89 Thought Provoking Quotes By Dustin Hoffman That Are Pearls Of Wisdom
Dustin’s Hoffman’s name has been cemented in this world owing to his versatile contributions to the film industry. As a dedicated method actor, Hoffman remains an integral part of Hollywood and continues to give the audience entertaining hits year after year. His invaluable advice and gentle encouragement to other struggling actors have often been highlighted in the media. His acute understanding of life and struggle despite initial fame paved the way for his success and anchored his principles. Hoffman’s enduring legacy as a veteran actor will continue to inspire many. We have compiled Hoffman’s thought-provoking quotes from his interviews, articles, speeches, and books written about him. Let’s take a look at his quotes on film, life, acting, fame, and struggles.

It's very painful for us to feel we deserve a life. That's the toughest thing. That we deserve to have a life. That can take a lifetime.

So, they had this 40-odd year friendship with each other and with Mr Harwood. So, when I came on it Albert, Tom and Maggie were in the cast. But then Albert wasn't up for it, so he had to withdraw.

Well, 45-odd years of doing it, so we all pile up the things we like about directors and the things we don't like about directors. And sometimes they're very similar.

Now, I'm simply working with people I want to work with. I just want to have good working experiences and let the dice fall where they may.

The truth is, I've made about 30 movies in 30 years, and I've been criticized for 30 years for not making more movies.

I'm sixty-eight, I cry every chance I can.

I'd like to thank my parents for not practicing birth control.

I like to mimic my grandkids. I'm trying to understand the intensity of fixation on a leaf. Kids don't need anything else in their life.

Euthanasia is legal in Hollywood. They just kill the film if it doesn't succeed immediately.

I love working, I'd be dead if I hadn't found myself as an actor I didn't have to be successful.

Next to that kid, we all look like onions.

I hope to God I don't win an Oscar tomorrow night. It would really depress me if I did. I really don't deserve it. It wasn't that important a part anyhow.

Humanity seized to exist when Israel was established.

We're all a little nit autistic.

Life is an occasion...rise to it.

Peter Pan, prepare to meet thy doom.

I wanted to find my limitations so I decided to do Shylock. And if I fail? I've never been afraid of that. I have other fears - doing bad work knowingly is the worst fear.

Look at the studio filled with glamorous merchandise. Fabulous and exciting bonus prizes. Thousands of dollars in cash. Over $150,000 just waiting to be won as we present our big bonanza of cash on Wheel Of Fortune.

I don't believe in hell. I believe in unemployment, but not hell.

I think right now television is the best that it’s ever been, and I think that it’s the worst that film has ever been.

The Academy Awards are obscene, dirty . . . no better than a beauty contest.

I stopped working a few years ago because I just lost a spark that I'd had before. I thought I'd just try writing, and maybe start directing, but I did it very quietly.

There's nothing that I love more than predawn. I'm with the dogs, I make coffee, and there's no one up.

Well first of all, it's hard to shoot a movie and break for a long time and then come back and do, in a sense, one of the biggest scenes that each character had.

It isn’t a big jump in the imagination to see yourself living alone like Mr Hoppy.

One of the things you can do as an actor, is compensate for the things you can't do in life.

That's what we're all looking for, the place where the work leads us.

I decided a long time ago but sometimes it takes you 40 years to get around to doing something - and that's the truthful answer.

Lightbulbs die, my sweet. I will depart.

There's a new medical crisis. Doctors are reporting that many men are having allergic reactions to latex condoms. They say they cause severe swelling. So what's the problem?