The Christian Democrats always made you feel like the poor relation.

The Christian Democrats always made you feel like the poor relation.

Helmut Kohl
The army is under orders to defend every place.

The army is under orders to defend every place.

Helmut Kohl
Russia is Germany's most important neighbor in the East, and it will remain so.

Russia is Germany's most important neighbor in the East, and it will remain so.

Helmut Kohl
George Bush was for me the most important ally on the road to German unity.

George Bush was for me the most important ally on the road to German unity.

Helmut Kohl
For me it is completely clear that our air bases in Germany would be available to the Americans.

For me it is completely clear that our air bases in Germany would be available to the Americans.

Helmut Kohl
If one has no compass, when one doesn't know where one stands and where one wants to go, one can deduce that one has no leadership or interest in shaping events.

If one has no compass, when one doesn't know where one stands and where one wants to go, one can deduce that one has no leadership or interest in shaping events.

Helmut Kohl
I have made a very good living, for more than 30 years, by being underestimated.

I have made a very good living, for more than 30 years, by being underestimated.

Helmut Kohl
We Germans have learned from history. We are a peace-loving, freedom-loving people. There is only one place for us in the world: at the side of the free nations.

We Germans have learned from history. We are a peace-loving, freedom-loving people. There is only one place for us in the world: at the side of the free nations.

Helmut Kohl
Solitary decisions, no matter how well-founded they may appear to individuals, must belong to the past - along with national, unilateralist action.

Solitary decisions, no matter how well-founded they may appear to individuals, must belong to the past - along with national, unilateralist action.

Helmut Kohl
I have been underestimated for decades. I have done very well that way.

I have been underestimated for decades. I have done very well that way.

Helmut Kohl
I have every reason, despite the resentment and exasperation, to be proud. I have nothing better to be proud of than being proud of German unity.

I have every reason, despite the resentment and exasperation, to be proud. I have nothing better to be proud of than being proud of German unity.

Helmut Kohl