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26 Powerful Quotes By Giuseppe Mazzini

Famous As: Italian Politician, Activist and Champion of the Movement for Italian Unity
Born On: 1805
Died On: 1872
Born In: Genoa, Italy
Died At Age: 66
Giuseppe Mazzini was an Italian politician, propagandist, journalist, activist , and revolutionary, who worked for the unification of Italy. It was largely due to his efforts that brought about an independent and unified Italy, which till then was divided into several separate states, dominated by foreign powers. He was also intrumental in helping the modern European movement for democracy in a republican state and his thoughts and beliefs had a deep influence on the Italian and European republican movements. His thoughts also influenced the Constitution of Italy, and many politicians of a later period, including Woodrow Wilson and David Lloyd George, Gandhi, Savarkar, David Ben-Gurion, Golda Meir, Sun Yat-sen, and Jawaharlal Nehru. We have compiled some interesting quotes by Giuseppe Mazzini on nation, democracy, unification, republicanism, Italy, life, God, nationalism, education, duties, country, truth, inspiration, ideas, honour, mother, etc.
Listed In:
Nations, like individuals, live and die; but civilization cannot die.

Nations, like individuals, live and die; but civilization cannot die.

Giuseppe Mazzini

The Family is the Country of the heart. There is an angel in the Family who, by the mysterious influence of grace, of sweetness, and of love, renders the fulfillment of duties less wearisome, sorrows less bitter. The only pure joys unmixed with sadness which it is given to man to taste upon earth are, thanks to this angel, the joys of the Family.

Giuseppe Mazzini
Love and respect woman. Look to her not only for comfort, but for strength and inspiration and the doubling of your intellectual and moral powers. Blot out from your mind any idea of superiority; you have none.

Love and respect woman. Look to her not only for comfort, but for strength and inspiration and the doubling of your intellectual and moral powers. Blot out from your mind any idea of superiority; you have none.

Giuseppe Mazzini
Without Country you have neither name, token, voice, nor rights, no admission as brothers into the fellowship of the Peoples.

Without Country you have neither name, token, voice, nor rights, no admission as brothers into the fellowship of the Peoples.

Giuseppe Mazzini

Love your country. Your country is the land where your parents sleep, where is spoken that language in which the chosen of your heart, blushing, whispered the first word of love; it is the home that God has given you that by striving to perfect yourselves therein you may prepare to ascend to him.

Giuseppe Mazzini

The mother's first kiss teaches the child love; the first holy kiss of the woman he loves teaches man hope and faith in life; and love and faith create a desire for perfection and the power of reaching towards it step by step; create the future, in short, of which the living symbol is the child, link between us and the generations to come.

Giuseppe Mazzini
So long as you are ready to die for humanity, the life of your country is immortal.

So long as you are ready to die for humanity, the life of your country is immortal.

Giuseppe Mazzini
L'istruzione, e la ricchezza, posson essere sorgente di bene e di male, a seconda delle intenzioni colle quali s'adoperano.

L'istruzione, e la ricchezza, posson essere sorgente di bene e di male, a seconda delle intenzioni colle quali s'adoperano.

Giuseppe Mazzini
Great revolutions are the work rather of principles than of bayonets, and are achieved first in the moral, and afterwards in the material sphere.

Great revolutions are the work rather of principles than of bayonets, and are achieved first in the moral, and afterwards in the material sphere.

Giuseppe Mazzini

We form an association of brothers in all points of the globe ... yet there is one unseen that can hardly be felt, yet it weighs on us. Whence comes it? Where is it? No one knows ... or at least no one tells. This association is secret even to us the veterans of the Secret Societies.

Giuseppe Mazzini
Insurrection by means of guerrilla bands is the true method of warfare for all nations desirous of emancipating themselves from a foreign yoke. It is invincible, indestructible.

Insurrection by means of guerrilla bands is the true method of warfare for all nations desirous of emancipating themselves from a foreign yoke. It is invincible, indestructible.

Giuseppe Mazzini
Music is the harmonious voice of creation; an echo of the invisible world.

Music is the harmonious voice of creation; an echo of the invisible world.

Giuseppe Mazzini
Liberty and equality--lovely and sacred words!

Liberty and equality--lovely and sacred words!

Giuseppe Mazzini
No nation deserves freedom or can long retain it which does not win it for itself. Revolutions must be made by the people and for the people.

No nation deserves freedom or can long retain it which does not win it for itself. Revolutions must be made by the people and for the people.

Giuseppe Mazzini
Tradition and conscience are the two wings given to the human soul to reach the truth.

Tradition and conscience are the two wings given to the human soul to reach the truth.

Giuseppe Mazzini

O my Brothers! love your Country. Our Country is our home, the home which God has given us, placing therein a numerous family which we love and are loved by, and with which we have a more intimate and quicker communion of feeling and thought than with others; a family which by its concentration upon a given spot, and by the homogeneous nature of its elements, is destined for a special kind of activity.

Giuseppe Mazzini

A Country is not a mere territory; the particular territory is only its foundation. The Country is the idea which rises upon that foundation; it is the sentiment of love, the sense of fellowship which binds together all the sons of that territory.

Giuseppe Mazzini
Slumber not in the tents of your fathers. The world is advancing.

Slumber not in the tents of your fathers. The world is advancing.

Giuseppe Mazzini
Men of great genius and large heart sow the seeds of a new degree of progress in the world, but they bear fruit only after many years.

Men of great genius and large heart sow the seeds of a new degree of progress in the world, but they bear fruit only after many years.

Giuseppe Mazzini
Ideas grow quickly when watered with the blood of martyrs.

Ideas grow quickly when watered with the blood of martyrs.

Giuseppe Mazzini
Every nation is destined, by the law of God and humanity, to form a free and equal community of brothers.

Every nation is destined, by the law of God and humanity, to form a free and equal community of brothers.

Giuseppe Mazzini
The theory of rights enables us to rise and overthrow obstacles, but not to found a strong and lasting accord between all the elements which compose the nation.

The theory of rights enables us to rise and overthrow obstacles, but not to found a strong and lasting accord between all the elements which compose the nation.

Giuseppe Mazzini
The epoch of individuality is concluded, and it is the duty of reformers to initiate the epoch of association. Collective man is omnipotent upon the earth he treads.

The epoch of individuality is concluded, and it is the duty of reformers to initiate the epoch of association. Collective man is omnipotent upon the earth he treads.

Giuseppe Mazzini
The religion of humanity is love.

The religion of humanity is love.

Giuseppe Mazzini
Pardon is the virtue of victory.

Pardon is the virtue of victory.

Giuseppe Mazzini
The honor of a country depends much more on removing its faults than on boasting of its qualities.

The honor of a country depends much more on removing its faults than on boasting of its qualities.

Giuseppe Mazzini