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35 Inspiring Quotes By Edgar Degas That Will Paint Your Life With Fresh Colors

Famous As: French Impressionist Artist Best Known for His Pastel Drawings and Oil Paintings
Born On: 1834
Died On: 1917
Born In: Paris, France
Died At Age: 83
The famous Parisian painter Edgar Degas is known for his unconventional ways of portraying human figures especially dancers. He was born in a family of artists which helped him enhance his skills and interest in painting. His skill was acknowledged by some great masters of Louvre and he was allowed to copy paintings of other painters at an early age of 18. He joined a renowned art school but his stay was short-lived due to his distinctive style of his art. He further traveled to various places while improving his techniques by copying legendary artists like ‘Leonardo Da Vinci’. This helped him make portraits but he was not accepted as he did not follow the traditional ways. This compelled him to collaborate with the French Painter ‘Edouard Manet’ to form a group of avant-garde artists called ‘Society of Independent Artists’. This group came up with their first exhibition which helped Edgar to exhibit his paintings to the world. This was followed by various other exhibitions where Edgar’s numerous paintings were appreciated but his most notable works include 'The Bellelli Family' and ‘Frieze of Dancers’. His paintings had a radical approach and always portrayed women like ballet dancers and milliners. We bring to you a compilation of sayings and quotes by the distinguished artist which have been excerpted from his work and life. Go through these famous Edgar Degas’s quotes and thoughts that will give you a glimpse of his maverick mind.
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Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.

Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.

Edgar Degas
For those who don't know what they are doing, painting is easy.
For those who do know what they are doing, painting is difficult.

For those who don't know what they are doing, painting is easy. For those who do know what they are doing, painting is difficult.

Edgar Degas
You must aim high, not in what you are going to do at some future date, but in what you are going to make yourself do to-day. Otherwise, working is just a waste of time.

You must aim high, not in what you are going to do at some future date, but in what you are going to make yourself do to-day. Otherwise, working is just a waste of time.

Edgar Degas
Conversation in real life is full of half-finished sentences and overlapping talk. Why shouldn't painting be too?

Conversation in real life is full of half-finished sentences and overlapping talk. Why shouldn't painting be too?

Edgar Degas
If I could have had my own way, I would have confined myself to black and white.

If I could have had my own way, I would have confined myself to black and white.

Edgar Degas
The artist does not draw what he sees, but what he has to make others see.

The artist does not draw what he sees, but what he has to make others see.

Edgar Degas
A man is an artist only at certain moments, by an effort of will. Objects have the same appearance for everybody.

A man is an artist only at certain moments, by an effort of will. Objects have the same appearance for everybody.

Edgar Degas

Hitherto the nude has always been represented in poses which presuppose an audience. But my women are simple, honest creatures who are concerned with nothing beyond their physical occupations... it is as if you were looking through a keyhole.

Edgar Degas
The true traveler never arrives.

The true traveler never arrives.

Edgar Degas
No art is less spontaneous than mine. What I do is the result of reflection and the study of the great masters.

No art is less spontaneous than mine. What I do is the result of reflection and the study of the great masters.

Edgar Degas
Only when he no longer knows what he is doing does the painter do good things.

Only when he no longer knows what he is doing does the painter do good things.

Edgar Degas
You have to have a high conception, not of what you are doing, but of what you may do one day: without that, there's no point in working.

You have to have a high conception, not of what you are doing, but of what you may do one day: without that, there's no point in working.

Edgar Degas
Everyone has talent at twenty-five. The difficulty is to have it at fifty.

Everyone has talent at twenty-five. The difficulty is to have it at fifty.

Edgar Degas

It seems to me that today, if the artist wishes to be serious - to cut out a little original niche for himself, or at least preserve his own innocence of personality - he must once more sink himself in solitude. There is too much talk and gossip; pictures are apparently made, like stock-market prices, by competition of people eager for profit; in order to do anything at all we need (so to speak) the wit and ideas of our neighbors as much as the businessmen need the funds of others to win on the market. All this traffic sharpens our intelligence and falsifies our judgment.

Edgar Degas
It is all very well to copy what one sees, but it is far better to draw what one now only sees in one's memory. That is a transformation in which imagination collaborates with memory.

It is all very well to copy what one sees, but it is far better to draw what one now only sees in one's memory. That is a transformation in which imagination collaborates with memory.

Edgar Degas
Make a drawing. Start it all over again, trace it. Start it and trace it again.

Make a drawing. Start it all over again, trace it. Start it and trace it again.

Edgar Degas
In painting you must give the idea of the true by means of the false.

In painting you must give the idea of the true by means of the false.

Edgar Degas
Great patience is called for on the hard path that I have entered on.

Great patience is called for on the hard path that I have entered on.

Edgar Degas
Your pictures would have been finished a long time ago if I were not forced every day to do something to earn money.

Your pictures would have been finished a long time ago if I were not forced every day to do something to earn money.

Edgar Degas
I felt so insufficiently equipped, so unprepared, so weak, and at the same time it seemed to me that my reflections on art were correct. I quarreled with all the world and with myself.

I felt so insufficiently equipped, so unprepared, so weak, and at the same time it seemed to me that my reflections on art were correct. I quarreled with all the world and with myself.

Edgar Degas
There is love, and there is work; and we have only one heart.

There is love, and there is work; and we have only one heart.

Edgar Degas
A picture is first of all a product of the imagination of the artist; it must never be a copy.

A picture is first of all a product of the imagination of the artist; it must never be a copy.

Edgar Degas
What a delightful thing is the conversation of specialists! One understands absolutely nothing and it's charming.

What a delightful thing is the conversation of specialists! One understands absolutely nothing and it's charming.

Edgar Degas
I want to be famous but unknown!

I want to be famous but unknown!

Edgar Degas
And even this heart of mine has something artificial. The dancers have sewn it into a bag of pink satin, pink satin slightly faded, like their dancing shoes.

And even this heart of mine has something artificial. The dancers have sewn it into a bag of pink satin, pink satin slightly faded, like their dancing shoes.

Edgar Degas
One must do the same subject over again ten times, a hundred times. In art nothing must resemble an accident, not even movement.

One must do the same subject over again ten times, a hundred times. In art nothing must resemble an accident, not even movement.

Edgar Degas
Art is vice. You don't wed it, you rape it.

Art is vice. You don't wed it, you rape it.

Edgar Degas
A painting requires a little mystery, some vagueness, and some fantasy. When you always make your meaning perfectly plain you end up boring people

A painting requires a little mystery, some vagueness, and some fantasy. When you always make your meaning perfectly plain you end up boring people

Edgar Degas
Painting is easy when you don't know how, but very difficult when you do.

Painting is easy when you don't know how, but very difficult when you do.

Edgar Degas
Art is vice. You don't marry it legitimately, you rape it.

Art is vice. You don't marry it legitimately, you rape it.

Edgar Degas