71 Top Edgar Rice Burroughs Quotes
Edgar Rice Burroughs was an eminent American fiction writer. He is distinguished for his creative output in the science fiction, fantasy, and adventure genres. He wrote more than eighty novels. His best-known works include ‘Lord of the Jungle,’ ‘At the Earth’s Core,’ ‘Carson Napier of Venus,’ ‘Tarzan of the Apes,’ ‘The Land that Time Forgot,’ and ‘John Carter of Mars.’ In 2003, he was inducted in the ‘Science Fiction Hall of Fame.’ We have compiled Edgar Rice Burroughs quotes from his novels, books, stories, etc. Here are some selected Edgar Rice Burroughs quotes on people, escape, nature, foundation, judgement, stories, successful, odds, instant, statistics, atheist, lying, superstitions, criminals, weak, golf, fiction, etc.

Am I alive and a reality, or am I but a dream?

In one respect at least the Martians are a happy people, they have no lawyers.

If I had followed my better judgment always, my life would have been a very dull one.

The time has arrived when patience becomes a crime and mayhem appears garbed in a manner of virtue

You are here for but an instant, and you mustn't take yourself too seriously

A warrior may change his metal, but not his heart.

It is a characteristic of the weak and criminal to attribute to others the misfortunes that are the result of their own wickedness.

For myself, I always assume that a lion is ferocious, and so I am never caught off my guard.

Imagination is but another name for super intelligence.

I got this story from someone who had no business in the telling of it.

I shall have to believe even though I cannot understand.

Traveling through space is stupifyingly monotonous.

Golf is a mental disorder.

Beast?" Jane murmured. "Then God make me a beast; for, man or beast, I am yours.

They say that none of us exists, except in the imagination of his fellows, other than as an intangible, invisible mentality.

I have discovered that the world over, unusual weather prevails at all times of the year.

It must be that I am dreaming, and that I shall awaken in a moment to see that awful knife descending toward my heart- kiss me, dear, just once before I lose my dream forever." -Jane-

In that little party there was not one who would desert another; yet we were of different countries, different colours, different races, different religions--and one of us was of a different world.

Mine own people do not care for me, John Carter; I am too unlike them. It is a sad fate, since I must live my life amongst them.

Exsistance is not the cure it is the problem

There was but a single forlorn hope, and I took it.

Captain Billings," he drawled finally, "if you will pardon my candor, I might remark that you are something of an ass, don't you know.

We are between the wild thoat of certainty and the mad zitidar of fact.

When Tarzan killed he more often smiled than scowled, and smiles are the foundation of beauty.

Men were indeed more foolish and more cruel than the beasts of the jungle! How fortunate was he who lived in the peace and security of the great forest!

Teach me to speak the language of men.

I am a very old man. How old I do not know. It is possible I am a hundred, maybe more. I cannot tell because I have never aged as other men do.

The more one knows of one's religion the less one believes - no one living knows more of mine than I.

...those features are burned so deep into my memory and my heart that I should recognize them anywhere in the world from among a thousand others, who might appear identical to any one but me.

He longed for the little cabin and the sun-kissed sea - for the cool interior of the well-built house, and for the never-ending wonders of the many books.