65 George Muller Quotes On God, Faith, Prayer And Humanity

Trials, obstacles, difficulties and sometimes defeats, are the very food of faith.

If we say we trust in Him, but in reality do not, then God, taking us at our word, lets us see that we do not really confide in Him, and hence failure arises.

The greater the trial, the sweeter the victory.

Where faith begins, anxiety ends; where anxiety begins, faith end.

Often the work of the Lord itself may be a temptation to keep us from that communion with Him which is so essential to the benefit of our own souls.

The Lord Jesus, everything. In himself worse than nothing. By grace, in Christ, the son of the King.

There is an intimate connection between the life of the Christian here and the enjoyment and the glory in the day of Christ's appearing.

Oh this is reality, not a fable, that the Lord Jesus Christ is our friend. And we should not be satisfied until we are brought to this.

A servant of God has but one Master. It ill becomes the servant to seek to be rich, and great, and honored in that world where his Lord was poor, and mean, and despised.

Laying up treasures in heaven will draw the heart heavenward.

The joy which answers to prayer give, cannot be described; and the impetus which they afford to the spiritual life is exceedingly great.

I desire many things concerning myself; but I desire nothing so much, as to have a heart filled with love to the Lord. I long for a warm personal attachment to Him.

God judges what we give by what we keep.

God is pleased continually to vary His mode of dealing with us, in order that we may not be tempted to trust in donors, or in circumstances, but in Him alone, and to keep our eye fixed upon Him.

If we desire our faith to be strengthened, we should not shrink from opportunities where our faith may be tried, and therefore, through trial, be strengthened.

Every instance of obedience, from right motives, strengthens us spiritually, whilst every act of disobedience weakens us.

I believe God has heard my prayers. He will make it manifest in His own good time that He has heard me. I have recorded my petitions that when God has answered them, His name will be glorified.

When the day of recompense comes, our only regret will be that we have done so little for Him, not that we have done too much.

The greater the difficulty to be overcome, the more will it be seen to the glory of God how much can be done by prayer and faith.

God is the author of the Bible, and only the truth it contains will lead people to true happiness.

When God overcomes our difficulties for us, we have the assurance that we are engaged in His work and not our own

The first great and primary business to which I ought to attend every day is to have my soul happy in the Lord.

God not only orders our steps, He orders our stops.

If the Holy Spirit guides us, He will do it according to the Scriptures and never contrary to them.

Our heavenly Father never takes anything from his children unless he means to give them something better.

The word of God is our only standard, and the Holy Spirit our only teacher.

Be assured that Christianity is something more than forms and creeds and ceremonies: there is life, and power, and reality, in our holy faith.

The province of faith begins where probabilities cease and sight and sense fail.

The only way to learn strong faith is to endure great trials.

The vigor of our spiritual life will be in exact proportion to the place held by the Bible in our life and thoughts.